supervisory organ

[法] 监察机关

  • The supervisory organ shall uniformly administer the supervisory bodies and supervisors dispatched by it and adopt a system of exchange of the supervisors dispatched by it .

    监察 机关对派出的监察机构和监察人员实行统一管理,对派出的监察人员实行交流制度。

  • The principal act of the crime is omission while the actor 's duty of explanation derives from the charge of authorized organs - prosecutorial organ and supervisory organ according to current legal system .

    巨额财产来源不明罪的实行行为方式为不作为犯,行为人说明财产来源合法的义务来源为有权机关的依法责令,根据现有法律可以作出责令的机关为检察机关和 监察 机关

  • On the System Improvement in the Financial Supervisory and Management Organ

    试论我国金融 监管 机构相关制度的完善

  • Supervisory authority is one of the four basic functions of NPC is also one of the important functions of NPC as the highest organ of power .

    监督权是人大的四大基本职权之-是人大作为最高权力 机关的重要职能之一。

  • On Maintain or Abolishment of Criminal Justice Supervisory Authority of Procuratorial Organ in China

    论我国检察 机关刑事审判 监督权的存废

  • Members of a villagers'committee and their near relatives may not be members of a village affairs supervisory organ .

    村民委员会成员及其近亲属不得担任村务 监督 机构成员。

  • Has proposed perfecting inner-party supervision mechanism must strengthen the function of supervised subject reform and perfect the leadership structure of inner-party supervisory organ perfect the inner-party supervisory system dredge and widen the channel of supervising .

    提出了健全和完善党内监督机制必须强化监督主体的能动作用,改革和完善党内 监督 机构领导体制,健全和完善党内监督制度,疏通和拓宽监督渠道。

  • Architecture engineering quality supervisory organ controling supervision quality action is the important management tache of ensuring engineering quality .

    政府及其委托的工程质量 监管 部门对监理质量行为的控制是保障工程质量的重要管理环节。

  • The supervisory board is the supervision organ of the company which performs company 's affairs and checks the accountant affairs .

    监事会是公司的监督 机关,对董事会执行公司事务及会计事务实行检查监督。

  • Members of a village affairs supervisory organ shall be responsible to the villagers'assembly or the villagers'representatives'assembly and can observe the meetings of the villagers'committee .

    村务 监督 机构成员向村民会议和村民代表会议负责,可以列席村民委员会会议。

  • The unit or organ that accepts the matter transferred shall notify the said supervisory organ of how the matter is handled .

    接受移送的单位或者机关应当将处理结果告知 监察 机关

  • Evolution of Legal Supervisory Functions of Procuratorial Organ and Essence of Procuratorial Power

    检察 机关法律 监督职能演变与检察权的性质

  • But the right supervisory organ of companies has appeared in our country that is the right of board of supervisors is weakened and even the phenomenon neglected .

    但在中国却出现了公司的权利 监督 机构&监事会权利弱化,乃至被忽略的现象。

  • Chapter four from supervisory organ that reprieve is it bear is it point out to reprieve to reprieve cancellation four respect that reprieve is it reprieve system of investigating to study relatively ;

    第四章从缓刑的 监督 机构、缓刑负担、缓刑指示、缓刑的撤销四个方面比较研究缓刑考察制度;

  • Refusal to offer an explanation on the questions raised by the supervisory organ ;

    拒绝就 监察 机关所提问题作出解释和说明的;

  • The special administrative law enforcement supervisory organ is established to really guarantee that the supervisory organ makes objective just appraisal on the law-enforcing work .

    要理顺林业行政执法 监督 体制,成立专门的林业行政执法 监督 机构,真正保证执法监督机构从中立的角度对执法工作做出客观公正评价;

  • The supervisory organ shall accept the tipoff and investigate and deal with the violation according to law .

    监察 机关应当受理举报并依法调查处理;

  • As the special supervisory department the procuratorial organ takes on the office of procuratorial supervision for commutation and parole in our country .

    检察 机关作为国家的专门 监督机关,承担着对减刑假释进行检察监督的职责。

  • So it is the chief task for our financial supervisory and management organ to improve the systems and measures through using the experience of the advanced experience at home and abroad .

    而借鉴国内外有关实践的先进经验,并进一步完善我国金融 监管 机构的制度措施,是我国金融机构当前的主要任务。

  • Discussion On Architecture Engineering Quality Supervisory Organ Managing Project Supervision Quality Action

    浅论建筑工程质量 监督 机构对工程监理质量行为的管理

  • In Germany under double-layer system the supervisory board of a corporation as the top organ has two important rights of decision-making and supervising .

    德国双层制模式下的 监事会,事实上是公司的最高 机关,拥有决策及监督两项重要权利。

  • On the Proper Execution of the Supervisory Authority by the Organ of State Power

    论国家权力 机关行使 监督权的界限

  • Procuratorial organ is a special legal supervisory authority in China . Investigation of the malfeasance is an important power for procuratorial organ in maintaining the unity of the correct implementation of national laws punishing and preventing corruption .

    检察机关作为我国专门的法律 监督机关,职务犯罪侦查权是检察 机关 法律 监督权的重要组成部分,在维护国家法律的统一正确实施,惩治和预防腐败中起着重要作用。