


  • The main body of a book main part studies purpose is that the form protects suppositional currency with law .

    本文的主要研究目的是以法律形式保护 虚拟货币。

  • This article analyze the function of the suppositional manage - ment against the China automotive industry intensive property based on the suppositional management and the characteristics of the automotive industry .

    虚拟 经营 促进 联合的一种有效的模式。本文根据虚拟经营和汽车工业的特点,分析了 虚拟经营对中国汽车工业产业集约化的作用。

  • The idea of correct treatment of relationship between suppositional economy and substantial economy ;

    首次提出了要正确处理 虚拟经济和实体经济的关系;

  • Internet technology is the newest and exciting technology in the world . with highly speed development it becomes a suppositional space relative real world .

    互联网技术无疑是当今世界最为激动人心的高新技术之一,它的出现和快速发展,形成了一个与现实世界相对 独立 虚拟空间。

  • From this point of view terror and empire are suppositional sub - topics and both of them are loser in essence .

    从这个角度看,恐怖和帝国在本质上都是 失败者

  • The application level multicast tree is constructed on the suppositional overlay network .

    应用层组播树 有的是构造在 虚拟覆盖网络上的。

  • Design of Suppositional ECG Signal Generator Based on ECG Database

    基于心电数据库的 虚拟心电信号发生器设计

  • The Application of GIS in E-Government Suppositional Official System

    GIS在电子政务 虚拟办公系统中的应用

  • For the problem that some enterprise resolving demands to form suppositional local area network have designed that a set of enterprise group net realizes a scheme .

    摘要为了解决某些企业要求组建 虚拟局域网的问题,设计了一套企业组网实现方案。

  • The temperature distribution of suppositional space lab was modeled .

    本文 假想的空间实验室为 ,数值模拟了该 航天器 管理系统的温度分布。

  • Finally it gives the detailed tactics of suppositional sale for manufacturing-type enterprises and draws some conclusions .

    最后,对制造型企业的 虚拟营销提出了具体的策略,并归纳出一定的结论。

  • The class knowledge is organized as four suppositional modules .

    类知识分四个 虚拟模块组织。

  • In recent years with the development of GIS and suppositional real ( VR ) technology and combat exercise commanding and study to come to carry out military training the laboratory making policy having had the new leap on the concept supposing by building-up to do battle .

    近年来,随着GIS和 虚拟现实(VR)技术的发展,军事演习和指挥决策在概念上有了新的飞跃,通过建立虚拟作战实验室来进行军事训练和研究。

  • And the core of the suppositional information service system based on network is the bibliography databank . The key to construction and utilization of the databank is ;

    这种基于分布式网络化资源系统的核心是书目数据库,而书目数据库的建设和使用的关键是:一、 书目信息资源管理;

  • The rise and development of suppositional economy influence the economic development at the same time it has theoretical and practical significance to economic development of china .

    虚拟经济的兴起和发展对 当代 世界经济发展的影响 巨大,同时对我国 现实经济的发展也具有理论和现实上的意义。

  • The merits of the suppositional environment technology has become the key technology to meet the demands of the modern architecture design .

    虚拟 现实技术所具有的优点,使它成为满足现代建筑设计要求的关键技术。

  • This paper describes the suppositional grounding circuit of isolation power and isolation signal of the electrocardiography .

    本文分析了心电图机中 地电路的隔离电源,隔离信号两部分线路。

  • Electronic contract equals real contract by using transference and exchanges of electronic data in the suppositional exchange market-Internet .

    电子合同是通过互联网这一 虚拟交易市场利用电子数据的传递与交换订立的意思表示真实的契约。

  • Philosophy and method of full cost project management basing on suppositional production value


  • The rapid development of internet technologies worldwide has resulted in network suppositional property which has affected traditional crimes of despoliation greatly .

    互联网技术在全球迅猛发展的同时也产生了新的产品&网络 虚拟财产,这对传统的抢劫犯罪产生了较大的影响。

  • It contains three aspects : philosophy spirit of nature human syncretism representation character of subject in accordance with impersonality and artistic character of suppositional space and time .

    李白诗境堪称古典诗歌意境的典型,它包孕着“天人合一”的哲学精神,具有“主客融一”的表现特征和“时空 虚拟”的审美特征。

  • Method having introduced the suppositional local area network group net mainly the local area network links the way to Internet .

    介绍了 虚拟局域网的组网方法,以及局域网连接到因特网的方式。

  • Suppositional Technique and Marx 's Value of Practice


  • With the information era 's coming and the dissemination of internet suppositional communication relation has an impact on the real life .

    在信息时代的 全面到来和互联网的普及的 背景 虚拟的交往关系已经对现实生活发起了 一定的冲击。

  • The main body of a book research result the research having enriched suppositional enterprise the administration practice forming suppositional enterprise gives beneficial direction being helpful to enterprise in the environment changing unceasingly creates a competitive edge to enterprise .

    本文的研究成果,丰富了 虚拟企业的研究,对企业组建虚拟企业的管理实践给予有益的指导,有助于企业在不断变化的环境中创造竞争优势。

  • An Approach to the Principle and Safety in Realizing Suppositional Restoring Technique


  • At the same time it is different from the traditional dramatic action to change the suppositional role .

    同时,由于 虚拟角色的 自由转换,它又与传统的戏剧行为有所区别。

  • Invading suppositional property must be punished by civil law and if the invasion has serious danger it is criminal .

    侵犯 虚拟财产要受到民法的制裁,危害性严重的还构成犯罪。