supply curve

[səˈplaɪ kɚv][səˈplai kə:v]


  • In addition in order to apply theory to practice power supply curve optimizing software for EAF is designed according to the actual architecture of control system .

    此外,为了把优化算法应用到实际中,本文还根据电弧炉控制系统的体系结构设计了电弧炉 供电 曲线优化软件。

  • He also said the impact of the price rebound was still unknown and there is not yet any clarity on the US supply curve and drivers .

    他还表示,价格反弹的影响仍然是未知的,同时美国的 供应 曲线和驱动因素仍不明朗。

  • The first envelopment line is the maximum supply curve of surplus labors and this curve envelops the peak value of all flowing labors .

    第二条包络线是城镇常住劳动力 供给 曲线,该曲线将所有流动劳动力的低谷值包络在内。

  • Thus in order to derive the supply curve one might ask the supplier how much it would offer to sell at a specified price .

    因此,要获得 供给 曲线,必须要知道供应商在某个给定价格上会提供多少数量的产品用于销售。

  • Of course to get the price in the market it is necessary to have a supply curve .

    当然,市场上价格的确定还需要一个 供给 曲线

  • Bad weather may reduce the amount of coffee produced at all prices i.e. it shifts the supply curve inward .

    坏天气降低所有价位的咖啡收成,也就是说它向内移动了 供应 曲线

  • Just as consumer surplus is related to the demand curve producer surplus is closely related to the supply curve .

    正如消费者剩余与需求曲线密切相关,生产者剩余也与 供给 曲线密切相关。

  • The area below the price and above the supply curve measures the producer surplus in a market .

    供给 曲线以上和价格以下的面积衡量市场的生产者剩余。

  • Note also that this definition of a supply curve holds for both short-run and long-run supply curves .

    还有注意, 供给 曲线的这个定义对短期和长期供给曲线都适用。

  • A rise in demand for a good lifts its price but then the supply curve shifts bringing prices back into line .

    商品需求的增加会抬高价格,但随后 供应 曲线会移动,导致价格回落。

  • Energy total demand curve and supply curve of different stages determine the change in energy prices . The excessive growth of total energy demand results in energy price rise thus affect the development of urbanization and development .

    需求曲线和不同阶段的能源总 供给 曲线决定了不同的能源价格,能源消费总量的过快增长导致能源价格的升高,从而影响城市化的发育和发展。

  • Supply curve ( or supply schedule )

    供给 曲线(或供给表)

  • Optimization of the power supply curve can improve the transformer 's capacity and use of power ;

    优化 供电 曲线,可以提高电炉变压器利用率和电炉电能利用率;

  • That is for this purpose you need to use the compensated labor supply curve .

    这就是,为此,你需要使用补偿劳动力的 供给 曲线

  • It is important for the analysis that follows to note that the individual firm 's supply curve is the same as its marginal cost curve .

    注解单个厂商的 供给 曲线与它的边际成本曲线的一致性对接下来的分析就很重要。

  • Historically the supply curve of hours has followed this configuration .

    在历史上,工时的 供给 曲线是符合这种形状的。

  • Rotating the supply curve means changing production technology ;

    供给 曲线转动是生产技术的改变;

  • The supply curve shows the extra costs of producing successive units of the product because it indicates the lowest possible price at which some producer would be willing to supply each unit .


  • A Supply Curve represents the relationship between quantity supplied and price other things being equal .

    供给 曲线给出了供给量和价格的关系,其它因素不变。

  • Secondly the dissertation studied also La-ES by the supply curve .

    其次,利用 供应 曲线研究了La-ES。

  • Based on the newest materials about modern economics this article has studied the particularity of the labor market in China clarified some confusion and discovered a declining labor supply curve in partial labor market in China .

    根据现代经济学最新资料,研究了我国劳动力市场的特殊性,澄清了一些模糊认识,发现了存在于我国局部劳动力市场的向下倾斜的劳动力 供给 曲线

  • In most macroeconomic models in deriving the aggregate supply curve aggregation problem is not dealt with explicitly .

    在大多数宏观经济模型中,在推导总 供给 曲线时,加总问题(aggregationproblem)往往被忽略。

  • The supply curve illustrates how a change in price of the commodity can affect the amount of fertilizer firms would be willing to manufacture and supply to farmers .

    供给 曲线绘出了商品价格变化如何影响肥料公司的产量和愿意供应给农民的肥料量。

  • But the liquidity constraints and uncertainty make the supply curve rightward shift and result in larger saving .

    但是,流动性约束和预防性储蓄等不完全市场因素的存在使得资本 供给 曲线显著向右移动,导致储蓄增高。

  • The derivation of aggregate supply curve is one of the most important parts of macroeconomics .

    供给 曲线的推导是宏观经济学中的最重要内容之一。

  • In all of the explanation on Phillips Curve labor supply curve is positive is a basic condition but the labor supply curve is not absolute positive .

    在所有有关菲利普斯曲线的讨论中,假定劳动 供给 曲线是正斜率曲线是一个基本前提。

  • Explain how sellers'costs producer surplus and the supply curve are related .

    解释卖者的成本,生产者剩余和 供给 曲线关系。

  • Because of its favourable mining and processing costs it will achieve nickel production costs in the lowest quartile of the world nickel supply curve .

    因为它较低的采矿及选矿成本,它的镍生产成本将在全球的镍 供应 价格中属于最低的四分之一。

  • Thus using marginal cost theory to explain labor for supply curve is reasonable .

    边际成本理论能合理解释劳动力 供给 曲线