


  • Quality measures including performance scalability and supportability measures in addition to traditional defect measures .

    质量度量,包括性能、可量测性,以及可 支持 度量,另外还有传统的缺陷度量。

  • Effective applications have been achieved through modeling and simulation in the field of integrated supportability engineering .

    建模与仿真技术在 装备 保障 工程领域的应用取得了良好的效果。

  • As the requirement of modern equipment maintenance this paper proposed a novel synthetical intelligent supportability route decision algorithm .

    该文通过对装备维修现状和未来需求,提出了一个全新的综合智能 保障路径决策方法。

  • Taking certain oil equipment as example the model is employed to construct an index system of supportability assessment .

    以某型油料装备为例,运用模型确立的 保障 性能评估指标体系和 支持 矢量 学习 决策模式,对其 保障 性能进行了评估。

  • It is an important way to improve the integrated supportability of new-type missile equipment for forming the fighting capacity as soon as possible .

    提高新型导弹装备综合 保障 能力,是尽快形成其战斗力的重要途径。

  • Research on Integrated Supportability Model and Simulation of Surface-to-Air Missile Asset

    地空导弹 装备综合 保障 评估模型研究

  • Operational availability is an important factor of system effectiveness and a comprehensive parameter comprising reliability maintainability and supportability .

    使用可用度是构成系统效能的重要因素之一,是系统可靠性、维修性和 保障 的综合参数。

  • Demand Models of Operational Aircraft Dispatch Supportability Based on Mission and Damage

    基于任务和战损的作战飞机调配 保障需求模型

  • You must research what is available in the market and provide product comparisons of pricing functions supportability training and ease of use .

    您必须对市场上已有的东西进行研究,并对产品的定价、功能、 支持 、培训和易用性进行比较。

  • But in the supportability assessment of the aeronautic equipment there are such problems as the redundancy of information an unnecessarily wide range of time and space scope and a lack of accuracy .

    某新型航空装备保障性评估信息具有很强的不确定性,当前尚无系统的 用于评估该新型航空 装备 保障 的评估方法体系。

  • For assurance of weapons combat efficiency an evaluation model is set up based on the reliability maintainability and supportability ( RMS ) .

    为了保证武器装备的战斗力,建立了基于可靠性、维修性和 保障 (RMS)的系统效能评估模型。

  • The good organized dispatch supportability in the wartime can effectively keep sortie generation of operational aircraft and enhances the whole combat capability of combat troops .

    组织良好的战时调配 保障能有效保持作战飞机出动强度,从而提高参战部队整体作战能力。

  • The success-oriented mission profile will become the basis of supportability engineering .

    基于任务成功性的任务剖面将为 保障 工程的开展奠定基础。

  • Research on Integrated Evaluation of Software Supportability on Multi-indexes System

    基于多指标体系的软件 保障 综合评价研究

  • The development employment and supportability of modern arm equipments are complex system projects .

    现代武器装备的研制、使用和 保障是一项复杂的系统工程。

  • Availability project is the main task for arms ' integrated supportability analysis .

    可用性设计是装备综合 保障分析的重要内容。

  • High-quality software provides adequate functionality usability reliability performance scalability supportability and security to businesses and their customers .

    高质量软件为商业和他们的客户提供适当的功能,可用性,可靠性,性能,可伸缩性, 支持 和安全

  • Research on the Integrated Supportability Simulation Model of Air Defense Fire Control System

    某防空火控系统综合 保障仿真模型研究

  • There maybe fuzziness and uncertainty in supportability assessment of naval gun weapon system so as to have influence on its supportability design .

    舰炮武器系统 保障 评价存在模糊性和不确定性,从而影响到其保障性设计。

  • These are properties of the system that aren 't described as use cases but usually have a great impact on them involving the system 's usability reliability performance and supportability .

    这些需求是不是通过用例来描述的,但他们通常是对系统有很大影响的系统特性,包括系统可用性,可靠性,系统性能和 支持

  • AGA-SSI Model for Evaluating Advanced Fighter Plane Supportability

    先进战斗机 保障 AGA-SSI评估模型

  • Harder to quantify but still essential is measuring the supportability of the system .

    度量系统的“ 支持 ”是很难量化但又是不可缺少的。

  • To finish supportability project construction of city living task are not allowed to build and purchase the government office premises .

    完不 保障 安居工程建设任务的城市,一律不得兴建和购置政府办公用房。

  • Quality criteria : capability usability security performance compatibility testability supportability and so on

    质量标准:功能性、可用性、安全性、性能、兼容性、可测试性、可 支持 ,等等

  • Supplementary requirements are usually technical in nature and can pertain to functionality usability reliability performance and supportability .

    补充需求实际上通常是技术方面的,并且可以是关联于功能、可用性、可靠性、性能以及 支持

  • When equipment effectiveness is analyzed reliability and maintainability and supportability are important index to affect equipment effectiveness .

    在装备效能分析中, 装备的可靠性( R)、维修性( M)及 保障 S)指标是影响装备效能的重要指标。

  • Integrated Supportability Evaluation of Weapon System Based on Grey Analytic Hierarchy Process

    基于灰色层次分析法的武器系统综合 保障 能力评估

  • Integrated logistics support includes problems such as supportability requirement analysis supportability analysis and design integrated logistics support system analysis support plan simulation and optimization and so on .

    装备综合保障包含 保障 需求和保障性分析、设计和 装备综合保障体系分析,及保障方案仿真和优化等问题。