supervisory personnel


  • Study on Chinese Feudal Supervisory Personnel System & System of a Clean and Honest Administration

    中国封建 监察 人事和廉政制度浅论

  • The total cost of these supervisory clerical and administrative personnel shall be approved by the owner prior to the development manager 's assignment of such personnel to the project .

    在开发管理人将这些 监理、文书和行政 人员派遣到项目中之前,所有该等人员的总费用须得到业主的事先批准。

  • From angle of a personnel supervisory department this paper analyses the shortcomings of the personnel system in state - owned enterprises and puts forward an effective remedy .

    本文从人事 主管部门、企业 经营者以及 监督体制等方面分析了国有企业用 制度弊端,并提出了具体的对策。

  • Article 14 . Supervisory personnel should avoid handling supervisory matters which conflict with their interests or the interests of their relatives .

    第十四条 监察 人员办理的监察事项与本人或者其近亲属有利害关系的,应当回避。

  • An excellent construction design can provide bases for the construction managing institute making decision and effective guidance for the project contractor and is an important reference material for supervisory personnel .

    做好施工组织设计、既可为建设管理单位提供决策依据,又可为承包商提供有效指导,并且是 监理的重要参考资料。

  • Article71no unit or individual may intrude the work of supervisory and checking personnel in supervision and checks made to roads building control area of roads parking lots and owners of vehicles .

    第七十一条公路 监督检查 人员依法在公路、筑控制区、辆停放场所、辆所属单位等进行监督检查时,任何单位和个人不得阻挠。

  • Supervisory personnel meet periodically with employees to review job performance and suggestions for improvement .

    主管 人员定期与员工开会总结工作表现,并提出改进意见。

  • Supervisory organizations or supervisory personnel set up or dispatched by supervisory organs are held responsible by and report to supervisory organs which set up the supervisory organizations and dispatch the personnel .

    监察机关派出的监察机构或者 监察 人员,对派出的监察机关负责并报告工作。

  • Include the crime the subject of this crime should include units discipline inspection and supervisory personnel to become the main body of the crime .

    首先,笔者提出本罪的犯罪主体应包括单位,且纪检、 监察 人员也可以成为本罪的犯罪主体。

  • Third To strengthen law enforcement surveillance of the administrative and the efficiency supervision . Fourth We should perfect legal system and supervisory personnel system including training promotion wherefore it construct of the high-quality administrative supervisory personnel .

    加强行政执法监察和效能监察。完善行政监察法律体系,完善对 监察 人员的考录、培训、晋升体制,建设高素质的行政监察干部队伍。

  • When the supervisory board learns of any violation of laws regulations or the company 's articles of association by directors managers or other senior management personnel .

    监事会发现董事、经理和其他高级管理 人员存在违反法律、法规或公司章程的行为。

  • Because of its remarkable effect in pilotage safety Supervisory Control and daily administration Pilotage Supervisory Control Management Information System has been paid more and more attention generally by professional engineers and technicians and administrative personnel .

    其在引航安全 监控和日常管理中所发挥的显著作用,越来越受到业内管理与工程技术 人员的普遍重视。

  • Putting forward a judicial proposal to the administrative organ superior to the administrative organ in question or to a supervisory or personnel department ;

    向该行政机关的上一级行政机关或者 监察人事机关提出司法建议。

  • There has been excessive turnover of management or supervisory personnel .

    有额外的管理或 监督 人员 人事变动。

  • The Development Manager 's on-site ( field ) supervisory clerical and administrative personnel .

    开发管理人的现场(工地) 监理、文书和行政 人员

  • Chinese feudal supervisory personnel system has a long history and a broad and profound content .

    中国封建 监察 人事制度历史悠久,内容系统丰富。

  • Electric power supervisory and inspective personnel shall be impartial and honest enforce laws justly be familiar with the electricity laws and regulations and master relevant specialized electric power techniques .

    电力 监督检查 人员应当公正廉洁,秉公执法,熟悉电力法律、规,掌握有关电力专业技术。

  • You can 't maintain a supervisory relationship with your personnel .

    你甚至无法管好你的 手下

  • The record of the supervisory committees supervision as well as the results of financial or other specific investigations shall be used as an important basis for performance assessment of directors managers and other senior management personnel .

    监事会的监督记录以及进行财务或专项检查的结果应成为对董事、经理和其他高级管理 人员绩效评价的重要依据。

  • In order to achieve quality concrete perfecting the quality assurance system and raising the production level of concrete mixing plants are the task of construction units and supervisory personnel .

    为获得优质的混凝土,建立健全质量保证体系,提高拌和楼生产水平,是施工单位和 工程 监理 人员的首要任务。

  • The Contractor shall ensure that the supervisory personnel of the contractor and its subcontractor read write and speak fluent english .

    承包商应保证其 监理 人员以及其分包商监理 人员能流利地读写说英语。

  • In performing their duties road supervisory and checking personnel should wear signs and show certificates .

    公路 监督检查 人员执行公务,应当佩戴标志,持证上岗。