supporting cells

[医] 支持细胞

  • Astrocytes not only acted the major supporting cells but also interacted with other cells through excreting regulative factors .

    星形胶质细胞不仅是脑内主要的 支持 细胞,而且还通过分泌一些因子(如Wnt3)参与其他细胞的调控。

  • Hair cells and supporting cells of cristae ampullaris arranged well without absence and morphological changes .

    壶腹嵴的毛细胞和 支持 细胞排列整齐,形态无明显改变,未见缺失。

  • As one of the important supporting cells of liver stem cell niche the role and mechanism of hepatic stellate cells ( HSCs ) has not been elucidated in liver regeneration .

    肝星状细胞(Hepaticstellatecells,HSCs)作为肝脏干细胞niche中重要的 支持 细胞在肝脏再生中的作用及机制尚未阐明。

  • Ultrastructural studied on supporting cells development and establishment of the blood-testis barrier in the seminiferous tubules of Beijing black boar

    北京黑猪精小管内 支持 细胞发育及血睾屏障建立的超微结构研究

  • In vestibule the hair cells supporting cells nervous fibers and the tissues under sensory epithelia expressed TGF - β 1 distinctly .

    前庭毛细胞、 支持 细胞、上皮下组织和神经纤维均有TGFβ1表达;

  • The mammalian organ of Corti is comprised of sensory ( inner hair cells and outer hair cells ) and supporting cells ( e.g. Hensen Deiter Pillar cells ) .

    哺乳动物的Corti器由感觉细胞(内、外毛细胞)和 支持 细胞(Hensen细胞、Deiter细胞和柱细胞等)组成。

  • The highly Proliferative cells were present in the cochlea of newborn SD rats which are able to differentiate into hair cells with bundle-like structure neuron and astrocytes or supporting cells .

    结论:1.新生SD大鼠耳蜗内存在一种具有高增殖能力的细胞,可以分化为具有纤毛样结构的毛细胞、神经元、神经胶质细胞或 支持 细胞

  • The basilar papilla was formed by two types of hair cells ( tall and short ) and supporting cells .

    柯蒂氏器由 支持 细胞和两型毛细胞(高毛 细胞和矮毛 细胞)组成;

  • When you do that the cells around the egg begin to move away and theconnection between the egg and its supporting cells is lost .

    当如此作,周围的细胞会开始移走,和卵子之间的联系及 支持 细胞便会遗失。

  • The lagena is composed of hair cells supporting cells and basilar membrane ;

    听壶由毛细胞、 支持 细胞和基膜组成;

  • And its pathological features is spermatogenic cells in testicular seminiferous tubules completely missing and only supporting cells composing seminiferous epithelium accompanied tissue around the tube fibrosis and interstitial hyperplasia . In the past we were lack of understanding about it .

    其病理特点:睾丸曲细精管生精细胞完全缺失,生精上皮仅由 支持 细胞组成,同时伴有管周组织轻重不等的纤维化和间质增生。

  • The hair cells appear columnar tbe supporting cells do finger-shaped .

    毛细胞呈柱状, 支持 细胞呈指状。

  • Three modes of hair cell renewal following injury were suggested : regenerative proliferation of supporting cells ;

    创伤后的毛细胞再生提示有三种模式: 支持 细胞的再生性增殖;

  • Supporting cells proliferation of the chick lagena epithelium in vitro culture

    对体外培养鸡听壶 支持 细胞增殖的观察

  • The results showed that the organizational structure of taste buds of wild and cultivated fish were same they were oval and constituted with taste cells supporting cells and basal cells .

    结果表明野生与养殖黄鳍鲷味蕾组织结构相同,呈椭圆形,由感觉细胞、 支持 细胞和基细胞组成。

  • Research has shown that in other animals supporting cells can give rise to hair cells so the real challenge is to determine why this doesn 't happen in mammals Fekete said .

    研究表明在其他动物的 支持 细胞中可产生毛细胞,因此真正的挑战是确定在哺乳动物中不发生同样情况的原因。

  • Isolation of partial outer supporting cells from guinea pig cochlea

    豚鼠耳蜗部分外 支持 细胞的分离法

  • The present results suggest that cochlear extracts could induce hippocampal neural stem cells differentiate into neurons and astrocytes as well as hair cells and supporting cells .

    结果提示在耳蜗微环境的作用下海马神经干细胞除了向神经元和神经胶质细胞方向分化外,还可向内耳毛细胞和 支持 细胞方向分化。

  • The olfactory epithelium consisted primarily of receptor cells supporting cells ciliated cells and basal cells .

    嗅觉上皮主要由感受细胞、 支持 细胞、纤毛细胞和基细胞组成。

  • Various spermatogenic cells and supporting cells consisted of the wall of convoluted seminiferous tubules .

    曲细精管管壁由各级生精细胞和 支持 细胞组成,且 细胞组合表现明显的周期性。

  • Testicular supporting cells ( Sertoli cells ) expressing plenty of FasL is one of the important reasons that testicle become immune exemption organ .

    睾丸 支持 细胞(Sertoli细胞)高表达FasL是睾丸成为免疫豁免器官的重要原因之一。

  • With the differentiation of the inner ear the expression and localization of CKs were confined to reticular lamina cuticular plate supporting cells stria vascular ( SV ) and vestibular wall cells .

    随着内耳分化的进行,用蛋白表达部位限于表皮板、网板、 支持 细胞、血管纹和前庭壁细胞。

  • But the recordings still could not be obtained from primary auditory neurons inner hair cells tectorial membrane epithelial cells and supporting cells in organ of Corti .

    但由于条件限制,目前还未获得有关柯蒂氏器内螺旋神经元、内毛细胞、盖膜上皮细胞及 支持 细胞等记录。

  • The structure of parenchyma cells and supporting cells in deeper parenchyma were normal .

    实质深层的实质细胞和 支持 细胞结构正常。

  • Objective : To investigate the method of isolating partial outer supporting cells ( Deiters ' cells Hensen cells and Outer pillar cells ) from guinea-pig cochlea and to try to establish the morphological criteria for these outer supporting cells viability .

    目的:探讨豚鼠耳蜗部分外 支持 细胞(Deiter细胞、Hensen细胞和外柱细胞)的分离方法,并建立细胞活性的鉴别标准。

  • GABA A α 2 has not been found in hair cells and supporting cells .

    毛细胞和 支持 细胞不表达。

  • Results T The gap conjunction was easily seen between hair cells and supporting cells in cochlea of guinea pigs .

    结果在豚鼠的内耳中,尤其是在 支持 细胞和毛细胞间存在着大量的缝隙连接结构。

  • The Effects of Simple or Combinate Transplantation with Different Stem Cells and Supporting Cells on the Neural Survival in Rats Subjected to Spinal Cord Transection

    不同干细胞及 支持 细胞单独与联合移植对大鼠全横断损伤脊髓神经元存活的影响

  • Transdifferentiation of supporting cells ;

    支持 细胞的种分化;

  • Results Incorporation of3H-TdR was seen over hair cells and supporting cells in the experimental papilla in regions hair cell loss .

    结果停药当天组光镜下标记细胞多为 支持 细胞,位于损伤区基底膜上至表层之间;