supply to seal

[səˈplaɪ tu sil][səˈplai tu: si:l]


  • After air supply the steel ball falls to be connected with the small port of the cone hole in a seal type to avoid waste water accumulation in the air inlet tube to keep clean .

    停止 供气,钢珠下落与锥形孔的小口 密封连接,避免废水积聚在进气管内,造成卫生隐患。

  • The backing pressure of seal changed in the mean time clean gas supply is changing accordingly to keep constant different pressure between seal gas supply and backing pressure . This will ensure a stable working environment of DGS .

    干气密封背压变化时, 密封供应需保持动态跟随,使 密封气与其背压之间的压差保持恒定, 以此来保证 密封稳定的密封环境。

  • An analysis of the causes of mechanic seal failure of oil pumps shows that such measures as stable supply of dynamic pressure oil layer selection of seal structure suitable for site condition and rational installation and operation are the key to the normal performance of mechanical seal .

    分析了机械密封失效现象的原因,指出:给动静磨擦副 提供稳定的动压油膜、 根据现场工况选择相应的密封结构、保证实施合理的安装使用操作是保证机械 密封正常运行的有效方法。

  • The Influence of Supply Steam Parameters of Turbine Gland Seal to Gland Seal Gap

    汽轮机轴封 汽参数 轴封 轴向间隙的影响