support points

[经] 支持点,维持限率

  • The application of the energy method to the construction analysis of long-span space structures to find the best layout of hoisting points and temporary support points is very useful for the preparation for construction .

    把这种能量方法应用到大跨度空间结构施工吊装的分析中,可以进行吊装过程中的吊 布局选择,实现 的优化布置。

  • Extreme Points and Support Points of Some Special Classes of Multivalent Functions

    几类特殊多叶函数的极值点和 支撑

  • We also obtain a coefficient estimate a distortion theorem extreme points and support points .

    还得到了系数估计和偏差定理,极值点和 支撑

  • Two new verdicts have been added for manual execution with corresponding support for points .

    已经使用相应的 支持 为手动执行添加了两个新定论。

  • The extreme points and support points of T are obtained .

    找出了函数族T的极值点与 支撑

  • Accompanied by the rapid development of the world economy oil and other natural resources has long been an important support points in economic development of every country .

    伴随世界经济迅猛的发展,石油等自然资源早已成为各国经济发展的重要 支撑

  • On the support points of the unit ball of Hp ′

    关于Hp′空间单位球的 支撑

  • In this paper the extreme points and support points of class S_H (△ of the univalent harmonic functions are determined . Thus the linear extremum on the S_H (△ can be solved .

    本文确定了单叶调和函数族SH(△、Ω)的极值点与 支撑 ,从而解决了该族上的线性极值问题。

  • Support points of multivalent functions

    多叶解析函数族的 支撑

  • Raise the vehicle at the support points provided for this purpose .

    支点 举升车辆。

  • The material of mirror and its support structure is determined comparing with the deformation of the mirror with different materials and different support points .

    通过对比不同材料在不同 支撑 下的变形,依此确定材料的选取。

  • On the Extreme Points and Support points of a class of Analytic Functions

    关于一族解析函数的极值点与 支撑

  • Vigorously-developing vocational colleges are following the spiritual center of the connotation of human development ; object education is the center of these efforts and support points . All education is career education .

    现在高职院校大力发展以人文精神中心的内涵化发展,对教育对象的研究是这些工作中的中心和 支撑

  • To the mixed effects models which the number of support points is equal to the number of parameters we construct D-optimal block designs .

    本文对将 驻点个数等于参数个数的混合效应模型做D-最优设计。

  • Telecommunications industry is the pillar industry of China is the organic integration of information technology and industrialization the link is to our ultimate goal to take a new road of industrialization and support points .

    电信产业是我国的支柱性产业,是信息化与工业化有机融合的纽带,是我国走新型工业化道路的落脚点和 支撑

  • Moreover the algorithm utilize subarea to control the vertices of convex hull so that the range which support points locate in can be predefined when searching support lines the work of searching support points can be reduced and the speed of merging two triangulations is raised .

    此外,通过对凸包顶点数据进行分区管理,在搜寻凸包支撑线时,能预先确定出 支撑 的范围,减少了搜索工作量,提高了三角网的合并速度。

  • In this paper the closed convex hull extreme points and support points of the class of Robertson functions are determined by linear homeomorphism .

    本文借助线性同胚关系,确定了罗勃生(Robertson)函数族的闭凸包、极端点和 支撑

  • The Support Points of the Families of Starlike and Convex Functions with Real Coefficients of Order α

    实系数α级星形函数族与实系数α级凸形函数族的 支持

  • Information-based manufacturing enterprises as the center the information architecture of manufacturing and manufacturing information theory and information integration methods for the basic points in order to customize information and information-based manufacturing enterprises Integration system become the support points .

    本文以企业制造信息化作为贯穿全文的主线,以企业信息化制造为中心,以信息化制造的体系结构、制造信息理论和信息集成方法为基本点,对制造业数字化制造与经营 管理 关键技术进行了研究。

  • This paper identifies the closed convex hulls of G S ( G ) extreme points of the closed convex hulls and the support points of G and introduces some information about the support point of S ( G ) .

    本文完全决定了G,S(G)的闭凸包与闭凸包的极值点、G的 支撑 ,且对S(G)的支撑点进行了研究。

  • In this paper I obtain the coefficient regions of families ( p ) and of analytic functions and conclude support points and other extreme problems of these families .

    本文得出了解析函数族(ρ)及(ρ)的系数域,并以此为 基础 讨论了它们的一些极值问题。

  • On the Support Points of Some Families of Starlike Functions

    一族星形函数的 支撑

  • Use vine or thin green branches to lash together all three support points .

    利用藤蔓或者细的绿枝条把三个 支撑 捆扎 一起。

  • Some Results in the Theory of Extreme Points and Support Points

    极值点和 支撑 理论的一些结果

  • And then established regional management system of large-scale contractors and showed details of the three support points of the system & organizational system resource allocation model information system implementation .

    然后,从理论模型和实施模型两个方面构建了我国大型承包商区域化管理模式,详细介绍了该模式的三个 支撑 &组织体系建设、资源配置方法、信息支撑系统建设。

  • The ultimate focus of urban management and support points is in rural and urban communities . As grass-roots units in urban society communities play a connecting link between the Government and the people . Improving community work for the city management is of great significance .

    作为城市社会的基层单位,社区发挥着连接政府与人民群众的纽带作用, 做好社区工作对于城市管理意义重大。

  • Identify two or three support points for that single idea .

    对这一观点想出两或三条 支持 论据

  • The positions of support points and the distribution of transverse load are arbitrary .
