support processor

[səˈpɔrt ˈprɑsˌɛsɚ][səˈpɔ:t ˈprɔsˌesə]


  • Both Intel and AMD provide support for device passthrough in their newer processor architectures ( in addition to new instructions that assist the hypervisor ) .

    Intel和AMD都在它们的新一代 处理器架构中提供对设备透传的 支持(以及辅助管理程序的新指令)。

  • And GCC one of the open source compiler which had been developed many years can support nearly all famous processor and become an appropriate cross-compiler for the development of embedded software .

    而开放源码的编译器GCC,经过多年的发展,已能 支持几乎所有知名厂商的 处理器,是嵌入式软件开发中理想的交叉编译器。

  • Line support processor system

    线路 支援 处理机系统

  • Limited changes to support new hardware such as device drivers'kernels changes to reflect a new processor .

    支持新硬件而实施的有限修改,比如修改设备驱动程序的内核以反映一种新的 处理器

  • The toolchain continues to evolve both architecturally and incrementally to support the latest in processor architectures .

    工具链不断发展包括架构上的发展和增量式的发展以 支持最新的 处理器架构。

  • The object of this thesis is to provide technology support to realize new generation intelligent video monitoring system with the DSP processor as the core hardware platform .

    本文的工作便是设计以 DSP 处理器为核心的硬件平台,在此基础上,在CCS集成开发环境中实现人脸检测算法、人脸定位与跟踪算法,为实现新一代智能视频监控提供技术 基础

  • A disadvantage to current virtualization support in processor architectures is the focus on dual-level virtualization ( VMs stacked on a single hypervisor ) .

    目前的 处理器架构中的虚拟化 支持所存在的一个缺陷是它侧重双级(dual-level)虚拟化(单个虚拟机管理程序上堆叠多个VM)。

  • This subsystem solves problems such as how bluetooth devices which only support piconet communicate in scatternet Appliance registration problem and how to communicate between un-corresponding layers by using special application protocols because of resource limitation of processor and the sensitive cost factor .

    充分考虑到家电的 处理器资源限制和敏感的成本因素,该子系统使用特定的应用层协议来解决仅 支持微微网的蓝牙设备在散射网中通讯的问题、家电注册问题以及非对等层通信问题。

  • With the support of high-level language the reconfigurable processor has a better practicality .

    得到高级语言的 支持后,可重构 处理器才有了更好的实用性。

  • Most hosting solutions support PHP these days so you shouldn 't have trouble finding one if you don 't have a PHP processor handy .

    目前大多数托管解决方案 支持PHP,所以即使没有现成的PHP 处理器,也不会有问题。

  • JMaki has full support for Java ( JSP / JSF1.1-2 / Facelets / Portlets ) PHP5 . x Phobos and now Ruby ( though we don 't have the proxy implemented do to there not being a standard XSLT processor ) .

    jMaki完全 支持Java(JSP/JSF1.1-2/Facelets/Portlets)、PHP5.x、Phobos以及时下最流行的Ruby(不过我们还没有实现代理,因为目前还没有标准的XSLT 处理器)。

  • Finally processor support was added for the Picochip which is a16-bit multi-core processor .

    最后,增加了对Picochip的处理器 支持,它是一个16位的多核 处理器

  • Support for dedicated and shared processor LPAR groups

    支持专用和共享 处理器LPAR组

  • The work done in this dissertation provides a good hardware platform support for the further development of network processor software on the data plane .

    论文工作为进一步开发网络 处理器的数据面软件,提供了良好的硬件平台 支持

  • Local attached support processor

    本机附加的 支援 处理 程序

  • Internet Explorer doesn 't support XHTML but you can use the HTML processor by making sure you use valid HTML tag names and no XML namespace prefixes .

    InternetExplorer不 支持XHTML,但是只要保证使用合法的HTML标签名并且没有XML名称空间前缀,就能够使用HTML 处理 程序

  • The processor provides the virtualization support directly ( the ability to virtualize the processor for multiple operating systems ) .

    处理器直接提供了虚拟化 支持(可以为多个操作系统虚拟化 处理器)。

  • This lives in the general RAM ( random-access memory ) area but has direct support from the processor via its stack pointer .

    驻留于常规RAM(随机访问存储器)区域,但可通过它的堆栈指针获得 处理的直接 支持

  • It is based on open XQuery architecture with support for the Saxon XQuery processor .

    它基于开放的XQuery体系结构, 支持SaxonXQuery 处理器

  • In order to support higher speeder processor multiprocessor structure must to use cache .

    为了在访问时间上与高速的 处理机相匹配, 多处理机系统中要使用CACHE。

  • For more information on the processors that support virtualization see Resources and the sidebar Processor support for virtualization .

    有关可以 支持虚拟化的处理器的更多信息,请参看参考资料和侧栏 处理器对于虚拟化的支持。

  • As more and more systems support the frequency conversion processor it is necessary for the power management mechanism take account the dynamic inverter technology .

    随着越来越多的 嵌入式系统 支持变频 处理器,有必要把动态变频技术加入到电源管理机制中。

  • Embedded real-time control system is the integration of computer science and control engineering . It is the special control system in the support of processor .

    嵌入式实时控制系统是计算机科学和控制工程相结合的产物,它以 计算机支撑实现专用的控制系统。

  • However with the development of IC technique consideration to support wavelet transform by architecture-level in the processor of MCU has been possible .

    而随着集成电路工艺的不断发展,在单片 处理器的体系结构级考虑对小波的 支持已经成为可能。

  • There is no support for features such as uncapped partitions or shared processor pools .

    支持无上限分区或共享 处理器池等特性。

  • PowerVM scales better has dynamic logical partitioning security / fault isolation support for dedicated I / O dynamic processor sharing and live partition mobility .

    PowerVM扩展性更好,具有动态的逻辑分区、安全性/故障隔离, 支持专用I/O动态 处理器共享,以及活动分区移动性。

  • IBM blade servers support a wide selection of processor technologies and operating systems to allow clients to run all of their diverse workloads inside a single architecture .

    IBM刀片服务器 支持多种 处理器技术和操作系统,以允许用户在单一架构中完成多项不同工作。