willow bark

[ˈwɪlo bɑrk][ˈwiləu bɑ:k]

[医] 柳皮(常指爆竹柳的皮)

  • In its natural form as willow bark and leaves this remarkable remedy dates back to Hippocrates .

    柳树 和柳树叶是其天然形式,这种疗效显著的药物可以回溯到希波克拉底时代。

  • Features and benefits : This perfecting toner combines organic Willow Bark natural humectants and the refreshing aroma of organic Bergamot essential oil for fresh hydrated skin .

    产品特点和优势:这款完美的爽肤水还含有有机 ,天然保湿剂和具有清爽香气的佛手柑精油,能够让肌肤清爽保湿。

  • Over the next century scientists in many different countries tried to make a purer and more pleasant version of willow bark powder .

    在下一世纪中,许多国家的科学家尝试制造较纯、味道较好的 柳树 药粉。

  • Gently vinous bouquet with characteristic hints of raspberries and willow bark dry flavor with delicate soft but well-structured fruit and an elegant harmonious balance .

    酒香温和,有覆盆子和 柳树皮的香气。口味干,有精致、柔顺而均衡的果味,优雅而和谐。

  • Determination of Salicin in Extract of Willow Bark by High Performance Liquid Chromatography

    高效液相色谱法测定 柳树 提取物中的水杨甙

  • Maximum strength cleanser featuring Willow Bark Extract and2 % Salicylic Acid helps prevent acne even after you rinse .


  • Aspirin is made chemically now in pure form but the original source was willow bark .

    阿斯匹灵化工现在被做以纯净的形式,但原始的来源是 杨柳 吠声

  • Throughout history there have been mentions of the pain-killing uses of willow bark .

    历史上一直有人提到 柳树 的止痛用途。

  • The ancient Greeks for example treated pain with a tea made by boiling willow leaves and bark a tea modern scientists now know contains salicin a precursor of acetylsalicylic acid & aspirin .

    例如,古希腊人用 柳叶 柳树 煮成的茶水来止痛。现代科学家已经了解到,这种茶里面含有水杨苷成分,就是乙酰水杨酸&阿司匹林的前身。