


  • The utility model uses the reasonable rotation of the blades to overcome windage resistance effectively and to increase the utilization rate of wind energy .

    该实用新型利用桨叶合理自转有效克服 风阻,提高风能利用率。

  • Analysis on the Parameters of Windage Yaw Design in the World

    国内 输电 线路 设计参数 比较与分析

  • Analyzes the collision of ADSS and wire in windage yaw .

    以35kV、 66kV输电线路及其 典型 铁塔,对ADSS与导线在 时的 问题进行了分析。

  • Combined with the analysis and calculation some prevention measures about flashover caused by windage yaw are put forward .

    最后从设计和运行两方面提出了防治 闪络的措施。

  • Thickness windage small suitable for filling machine production have a low break package rate the low use cost .

    薄膜厚薄 偏差小, 机性好,破包率低,使用成本低。

  • However as spin speed is increased the power required to overcome windage and bearing friction rises sharply .

    但是,随着自转角速度的增加,克服 风阻和轴承摩擦的功率急剧地提高。

  • The distance travelled can be substantial and the MC is large and will have significant windage both of which must be considered in choosing the propulsion system .

    航行距离很重要,因为MC很大,所以会产生较大的 风力 偏差,因此选择推进系统时要考虑这两点。

  • This thesis also study the pursue of the study suggestion of the new textbook from the point of view of humanism and instrumentalism and discussing the value windage with the learning goal .

    并从人文性和工具性的角度研究了新教材(试用本)学习建议的追求,探讨其与学习目标的价值 偏差

  • The job finished above represents a complete modelling method of windage structural vibration test .

    上述工作组成了完整的 风致结构振动的模化实验方法。

  • Discussed its bearing structure design and the reasonable choice of bearing 's tolerance and fit windage lubrication and airproof .

    对其支承结构的设计和轴承的公差配合、轴承的 游隙以及润滑与密封等方面的合理选择进行了论述。

  • This paper introduces the structure of software system about data gathering and communication of bearing windage testing device the designing of software and the mostly function and characteristic .

    介绍了轴承 游隙检测台数据采集与通讯软件系统,对系统设计、结构和主要功能特点作了较详细的论述。

  • This method 's exactitude standard windage is 0.07 % . The comparative windage is 1.30 % . This method is easy and nicety .

    此方法精密度 偏差0.07%,相对标准偏差1.30%,该方法简便准确。

  • Dissolved minerals are also lost by windage .

    溶解的矿物质也被 了。

  • To conical dual row roller bearings the article discusses its installation quality working temperature and loading effect on the working windage of the bearing as well as working windage affects on the working lifetime of the bearing and their relationship ;

    论述了圆锥孔双列圆柱滚子轴承的安装、温度、载荷对轴承工作 游隙的影响以及工作游隙对轴承使用寿命的影响,并分析了相互关系;

  • Study on Computation Methods of Windage of Suspension Insulator Strings under Dynamic Wind Loads ; The mechanism and clinical effectiveness of six-step procedure of Daoyin on hemiplegic foot-drop

    动态风作用下悬垂绝缘子串 计算研究六步法中医导引术治疗偏瘫足下垂的临床研究

  • This paper determines standard uncertainty for measurement of windage and friction loss of three-phase induction motor through fitting line of least square method .

    本文用最小二乘法拟合的直线确定三相异步电动机 摩耗测量的标准不确定度。

  • The models of windage change resistance change air flow stability were put forward through three laws of mine ventilation system and provide evidence for air quantity control .

    利用通风系统三大定律,提出 风阻变化模型、阻力变化模型、风量稳定模型,给风量调节提供了依据,也给出了增强风量稳定性的途径。

  • Study on Windage Yaw Discharge of Transmission Line

    输电线路 偏放电的 影响 因素研究

  • Preliminary Analysis of the Windage Temperature Rise in Rotating Labyrinth Seals

    旋转状态下阶梯齿 风阻温升的初步分析

  • Instead it had a low-profile iron sight adjustable for windage and a Weaver base for mounting a scope a precursor to the Colt and Picatinny rails .

    但是它有一个可调 的机械瞄准具以及韦佛式瞄准具基座。后者是柯尔特和皮卡 汀尼导轨导轨的先驱。

  • Statistical Analysis of the Weather System Types Causing Strong Winds and Fishery Boat Windage Loss Accidents in Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea in Winter

    冬季黄渤海大风天气与渔船 损统计分析

  • Accelerograph control cell make throttle position basic stability according to windage between initialization and measure value .

    油门控制单元主要是根据设定值与实测油门位置的 偏差量对油门进行微动控制,使油门位置基本稳定。

  • The applied evaluations show that the average diameter of particulate is 77.76 | jm with 2.16 % standard windage ;

    应用评价表明:深部调驱颗粒的平均直径da为77.76μm,标准 偏差为2.16%;

  • Through the new structure of adding feedback cavity on valve core adjustment windage is less than 10 percent .

    通过这样的新型结构&在阀芯上增加反馈腔,使其调 偏差不超过10%。

  • It was decided to retain the offset design and extra instructions were given to each soldier issued the SVD to adjust for windage when changing elevation settings .

    新的设计拟补了 过去 缺陷并帮助SVD 射手在改变标高设置的时候调整 偏差

  • Research is carried out on running parameters of air compressor unit in locale . The mathematic model of the unit system is set up . The windage between the running point and the designing point is diagnosed .

    对现场空压机装置的运行参数进行了研究,建立了装置系统的数学模型,诊断出其运行工作点与设计点的 偏差

  • This is mainly due to the fact that the rotor displacement excitation amplitude is constrained by the windage of the rotor backup bearing .

    转子位移激励的幅值受到支承轴承 游隙的约束,当转子 达到特定转速 以后受到轴承游隙的限制而等于游隙。

  • One of important reasons that existing in public pedagogy course is its value orientation windage .

    当前公共教育学课程存在诸多问题的一个很重要的原因是公共教育学的价值定位 存在 偏差

  • The disfigurement of market mechanism and the windage of fiscal and tax policy cause huge converse of value and tax burden between middle and west China and east China .

    内容提要市场机制的缺陷和财税政策的 偏差,导致中西部与东部地区价值和税负逆向 运行,中西部地区承受着税负剪刀差。

  • According to the accidents caused by windage yaw occurred in recent years the characteristics and reasons of flashover caused by windage yaw are analyzed .

    针对近年来 频繁发生的风偏闪络事故,分析了风偏 闪络的特点和原因,从风偏角计算中分析各因素对计算值的影响。