win a prize

[wɪn e praɪz][win ə praiz]


  • The act of playing for stakes in the hope of winning ( including the payment of a price for a chance to win a prize ) .

    为赌注玩的游戏有赢的希望(包括 获得 应得机会所付的钱)。

  • He hopes from his very heart that he will win a prize .

    他满心希望 获奖

  • And to win a prize with a book that you found such a difficulty in finding a publisher for .

    而且这本书找到一个出版商是如此困难,却 得奖了。

  • On the Treatment About Conditional Fraud from Wang 's Win a Prize in a Lottery

    从王 中奖附条件的欺诈行为处理

  • You can ever win a prize .

    方能 赢得 荣耀 目标

  • Gloomy colour and profound pathos & Discussion on inherent significance in the three major tragedy of Cao Yu ; Enid is a crepe hanger . She never expects herself to win a prize in the lottery .

    阴郁的色彩深邃的悲情& 试论曹禺三大悲剧力作的内在意蕴伊妮德是个悲观的人,她从不指望自己 中彩

  • Recently I had to compose a paragraph about myself saying why I deserved to win a prize .

    最近,我不得不写一篇关于自己的文章,说明为什么我理应 获得 奖项

  • Holders received a 6 per cent annual return for 15 years plus the opportunity to win a prize of between £ 10 and £ 1 .

    持有者每年获得6%的收益,期限15年,同时有机会 赢得10英镑至1000英镑的 奖金

  • Someday if he gets many more customers Billy might win a prize for being an outstanding newspaper boy .

    也许有一天,如果他能争取到更多些顾客,他会 获得优秀报童

  • He has owned stakes in media companies throughout his investing career and helped the Omaha Sun win a Pulitzer Prize in 1973 for its expos on a local charity .

    在其整个投资生涯中,他曾经买入媒体公司的股份,并曾帮助《奥马哈太阳报》(OmahaSun)在1973年 赢得 普利策 (因为揭开了当地的一个慈善组织的黑幕)。

  • He also went on to win a Nobel Prize for the polymerase chain reaction in 1993 .

    穆利斯 博士还因为PCR 赢得 1993年的诺贝尔

  • Raised in England and Hong Kong Maggie Cheung started her film career in 1983 and is the first Asian actress to win a prize at the Cannes Film Festival .

    在英国和香港长大的张曼玉从1983年开始进入影坛,是第一位在嘎纳电影节 获奖的亚洲女演员。

  • Did you win a prize at the carnival ?

    在游园会中,你 没有 赢得什么 奖品

  • You may win a small prize for example or receive a check you never expected .

    不同的收入来源可能会在这个周末出现,你可能会 ,或者是获得意料外的收入。

  • Every year I enter for the garden competition too and I always win a little prize for the worst garden in the town !


  • Ken didn 't win a prize and ANN didn 't win a prize .

    肯没 得奖,安也没得奖。

  • I hope I can take part in a quiz show and win a prize someday !

    希望有 天我能参加智力游戏节目并且 获奖

  • Liu Xin abercrombie the leading actress in the film said at the rite I am very elated that the first period I perform in a movie I can enter a movie festival and win a prize .

    《十三棵泡桐》的主角刘欣说:“这是我第一次演电影,我很高兴首次出演就来参加电影节, 还报 而归。”

  • Don 't be too upset you didn 't win a prize ; tomorrow is another day .

    你没 得奖别太难过了,以后还有机会。

  • At ninety years old he is the oldest person ever to win a Nobel Prize .

    在他90高龄时,其成为 获得诺贝尔 最年长的人。

  • We 're doing a camel show we 've got to find out things and we come back with them and win a huge prize .

    我们在做一个骆驼展,要找到好多东西,我们 大奖 回来

  • I 'm bound to win a prize eventually I 'm just biding my time .

    我最终必定会 得奖,我正在等待时机。

  • I believe someone in our class will win a prize for physics .

    好消息我相信我们班将 物理

  • Many users congratulated Mr Mo inaccurately for being the first Chinese to win a Nobel Prize .

    很多用户错误地祝贺莫言成为中国首 诺贝尔 得主

  • It finally sinks in that he have win a Nobel Prize .

    他终于会意过来他 得了诺贝尔

  • Ignore any text message of your win a prize for bank card .

    不要理会任何提示您刷卡 消费 中奖的短信息;

  • I hope one day I can take part in one of them answer all the questions and win a great prize .

    我希望有一天我能参加其中的一个节目,回答所有的问题并 赢得 大奖

  • His best essay entitled him to win a national prize .

    他的最佳文章使他有资格 获得国家