


  • The driving device has the advantage that when the fixture stand rotates air pressure pipes which supply pressure gas for an air pressure structure can not be winded together .

    该传动机构具有可使夹具架台在旋转时,该供应气压机构高压气体的气压管不会 卷绕在一起。

  • The fat man was winded by walking up the hill .

    那个胖子上山 气喘

  • He was winded by the time he reached the sixth floor .

    到6楼时已 了。

  • Luckily he was only five or six feet above the ground having dived so low to catch the Snitch but he was winded all the same as he landed flat on his back on the frozen pitch .

    幸亏他在抓住飞贼时俯冲得离地面只有五六英尺,但他还是被 过气 ,仰面朝天倒在冻硬了的球场上。

  • The impact winded him .

    猛烈 冲撞 使摔倒了。

  • If you go too fast you get winded .

    你要是走得太快,会 的。

  • You never used to be so winded after only five sets .

    平时举了五个以后你不会这样 喘气的。

  • The run winded him .

    跑步 使喘气 不已

  • The fall left her winded but otherwise unhurt .

    她摔了 一下呼吸 困难但没有受伤。

  • By the time she reached the bottom she was winded .

    当她到达山底的时候已经 过气了。

  • He determined lead a vagrant life and winded up his life .

    他决定要去 流浪,了 一生。

  • He was winded and shaken

    呼吸 困难身体 发抖

  • The hounds had winded the fox .

    猎狗 闻出了有狐狸的 气味

  • The utility model has two methods : one method is that a coil is additionally winded outside the original coils ;

    它有二种方式:一种是在原线圈的外面加 一个线圈;

  • After a little more conversation Caspian and Bern walked down to the coast a little west of the village and there Caspian winded his horn .

    再谈了一会儿,凯斯宾和伯恩就走到村子稍北一点的海岸边, 凯斯宾当场吹起了号角。

  • As someone winded and out of breath .

    象是 气不 气的 样子

  • He hit him in the stomach and winded him .

    他一下击中他的肚子, 过气

  • Someone at the head of the column winded the horn every now and then and each time the sound came from a little farther off .

    纵队的前头有人不时 吹响号角,每次号角声传来时,都比上一次远了一点儿。

  • The victory was mine I still believe but when I made to take trophy winded Helen shook her head declaring I have the curse .

    我依然相信,胜利属于我,但是我刚要,摘得战利品时,海伦 气喘吁吁地摇了摇头,说道:,我被诅咒了

  • Be succinct give short answers and don 't go on and on in a long winded fashion .

    回答问题的时候要简明扼要,不要 使用 句式 繁杂的长句。

  • It proved that winded cable wrap technology can reach the application demand through the trial result and let the time of rushing to repair reduce to49 % of tradition method .

    本文详细介绍了为实现绕包技术及应用进行的调查、选材、制作等过程的设计,并通过实验结果证明, 包技术可以达到应用的要求.使电缆抢修时间缩短到传统方法的49%。

  • The punch in the stomach completely winded me .

    我肚子 了一拳 一时完全 过气

  • In our first spot they winded in louisiana .

    在我们第一个镜头里,他们 绕道了路易斯安那。

  • I was winded when I got to the top of the hill .

    我爬到山顶时 过气 了。

  • Stripped articles and transfer pint film are automatically released and winded and can be adjusted .

    自动 转印膜及带状物品,并可调。

  • A long - winded speaker ;

    言辞冗长的 演说者

  • At the beginning of this article I said ( in a rather winded manner ) that a string in Python is an immutable sequence of characters .

    在本文的开头部分,我 着重强调了 Python中的字符串是不变的字符序列。

  • He was badly winded and concussed .


  • A winded runner . He whipped upstairs in a flash .

    一个 气喘吁吁的跑步者他一溜小跑飞步上了楼。