


  • As some agricultural pests die due to temperature changes other species spread more readily due to the dryness and windiness – requiring alternative pesticides or treatment regiments .

    气温变化会使部分农业害虫死亡,有些害虫则 借干旱和 大风 加速传播, 为此研制新型杀虫剂或 组建新的防治团队。

  • Windiness varies and an average value for a given location does not alone indicate the amount of energy a wind turbine could produce there .

    变化,并且平均值为一个被 测量的地点单独不表明风涡轮可能导致那里的相当数量能量。

  • In dry area or sandy dryland for the reason of scarce rainfall windiness and lack of labor power and material resources the low survivor ratio of afforestation were common .

    在干旱或荒漠地区造林,降雨稀少, 加之人力、物力的贫乏等原因, 导致造林成活率低。

  • Qinghal is a multi-ethnic-populated areas with the typical plateau continental climate such as drying less rain windiness cold long sunshine hours and so on .

    青海是一个多民族聚居的地区,属于典型的高原大陆性气候,具有干燥、少雨、 、寒冷、日照时数长等特征。