window cleaner

[ˈwɪndo ˈklinɚ][ˈwindəu ˈkli:nə]


  • He was a window cleaner .


  • It keeps the code readable and the channel window cleaner also .

    这将保证代码可读,并使得频道 聊天 窗口 避免出现过多文本信息。

  • It 's difficult to find a window cleaner who will call regularly-they all seem to be here today and gone tomorrow .

    要找一个能定期上门来 窗户的人很难&他们似乎都是些行踪不定的人。

  • Officials say the thief cut a small hole in the store 's window and then used a vacuum cleaner to suck up the goods .

    警察说小偷在商店的 橱窗上钻了一个洞,然后用真空 吸尘 吸走了珠宝。

  • I 've left you some money to pay the window cleaner .

    我给你留了一些钱付给 窗户的人。

  • The other men pulled open the doors propping them open with the handle of a squeegee belonging to the window cleaner Jan Demczur .

    另一名男子拉开了那扇门,并用 玻璃 清洁工JanDemczur的橡皮 清洁刷的手柄支撑住让门开着。

  • If you check out the label on the back of your favorite window cleaner you might be surprised to find some foreign and dangerous chemicals in the list of ingredients .

    查看一下你最喜欢的 窗户 清洁 标签,你可能会惊讶地发现成份中有一些危险的化学品。

  • The lucky window cleaner was conscious and talking to paramedics at the scene .

    大难不死 清洁工意识依然清醒,还回答了现场救护人员的简单问话。

  • Lenses typically have some form of protective coating and should never come into contact with ammonia bleach vinegar or window cleaner .

    镜片通常有某种形式的防护涂层,因此不应接触氨、漂白剂、醋和 窗户 清洁