


  • Solid wimble nozzles are commonly used as flushing nozzles at home and abroad and the uniformity of spray is one of the important indexes for the performance evaluation of a flushing nozzle .

    国内外 冲洗喷嘴一般均采用实心 喷嘴,均匀度是考核喷嘴性能的重要指标之一。

  • In view of the major problem in the course of arc teeth wimble gear mapping the paper introduces the methods to confirm several main parameter .

    针对弧齿 齿轮测绘过程中的难点,介绍了几种主要参数的确定方法。

  • The technical wimble parameters and adjusting parameters of machining for near - hyperboloid gear relate to the contact conditions for tangency of 2 intersectant tapers . The machining of near-hyperboloid gear is analyzed with solid geometry graphics dealing with excessive variable and solving equation set are very difficulty .

    准双曲面齿轮工艺 参数和加工调整均涉及2个相错圆锥的相切接触条件,现有文献都从空间立体几何采用图形分析,涉及变量多,方程组求解困难。

  • The design of material transporting equipment for spiral vane wimble rolling machine

    螺旋叶片 辊辗轧机喂料装置的设计

  • Discussion on processing measures for wimble falling and clipping

    浅谈 钻孔 冲击 和卡 处理措施

  • It also researches main quality examination method to adjust the contact clearance of different-speed instrument gear in assemblage contact position of helix wimble gear accessory and beforehand tightened force of connecting axletree of different-speed instrument and retarder .

    提出了通过装配中调整差速器齿轮接触间隙、调整主动螺旋锥齿轮轴承预紧力、调整螺旋 齿轮副接触区位置、调整差速器与减速器连接轴承预紧力等措施以确保装配质量。

  • The sound absorbing rubber cone is a cone having multifold height the wimble degree and the bottom diameter ;

    它的吸声橡胶圆锥为多种高度、 锥度和底面直径的圆锥体;

  • For the tool of side tracking mainly used articulated composite milling wimble slip hydraulic anchoring finder enlarge the well diameter augment the annular clearance and optimize the slurry 's property to improve the well cementing quality .

    开窗工具以研究铰式复合铣 、卡瓦液压锚定式 器为主,采用扩径增大环空间隙和优化水泥浆性能来提高封固质量。

  • Confirming of main parameter in the course of arc teeth wimble gear mapping

    弧齿 齿轮测绘中主要参数的确定

  • The utility model provides an early-warning vertebra bow base screw wimble which relates to a surgery device .

    本实用新型可预警的椎弓根螺 ,涉及一种外科手术器具。

  • Application of Wimble Anchor Inject Technology Integrated in Fathering Roadway Floor Heave


  • The detecting precision is relatively high with 63 % of experimental results meeting the design requirement and the contrast error of 22.9 % and artificial wimble detecting results within the allowable range .

    探测精度较高,实验结果中有63%符合设计要求,另有22.9%与人工 锥探的对比误差在允许范围内;

  • The result shows that the quenching inductor with wimble magnet inlaid is adaptable for this technique and the vertical quenching machine can be used in mass production .

    结果表明,带 镶嵌 磁体的 式感应器,其有效 高度、 内径的合理 匹配可以满足淬硬层形态的要求,采用立式淬火机床连续淬火可以大批量生产合格的半轴。

  • It put emphasis on the principle of double coordinates coordinated drive and how application in the wimble degree control and gap compensation and put forward several methods about how to protect molybdenum silk .

    着重介绍了双坐标联动原理及其在 锥度控制和间隙补偿中的应用;提出了几种保护钼丝的措施。

  • Failure Analysis and Revamping of Wimble Gear in Master Transmission Reduction Box of High-speed Wire Cogging Mill TORQUE TESTING AND IMPROVING COUNTERMEASURE FOR φ 530 UNIVERSAL REDUCING GEAR

    高线粗轧机主传动 减速机 齿轮失效分析与改进φ530 联合减速机力矩测试及改造对策

  • Tumor type : Pseudotumor looked like oval bump with uniformity signal laying in muscle wimble and it circled optic nerve but the optic nerve was clear .

    肿块型,炎性假瘤呈均匀信号椭圆形肿块,位于肌 绕视神经,但视神经清晰可见;