


  • Synergic design which accords with the regular pattern of natural evolution and development is advanced and scientific .

    它符合自然演变和 事物发展的规律,具有先进性和科学性。

  • Our models and propositions will facilitate synergic effect research and the effective management of the synergic management process .

    这些模型和命题的 创立企业集团度量和分析协同管理效应提供了一 便利的方法。

  • The connection of relation in synergic production and production construction is established .

    提出了一 产品 BOM供应 构建过程中向 供应 BOM 转化的方法,建立了 协同生产关系与产品结构之间联系;

  • Muscovite university and Russia are stationed in China diplomatic mission has immediate synergic concern the formalities of enter a school that heads for greatest study is dealt with very handy .

    莫斯科大学与俄罗斯驻华使馆有直接的 协作关系,前往莫大学习的入学手续办理极为简便。

  • Attention must be paid on the synergic effect of smoking and silicosis in cancer complication .

    吸烟和矽肺同时存在时,有必要注意 协同作用。

  • The Synergic Mechanism between Technologic Innovation of Information Industry and Industrial System Growth Based on Convergence

    融合 背景下信息产业技术创新与产业系统成长的 协同机制基于信息化的融合及其 效应分析&从产业和企业 视角

  • To improve tracking accuracy and stability of optic-electronic target tracking system the conception of generalized synergic target and an algorithm named error-space estimation method are presented .

    提出了广义 合作目标的概念及误差空间估计方法,提高了光电跟踪系统的跟踪精度与平稳性。

  • Objective : To observe the in vitro bacteriostatic effect and synergic effect on levofloxacin of the urine of rats lavage with compound Bazhensan liquid .

    目的:观察复方八正散液灌胃大鼠尿液的体外抑菌作用和对左氧氟沙星抗菌效果的 增效作用。

  • Synergic Cytotoxicity of Harmful Components in Cigarette Smoke

    卷烟烟气有害成分 联合 作用的细胞毒性

  • Attention must be paid on the synergic effect of smoking and silicosis in cancer complication . DVD may have other types of squint at the same time .

    吸烟和矽肺同时存在时,有必要注意 协同作用。DVD可与任何类型的斜视同时存在。

  • An experimental study was conducted to investigate the synergic sterilization of bromogeramine combined with glutaraldehyde .

    为研究新洁尔灭对 河蟹蚤状幼体的安全浓度,进行了 室内毒性试验。

  • Review on the Studies of Trans-regional Synergic Innovation Network of Innovative Cluster

    创新集群跨区域 协同创新网络研究述评

  • Conjugate-wavelet-network-based Manufacturing Resources Decision in Mass Customization Synergic Production

    基于共轭小波网络的大规模定制 协同生产制造资源选择决策

  • Study of Synergic Cluster Safety Management Mode in Chemical Industry Parks

    化工园区 协作型区域安全管理模式的研究

  • The Promotion and Application of Synergic Natural Gas - New Type of Industrial Gas

    新型工业燃气- 增效天然气的推广与应用燃气 发生器 燃气轮机

  • A Synergic Decision Model of Supply Chain Based on Many-persons Decision Makings

    一种基于多人决策的供应链 协同决策模型

  • Synergic mode for marine traffic risk management based on level and period synergic modes

    基于层次与阶段 协同的海上交通风险管理模式

  • Chapter 6 gives realization of the synergic production management software system .

    第六章给出了 协同生产管理软件系统的具体实现。

  • Study on Theory and Method of Agile Supply Chain Synergic Production Management

    敏捷供应链 协同生产管理理论与方法研究

  • Cassia bean gum showed highly synergic with Xanthan gum and Carrageenan but not synergic with Guar gum .

    决明子胶与黄原胶、卡拉胶具有明显的 效性,与瓜尔豆胶无协效性。

  • Study on the Synergic Effects of Shanxi 's Regional Culture on Its Science and Technological Talents

    三晋文化对山西科技型人才 聚集效应的影响

  • In chapter 3 the characteristic and request of agile supply chain synergic production scheme is discussed firstly .

    第三章研究与分析了敏捷供应链环境下 协同生产计划模式的特点和要求。

  • The synergic extraction is main to from multicomponent complex of mixed ligand in extractive separation .

    溶剂萃取分离中的 协同萃取,是形成混配多元络合物的主要表现。

  • A Research on Synergic Effect among Psychological Capital Human Capital and Social Capital A Probe into the Social Capital in Harmonious Community Building of Ningbo

    心理资本、人力资本与社会资本的 协同作用宁波和谐社区建设中的社会资本考察

  • Environment-Based Synergic Immune Genetic Algorithm

    一种考虑环境作用的 协同免疫遗传算法

  • Chapter 2 introduces foundational theory of synergic and the concept of synergic production and synergic production management .

    第二章研究与分析了协同的基础理论、协同生产和协同生产管理的概念,建立了包含过程概念层、理论方法层和 支撑技术层的 协同生产管理三层理论体系结构。

  • Fuzzy multiple attribute decision-making model for synergic knowledge innovation in supply chain ;

    供应链 协同知识创新的模糊多属性群决策模型(英文)

  • This research screened the strain HBF-1 that has synergic action on the strain HD-1 against Lepidoptera pests .

    本研究通过增效菌株的筛选获得了对HD-1菌株具有 增效作用的苏云金杆菌HBF-1菌株。

  • Synergic ascent Good flatness wide range of firing temp Suitable for high-gloss floor tiles in single firing process .


  • Research on the Synergic Mechanism of Three Dimensions & Performance Evaluation of Intellectual Capital

    智力资本的三维 协同机理与绩效评价研究