table calculation

[ˈtebəl ˌkælkjəˈleʃən][ˈteibl ˌkælkjəˈleɪʃən]

[计] 表计算

  • The paper analyzes the occupation time of the train work diagram by the vertical window on a heavy haul railway and uses the table calculation method to calculate the additional time used after some stations are closed .

    分析某重载线路垂直型天窗占用运行图的时间,运用 表格 计算法计算部分车站封闭后的天窗外损失时间。

  • The Mathematics Model of Firing Table Calculation in the U.S.Army

    美国陆军 编制使用的数学模型

  • According to the survival time of information a reasonable node queue cache management mechanism is created . A node link table to optimize the calculation of delivery predictability is employed and a network congestion treatment program is introduced .

    算法引入节点链路 周期 来优化传输预期值的 计算,根据消息的生存时间长短建立了一种合理的节点队列缓存管理机制,并给出了网络拥塞处理方案。

  • As the equivalent relationship of striking and the principle of table calculation method are applied the computer program has become quite simple and clear .

    由于利用了撞击等效关系和 算法的基本原理,使得电算程序能够十分简单明了。

  • The nonlinear curves among displacement flux linkage and current are calculated by the finite element method in advance . The curves are then used for current lookup table calculation with known displacement and flux linkage which can improve the simulation velocity and accuracy greatly .

    位移、磁链和电流之间的非线性关系事先由有限元方法求得,用于 仿真 计算中已知位移和磁链时电流的查 计算,可大大提高仿真速度和精度。

  • Objective To compare features of Sullivan method and increment-decrement life table method of health expectancy calculation and to prove the validity of Sullivan method .

    目的比较健康期望寿命的Sullivan方法和增减寿命 方法 计算结果的差异,考核Sullivan方法的有效性。

  • According to the user requirement analysis the computer software implemented data management and safety evalution has also been designed and developed . It provides classifying management of monitoring data displaying the query result with chart and table data calculation and processing and other functions .

    根据用户需求分析,进行了数据管理与安全评估软件的设计开发,实现了监测数据的分类管理、数据查询的 图表显示以及原始数据的 计算处理等功能。

  • It also devises the DCS application system . The design of sequence table and the program of calculation block are realized .

    综合运用了各种控制功能,对DCS应用系统称重配比仪表进行了设计,并实现了顺控 的设计和 运算功能块的编程。

  • Cotton textile technology machine matching table calculation program developed by VB language is introduced to realize quick calculation and visual simply and quickly machine matching table calculation .

    为了改善这种情况,达到快速计算的目的,介绍了用VB语言进行编程开发的棉纺织工艺机器配 计算程序,实现了机器配台计算的可视化、简单化、快速化。

  • Artificial Neural Network Method for Table - Lookup Calculation


  • Considering that large sample will be needed in engine test while only coefficients in formulas for small sample can be obtained in regular statistics table the calculation method for coefficients is discussed .

    考虑到目前常见统计 表格仅给出试验数较少时的各种数值,为满足工程需要,详细给出了各个系数的 计算方法。

  • This thesis is started with the introduction on the base of laying structure of Open Shortest Pass First ( OSPF ) dynamic routing protocol and then focused on the Shortest Pass First ( SPF ) arithmetic and routing table calculation technique that is used in OSPF .

    在介绍开放最短路径优先(OSPF)动态路由协议层次结构的基础上,重点分析了OSPF中用到的最短路径优先(SPF)算法及路由 计算过程。

  • The paper gives calculation formulas of the occupation time of the train work diagram by the vertical window on double-track auto blocking sections designs a general table calculation method calculates the ( additional ) time used by the vertical window .

    提出在双线自动闭塞区段计算垂直型天窗占用运行图时间的计算公式。设计通用的 表格 计算法,计算垂直型天窗条件下天窗外损失的时间。

  • In addition the discussion was made on the selection of standard volume table the organization and application method of local volume table in the calculation of unlawfully felled tree volume .

    探讨了盗伐立木材积 测算工作中二元立木材积表选用和地径一元材积 的编制与应用方法。

  • Through numerical analysis method a great number of data is treated on computer to form a table for manual calculation .

    并运用数值分析方法对大量数据进行电算,制作成 ,供人工手 时使用。

  • A table which explained calculation stress data and critical area of typical parts for five versions is provided .

    还以 表格形式给出了CA141型汽车车头典型零件关键区位置的5种方案的 计算应力值。

  • The Method about Test Case Generation of Routing Table Calculation in OSPF Protocol

    OSPF协议中路由 计算的测试例生成方法

  • Routing module will produce Forward table after routing calculation and optimization .

    路由模块经过路由 计算和优选以后,会下发转发

  • To calculate internal force of elastic foundation beam using the Guo 's table method in the structure calculation of hydroelectric and water conservancy project its calculation is tedious large in work quantities and easy to make mistakes .

    郭氏 法计算弹性地基梁内力在水利水电工程结构 计算中经常遇见,其计算繁琐,工作量大,且容易出错。

  • This system is mainly comprised of a basic dictionary management module a passenger train marshalling table generating module carriage pairs table generating module and index calculation / query module .

    系统主要由基本字典管理模块、客车编组表生成模块、客车对数 生成模块及指标 计算与信息查询模块组成。

  • Working performance of high effective synchronous pressurization hydraulic system of multi-cylinder press with large table has been introduced with calculation of design of system pressure and main components .

    介绍了大 台面液压机的多缸同步高效加压液压系统的工作特点,并对系统压力和主要部件进行了设计 计算

  • Sequence table and calculation block are programmed .

    编写了顺控 运算块的程序。

  • But there are some problems in design and application for the limit of table calculation ways .

    但由于以往 表格 计算方式的限制,在其设计应用中存在一些不尽如人意的地方。

  • Bygone machine matching table calculation is calculated by traditional calculation method this method has more calculation and when variety or loom scale is changing calculation should be repeated .

    以往机器配 计算都是用传统计算方法进行的,这种方法不仅计算量大,而且当品种变化或织机规模变化时,要进行重复计算。

  • With the method the damping the nature frequency and the sensitivity can be acquired through simple measurement table check and numerical value calculation .

    该方法通过简单的测量、 和数值 计算便可获得加速度过阻尼地震检波器的阻尼、自然频率和灵敏度3个参数。

  • For the sake of these designed goals analysis table brought forward detailed calculation method step examining principle applied synthetically CSF ( Critical Success Factors ) and AHP ( Analytic Hierarchy Process ) during studying course as so on .

    对此,设计了目标分解 ,提出了详细的 计算方法、分解步骤和目标检查原则等。在研究中,综合运用了关键成功因子法(CSF)、层次分析法(AHP)等。

  • This Paper Describes The Mathematic Model and Its Development of Firing Table Calculation in the U.S.Army .

    综述了美国陆军 编制使用的数学模型及其发展过程。

  • In the result the area can be reduced by40 % for the function computation including look-up table and polynomial calculation .

    结果证明总的运算部分的面积能够减少40%,包括查找 和多项式 计算两部分。

  • Large-Sized Shaking Table Test and Calculation for Soil-Substructure Dynamic Interaction

    土与地下结构动力相互作用的大型振动 试验与 计算

  • Based on shaking table test and finite element calculation this paper study the seismic behavior of the high-rise building with high transfer floor .

    本文通过振动 试验和SAP2000有限元 分析研究了高位转换框支剪力墙高层建筑的抗震性能。