system info

[ˈsɪstəm ˈɪnfo][ˈsistəm ˈinfəu]


  • These problems research has enriched the basic system info of map conflation .

    这些问题的研究丰富完善了地图合并技术的基本 理论 体系

  • The part of theory firstly introduce the forming and development of the system info of time traditional Chinese medicine and the content of it .

    其中理论研究部分首先介绍了中医时间医学 理论 体系的形成、发展及研究内容。

  • Research on the system info and system collectivity model of digital process management

    数字工艺管理 理论 体系和系统总体模型的研究

  • Establishment of China 's geological information research work and formation of the system info : an example of geological and mineral information research

    中国信息研究工作及其 理论 体系的形成&以地矿信息研究为例

  • In the first part of this thesis history of PTR technology and measuring equipment were introduced . We have summarized the continuously modulating PTR theory of isotropic materials and formed a complete system info concluding one dimension and three dimensions theories monolayer and multilayer theories .

    本文前半部分简单叙述了PTR技术的研究历史和测量装置,较为 系统地总结了各向同性材料的连续调制PTR理论,形成了从一维到三维、从单层至 层的完整理论 体系

  • Content filtering techniques develop on the basis of information retrieval techniques and increasingly form their own system info .

    内容过滤技术在信息检索技术的基础上发展起来,并逐渐形成了自身的 理论 体系

  • The thought theory of the three - generation leadership 's has been formed into a systematic system info .

    党的第一代、第二代、第三代领导人的思想理论是 一脉相承的科学理论 体系,是发展了的中国化的最新理论成果。

  • External setting and keeping module is the interface of user administration and system control . User can get system info or change operating mode of system by inputting instruction .

    外部设定与保守模块主是用户管理和系统控制的接口,用户可以通过输入系统命令获得 系统 信息或者改变系统的工作状态。

  • His interpretation of Da-yan-zhi-shu makes Da-yan-yi stand an important position in his system info .

    而他对大衍之数的解释,也使大 义在其思想 体系中占有重要地位。

  • Summarize the rules in design project management implement . Promote the maneuverability ways on design management in our work . Provide the research reference to the design management system info .

    总之,本文通过探讨项目管理在工业设计中的应用,总结出设计项目管理实施的规律,提出具有可操作性的设计管理方法,从而使设计管理理论 体系 更加完善,同时为设计实践提供 理论 指导

  • From the angles of the background of selecting a topic the raising of questions and the significance of research it expounds the importance of exploring and constructing our legal system info of public employment service .

    论文的第一章是绪论部分,从选题背景、问题提出和研究意义阐述了探索和构建我国公共就业服务法律 理论 体系的重要性。

  • Research and Foundation on System Info of Signal Processing in Science and Technology of Information Acquisition

    信息获取科学与技术中信号处理 体系的研究与建立

  • As a great thinker of the chinese ancientry Confucius had constituted a big and intensive system info .

    作为中国古代一位伟大的思想家,孔子架构了一个庞大而有效的伦理思想 体系

  • Study on the system info of classification management of marine environment

    海洋环境分类管理分级控制 区划 理论 体系研究

  • Currently it has been a lot of theoretical study about service-oriented government and it is mature system info to some extent . Service-oriented government construction in China has been explored from theory discussion into practice innovation .

    目前关于服务型政府的理论探讨已经很多,相对来说已经是一个比较成熟的 理论 体系了,服务型政府建设在我国已经从理论探讨进入到了实践创新阶段。

  • The system info conceive of fire operational command technology and application

    消防作战指挥技术与应用 理论 体系构想

  • In the third chapter this paper descants on the legal system info of the public employment service .

    第三章针对这一问题,对公共就业服务法律 制度 建构做了论述。

  • The ethic holds the nubbin status in the system info .

    这一伦理 体系孔子整个思想 体系中占据核心地位。

  • To survey lawyer 's system from the lay of economic system is an important way to research lawyer 's system and a significant perspective to enrich and perfect the basic system info of the study of lawyer .

    从经济制度的层面审视律师制度是律师学研究的一个重要方法,也是丰富和完善律师学基础 理论 体系的一个重要视角。

  • The truss of system info of International Trade should follow the basic rule that the logicality and practicality should be unified .

    《国际贸易 理论 体系的构架应该遵循逻辑性与应用性相统一的基本原则。

  • About distributed object technique the system info and development of CORBA are introduced particularly .

    分布式对象技术主要介绍了CORBA规范的发展现状和 理论 体系以及各种分布式对象技术的比较。

  • Finally system info 's construction and the discipline system 's consummation made several spot tentative plans under this understanding to management accounting .

    最后在这一认识下对管理会计 理论 体系的构建和学科体系的完善提出了几点设想。

  • Then it taking this system info as the rationale taking tourism industrial as a guide with which combines the dimensions analysis of suburb scenic area renewal proposes corresponding target system way and type as well as the scheme system .

    然后以此为理论基础,以旅游产业为向导,结合近郊景区更新的维度分析,提出了相应的目标体系、途径与类型以及方案 体系,形成了旅游产业导向型 近郊景区更新的规划框架。

  • In order to understand the development direction of HME carefully and accurately we should lay more emphasis on the basic issues of HME such as subject orientation system info and problem region .

    军事装备史学是一门正在建立中的学科,学科定位、 理论 体系、问题域等一些基本问题需要深入研究,才能牢牢把握军事装备史学发展方向。

  • According to basic principle of building Road Traffic Crisis Management System Info confirming basic functionality and content of Road Traffic Crisis Management of our nation .

    按照设计道路交通危机管理的 理论 体系的基本原则,确定了我国道路交通危机管理的基本功能和基本内容。

  • The full text constructs each design content and the influence essential factor research summary through the scenic area service forms system info .

    全文通过对风景区服务建筑各项设计内容和影响要素的研究总结,形成 较为 系统 理论 体系

  • The formation of dialectical materialisms view of nature is a relatively lasting process which goes through such two phases as the birth of fundamental view and the establishment of system info .

    辩证唯物主义自然观的形成是一个时间较长的过程,经历了“根本观点的产生 理论 体系的确立 这样两个阶段。

  • This course is not only joined with basic medicine and clinic medicine but also has its own system info and bright characteristic .

    本课程既与基础医学和临床医学紧密相连,起着 承前启后的作用,又有自身的 理论 体系和鲜明的 时代特点。

  • In theory it is affluent in quantitative analysis of ecological security evaluation consummate and enrich of system info of silvics .

    在理论上,也丰富了生态评价的定量分析 方法,完善和 充实了森林生态学的理论 体系

  • The traditional Chinese medicine has the deep cultural base and the complete system info in our country .

    中成药在我国有着深厚的文化基础和完整的 理论 体系