


  • Their proposals are systematically gathered and addressed .

    他们的建议应被 系统 收集和处理。

  • The research methods and theories on the fabric drape were systematically discussed and analyzed .

    比较 系统 论述了国内外有关织物悬垂性的研究方法和理论。

  • This study adopts the researching methods of class observation and questionnaires to obtain data concerned systematically .

    研究中采用了课堂观察和开放式问卷调查的研究方法 系统 获得研究的数据信息。

  • Using comparison and inductive methods this dissertation discusses systematically the problem of status in criminal law .

    本文以比较、归纳的方法 系统 论述了刑法中的身份问题。

  • This paper systematically analyzes the factors of ecological geology influencing the Chinese date quality .


  • In the doctoral thesis this problem is studied systematically in all aspects some new results are obtained .

    本文对此作了全面而 系统的研究,并取得了以下一些新的研究成果。

  • And the influence of changing parameters of particles and structures on the damping effect was also studied systematically .

    同时,还 系统研究了颗粒参数和结构参数的变化对结构减振效果的影响规律。

  • The curriculum expound and analyse the above diagnostic methods systematically from the historical evolution and the modern study .

    对上述诊法从历史沿革和现代研究等方面 进行 系统的论述和剖析。

  • In this paper the research actuality of closed loop network control system is systematically surveyed .

    系统 介绍了目前闭环网络控制系统的研究现状。

  • This paper has systematically conducted research on design methods of ecological river in the mountain area .

    本文对山丘区生态河道设计方法进行了 系统的研究。

  • The analysis and improvement of the natural gas furnace are carried out systematically .

    对天然气加热炉进行了 系统分析和改进。

  • One day a week her mother systematically cleaned and aired each room .

    她母亲 按部就班 每周一次清扫所有的房间并开窗通风。

  • This article elaborated our country compulsory education funds investment system history evolution and the present situation systematically .

    本文 系统 阐述了我国义务教育经费投入体制历史沿革与现状。

  • The unwanted American population that is systematically discouraged by advertising-supported media is not small .

    这种“多余的美国人”为数不少,靠广告维持生计的传播媒介 故意冷落他们。

  • In this paper the carbonization technology and surface modification were studied systematically .

    本文对其碳化法制备工艺及表面改性进行了 较为 系统的研究。

  • It has systematically distorted our national understanding of risk .


  • In the paper the emergence and evolution of English family are discussed systematically .

    对英语语言的产生、发展与演变的历史过程和特点 进行了分析与探讨。

  • First the thesis systematically analyzes the present situation of Anqing agricultural potential resource .

    首先,对安庆市农业后备资源现状进行了 系统分析。

  • Systematically collected and written down .

    系统 收集和写下的。

  • The skin structure of Yimeng black and Jining grey goats was systematically studied in this paper .

    对沂蒙黑山羊和济宁青山羊板皮的皮肤组织结构 进行系统的研究。

  • The principles and methods of application in randomized algorithm designing are presented systematically .

    系统 阐述了膨胀图在随机算法设计中的应用原理和方法。

  • Development design and functional characteristics of environmental sanitation information network management system were systematically introduced .


  • If you arrange your picture too systematically the results can look very mannered and artificial .

    如果你把图画安排得太 条理,就会看上去非常假,不够自然。

  • This paper systematically studied the social role and practical functions of finance & economics mass media .

    本论文 比较 系统 研究了财经媒体的社会角色和现实功能。

  • In this study we analyzed these data comprehensively and systematically .

    本研究对这批监测数据进行了全面、 系统的描述和分析。

  • Concepts and knowledge on basic theory of Education are introduced systematically .

    该课程 系统介绍教育学的基本理论的概念和知识。

  • First of all we systematically review the historical evolution of regional economic policy in China and institutional change .

    首先, 系统 梳理了我国区域经济政策的历史演变和制度变迁。

  • The technical utilization in this field is systematically introduced .

    系统 介绍了该方面的技术运用。

  • Selection of pavement structure type for expressway was systematically studied in this paper .

    对高等级公路路面类型选用 进行系统的研究。

  • Advances in research on K-bentonite have been systematically reviewed in this paper .

    从矿物学、地球化学两个方面对钾质 斑脱岩的研究进展 进行综合评述。