system supervisor

[ˈsɪstəm ˈsjupɚˌvaɪzɚ][ˈsistəm ˈsju:pəˌvaɪzə]


  • The article emphasis on service provided by the existing Industrial Ethernet technology and the application in industrial automation sectors especially in the PLC system configuration supervisor monitoring communication between the controllers and field devices diagnostics and maintain etc.

    介绍了现有工业以太网技术为工业自动化所能提供的服务及其应用,特别是对PLC控制 系统的组态, 上位监控,控制器和设备间的通讯,诊断和维护等方面的应用。

  • The system provide supervisor with help in improving efficiency and reducing errors in the work .

    监督员 工作提供了提高工作效率,减少工作差错的帮助。

  • Research result : Comparing with present system intelligent synthesis supervision and control system has characters of supervisor extent widely labor division clarity concentration-managing integration harmony exert and intelligent managing it embodies human centered sufficiently .

    研究结果:跟现有的监控系统相比,智能综合监控 系统具有 监测范围广、分工明确、实现集中化管理、一体化协调运作和智能化管理的特点,充分体现了以人为本的理念。

  • Discussion and Analysis on the Legal Responsibility System of Company Supervisor

    公司 监事法律责任 制度探析

  • Since our country pursued the constructional supervision system supervisor has played an important role in construction projects . Now it has effectively avoided the emergence of a lot of serious liability accidents and has improved the level of projects .

    自我国推行工程监理 以来, 监理 在工程建设中发挥了重要作用,有效避免了许多重大责任事故的发生,提高了工程项目的建设水平。

  • Brief Discussion on System of Company Supervisor Representative

    公司 监事代表 制度初探

  • Supervisor power and responsibility system the remedy by supervisor reasonably equipped with responsibility system .

    监督者权力和责任 体系、被 监督者的权利救济和责任体系合理配备。

  • Responsible for supervising the status of ISO9001 or TS16949 system and report to supervisor .

    负责监督部门ISO9001或TS16949的 体系 运行状况并向 上级 汇报

  • This article mainly expounds the problems existing in the supervision of the supplementary pension in our country from three points of views namely legal system supervisor and supervision mechanisms .

    本文主要从三个角度出发重点阐述了我国企业年金监管存在的问题,主要是法律 制度监管 主体以及监管机制方面。

  • The system of people 's supervisor remains one kind of society supervision systems which aim at the detection case directly dealt with by the procuratorate . From the experiment to now it has brought great success .

    人民 监督员 制度是针对检察院直接受理的侦查案件而建立的一种社会监督制度。

  • Also the connection between the system and the supervisor computer as well as the receiving method of Modbus message frame in PC is shown in the paper .

    给出了 系统 上位机间的互连 形式和上位机端MODBUS消息帧的接收实现方法。

  • It is an innovative action of the judicial system reform of our country that the Supreme People 's Procuratorate issues the tentative system of people supervisor .

    最高人民检察院出台试行的人民 监督员 制度是我国司法体制改革的一项创新性举措。

  • An imagination of establishing the system of the bankruptcy supervisor in our country

    建立我国破产 监督 制度之构想

  • On the other hand the management work is onerous in distributed systems this will aggravate burdens of system management if every authorization need the participant of system supervisor .

    同时,分布式环境下的系统管理工作繁重,若还需要 管理者参与 系统中所有的授权行为,则更加重了系统的管理负担。

  • Although the the system of employee supervisor is the core system of realizing employees ' participation right under the current law system it has not been systematically and intensively studied by theorists .

    尽管职工 监事 制度是当前法律体系下实现职工参与权的核心制度,然而目前理论界尚缺乏对这一 制度的系统而深入的研究。

  • Research on the System of People 's Supervisor

    我国人民 监督员 制度研究

  • Study on reform of stock share system of supervisor firms

    监理企业 改造的研究

  • From the legal system government supervisor and strengthen management the industry of Certified Public Accountants accounting firms strengthen quality control and Certified Public Accountants improve the professional standards of professional ethics of the five proposed specific measures guard against civil liability .

    第四部分,从国家 法制 完善、政府加强 监管、行业协会内部管理、会计师事务所加强质量控制、注册会计师提高职业道德专业水平五个方面提出了防范民事责任的具体对策。

  • The system of people 's supervisor is a system innovation for the prosecutorial department initiatively accepting people supervision in order to improve the exterior supervision mechanism of directly investigating law case and put into effect constitution spirit under the existing laws and regulations .

    人民 监督员 制度是我国检察机关在现行法律规定的框架内,为落实宪法精神,为完善直接侦查案件的外部监督机制,主动接受人民监督的一项制度创新。

  • The research on the management system of doctoral supervisor teams in agricultural universities and colleges .

    第二部分:博士生 导师队伍管理 理论研究。

  • Since the Electronic Construction starts to push the Bidding System and Supervisor System it requires much stricter on the management of project cost ;

    随着电力建设推行招投标 监理制以来,对工程造价的管理越来越严格;

  • Based on the control system of burning supervisor of biphenyl station we analyzes the possibility of breakdown and the cause of the control link which does not catch fire of the biphenyl stove proposed corresponding solution countermeasures .

    从联苯站燃烧 管理 仪表控制 系统方面着手对联苯炉点火时各个有可能出现故障并导致点不着火的控制环节逐步进行分析,提出了相应的解决对策。

  • Meanwhile since the rigorous modularized desig - ning method was introduced the system has the characteristics of excellent universality and extensibility and it could be served as the base of further development for training system or intelligent supervisor system .

    同时,系统在建立时严格按照模块化的设计方法,具有良好通用性和扩展性,为进一步开发培训 系统或智能 监控系统奠定了基础。

  • In the early days of computing the operating system was called the supervisor .

    在早期计算中,操作 系统被称为 supervisor

  • Although commercial bank supervision constantly is improved but there are some problems : First our country lacks supervision of commercial bank supervision system to the supervisor .

    虽然我国商业银行监管在不断完善,但是还存在着一些问题,具体来说主要有以下几个方面:第一,对商业银行监管 主体缺乏 监督 体制

  • However the system can not settle the above problems by reason of its natures on the contrary we can resolve the relevant problems more effectively through constructing the system of cumulative voting and improving the system of supervisor and so on .

    但是独立董事的性质决定了它并不能有效解决上述问题,相反,通过建立累积投票制度和完善 监事制度等途径能更有效地解决相关问题。

  • Trust originated from Britain but common law countries are not clearly defined the system of trust supervisor .

    信托起源于英国,但英美国家并没有明确规定信托 监察 制度

  • According to Chinese actuality together with learning from these advanced experiences this thesis suggest setting up and consummating the trust supervision system which is suitable for our socialistic market economy from three sides : trust laws and matching system supervisor and supervising way .

    据此结合我国的实际情况,建议从三个方面建立、完善与我国社会主义市场经济发展相适应的信托监管体系:信托法律 制度 体系、信托 监管 主管 机关以及监管方式。