system approach

[ˈsɪstəm əˈprəʊtʃ][ˈsistəm əˈproʊtʃ]


  • System approach to watershed development is very important .

    系统 方法对流域开发十分重要。

  • Describe the main contributions of the innovation system approach to policymaking on scientific technological and innovation issues

    描述创新 体系对于制定科学、技术和创新政策方面的贡献

  • The i-Pod success is not just due to design but mostly to a system approach to a certain problem .

    苹果i-Pod的成功的绝大部分原因,不是在于设计,而是在于 系统& 接近了某个特定问题的 系统

  • Nevertheless its core insights about the factors influencing innovation make the innovation system approach a valuable analytical and prescriptive tool for policymaking in developing countries .

    然而,发现那些影响创新体系的因素,有利于创新 体系在发展中国家成为政策 制定中很有价值的分析和说明性工具。

  • By analyzing the Deloitte Kelon case by improving the legal system the system approach and proposed ways to improve the quality of certified public accountants .

    本文通过分析德勤科龙一案,提出了完善法律制度,公司 制度 方法并提出了提高注册会计师素质的途径。

  • Study on Application of Grey System Approach in Air Defence

    灰色 方法在防空作战中的应用

  • A Distributed Parameter System Approach to the Forecasting of Household Demand for Cars

    家庭轿车需求量预测的分布参数 系统 方法

  • Based on requirement of distributed hydrological modelling and considering the real conditions of the arid and semi-arid regions in China this paper develops a Distributed Time Variant Gain Model ( DTVGM ) by coupling the mechanism and special digit information of water cycle with hydrologic system approach .

    针对分布式水文模拟的问题,结合河西走廊黑河流域实际资料条件,提出将水文循环空间数字化信息与水文 系统 理论相结合的分布式时变增益水循环模型(DTVGM)。

  • ILS attempt instrument landing system approach

    试图用仪表着陆 系统 着陆

  • In this paper a hanging pill feeding vehicle control system approach for packing room of traditional Chinese medicine base on the wireless transceiver nRF401 .

    实现了送料小车与主控制器之间的无线通信,并给出了具体的 设计 方案和硬件、 软件设计。

  • The results of the simulation show that the improved continued fraction theory can ensure the stability of the system and make the reduced system approach the original system .

    仿真结果表明改进连分式降阶法能保证系统的稳定性,并使降阶后的简化 系统能较好地 逼近原系统。

  • On this basis adopting system approach this paper advances the assumption of constructing the tourism destination network marketing system then studies the elements structure functions aims and coordination mechanism of the system from the perspective of both theory and practice .

    并以此为立足点,采用 系统 方法,提出了构建旅游目的地网络营销系统的设想,继而从理论和实践两个方面对系统要素、结构、功能、目标及协调机制进行了研究。

  • Chaos synchronization is not required in chaotic signal masking scheme involving linear inverse system approach .

    用线性逆 系统治(LinearInverseSystemApproach)实现混沌信号掩盖是一种不需要同步的混沌通讯 方法

  • There is a growing consensus that the range of activities highlighted in the innovation system approach are important for fostering innovation in developing as much as developed countries .

    目前越来越多的人一致认为,创新 体系中强调的一系列活动对于促进发展中国家和发达国家的创新 活动都是十分重要的。

  • While the equilibrium approach captures some of what the logical system approach misses it does so at a cost : the language has no structure to it .

    而平衡的方法捕捉什么逻辑 系统 方法忽略了一些,但是它的成本如此:语言有没有给它的结构。

  • System Approach to Innovation

    创新 系统 研究 方法 述评

  • The innovation system approach is now a popular one in developing countries .

    在发展中国家创新 体制现在变得非常普遍。

  • Instrument guidance system approach

    用仪表驾驶 系统 进场 着陆

  • System theory that researches system approach is lodged as the contradictory of deoxidize approach .

    研究 系统 方法的系统论是作为还原论的对立物被提出来的。

  • There are two perspectives regarding human errors that are personal approach and system approach .

    对于人们在工作中发生的错误有两种不同的认识观:个体认识观与 系统认识

  • National Innovation System approach provide basis for policy makers setting up and implementing new policies through analyzing connections among innovation mains in creating spreading and applying knowledge .

    国家创新 系统 方法通过分析各创新主体在创造、扩散和应用知识中的相互联系,为决策部门制定和实施创新政策提供依据。

  • Considering the performances of operation of the system indoor thermal comfort and indoor air quality with system approach an on line optimal strategy for energy management and control system ( EMCS ) was proposed to multi zone VAV air conditioning system .

    针对多区域变风量空调系统,从系统的层次上综合考虑其运行特性、室内热舒适性和室内空气品质,提出了一个 系统的在线能量优化管理和控制方案。

  • After the system theory of modern idea of Marxism was pregnant with for60 years it developed into general system theory and modern system approach at last in the mid-twentieth century .

    马克思主义先进思想中的系统观点孕育了近六十年之后,到二十世纪中叶终于形成为一般系统论和现代 系统 方法

  • The Factor Formula of Agent Commission ; Examining The Merchant of Venice with the Modern Legal System Approach ;

    代理商佣金 系统因子公式的 实现 方法以现代 法制 理念审视《威尼斯商人》

  • Discuss the application of the innovation system approach to developing countries

    讨论创新 体系在发展中国家的应用

  • Delay system approach to research of networked control systems

    时滞 系统 方法的网络控制系统的研究

  • The practice of project management pays attention to goal-oriented systems subsystem their relationships and environment ; this is what makes project management a system approach to management .

    项目管理实践中注重以目标为导向的系统、子系统、它们之间的关系以及环境,这就是使项目管理成为管理的“ 系统 方法”。

  • Research on Pattern Towards a Learning City Based on System Approach to Innovation

    基于创新 系统的学习型城市创建模式

  • Finally the innovation system approach has considerable appeal for policymakers .

    最后,创新 体系已经吸引了 政策制定者的注意力。