system reliability

[ˈsɪstəm rɪˌlaɪəˈbɪlətɪ][ˈsistəm rɪˌlaɪəˈbɪlətɪ]


  • The algorithm achieves clustering increases the system reliability and reduces the use of resources meets the location accuracy requirement .

    算法在实现分簇、增加 系统 可靠性的同时,最大限度地降低了对资源的使用,满足了定位精度的要求。

  • It combines fuzzy control conventional control and cascade control so as to increase the system reliability .

    设计了一 自寻优串级模糊控制 系统

  • Greatly increased life expectancy and control board system reliability .

    大大提高控制线路板寿命和 系统 可靠性

  • Most system reliability and many safety approaches in engineering have focused on redundancy of some sort .

    工程学上的大多数 系统 可靠性和许多 系统安全方法已经聚焦在一些多余的种类上。

  • Practice shows that modular design methods are contributed to the system integration and maintenance ; also it improves the system reliability and saves funds for subsequent development .

    实践表明,模块化设计方法有利于系统的集成和维护,同时也提高了 系统 可靠性并可为后续开发节约资金。

  • Study on human reliability is one important part of research about system reliability .

    人的可靠性研究是 系统 可靠性研究的一项重要内容。

  • Using the proposed design techniques and optimization methods metastability could be controlled and system reliability could be improved .

    提供的设计技巧和优化手段在实践中可以很好地抑制亚稳态,提高 系统 可靠性

  • Researching the application of Bayesian network to the system reliability assessment for the limits of combination method and state method in reliability assessment .

    针对现有组合法与状态法在可靠性评估方法中的局限性,对基于贝叶斯网络的 系统 可靠性评估新方法进行了研究。

  • The importance of relay in system reliability design is presented .

    提出继电器在 整机 可靠性设计中的重要性。

  • System Reliability Modeling and Analysis Based on Stochastic Failure Sequence

    基于随机故障序列的 系统 可靠性建模与分析

  • Multistate coherent system reliability analysis is a new problem of reliability theory .

    多态关联 系统 可靠性分析是可靠性理论一个前沿研究课题。

  • Aiming at the problem of software system reliability and cost distribution an optimal model for software component cost distribution based on reliability is proposed .

    针对软件 系统 可靠性和费用分配问题,给出了一种基于可靠性的软件构件费用分配最优模型。

  • The method can implement memory fault tolerance without structure switching control circuit and improves the system reliability .

    这种方法不需要切换控制电路,提高了 系统 可靠性

  • Research on Computer System Reliability and Data Security Application of Social Insurance

    社保计算机 系统 可靠性与数据安全的应用研究

  • Power System Reliability Analysis

    电力 系统 可靠性分析

  • The system topologic structure system reliability and functions of operating station process station and modules are introduced .

    在分析组态 软件体系结构的基础上,详细 分析及研究了操作员站各个模块的功能及实现方法。

  • Difficulties in allocating surge bin logistics system reliability analysis are analyzed .

    分析了增设缓冲仓物流 系统 可靠性分析的难点。

  • A new method based on Bayesian network was proposed to assess the mechanical system reliability because of the limitation of fault tree used in reliability assessment .

    针对故障树分析方法在可靠性评估方法中的局限性,提出了基于贝叶斯网络的机械 系统 可靠性评估新方法。

  • Applications of Bootstrap and Fiducial Methods in the Confidence Limit of System Reliability

    Bootstrap和Fiducial方法在 系统 可靠性置信限研究中的一些应用

  • Example calculation proves the model effective showing that the system reliability is affected greatly by the weather condition .

    最后通过算例证明了模型的有效性,结果显示 系统 可靠性 指标受恶劣天气的影响极大。

  • Check for the system reliability under failures and recovery for

    为以下项目检查故障和恢复之下的 系统 可靠性

  • Research on the Assessment of Flight Control System Reliability with Monte Carlo Simulation

    蒙特卡罗仿真在飞控 系统 可靠性评估中的研究

  • The system reliability of the equipment is identified by the use of sequential life in a test program .

    通过运用序贯寿命试验方案来考察设备是否达到 系统要求 可靠性 指标

  • Less hardware decrease device fault point so the entire system reliability increases .

    硬件的简化大大减少了装置的故障点,从而提升了 系统的整体 可靠性

  • The adequacy estimation of power system with HVDC is investigated including the effect of network loss and voltage as well as the component backup of HVDC system on system reliability indices .

    最后对含HVDC线路的发输电系统进行了充裕度评估,研究了网损、电压及HVDC系统元件备用等因素对交直流 系统 可靠性指标的影响。

  • Clustered applications can improve system reliability and availability .

    使用集群方式的应用程序可以提高 系统 可靠性和可用性。

  • Application of SPN in Network Security Secret System Reliability Analysis

    SPN在网络安全保密 系统 可靠性分析中的应用

  • Research and Application on Hydraulic System Reliability Evaluation Measure for Tanks & Armored Vehicles

    坦克装甲车辆液压 系统 可靠性评估方法研究及应用

  • The utilization of Flexible AC Transimssion System ( FACTS ) technology has significant impact on power system reliability performance .

    灵活交流输电(FACTS)技术的利用能够对电力 系统 可靠性产生重要影响。

  • Then the system reliability and design flexibility are improved the problem of project can be solved quickly .

    增强了 系统 可靠性和设计的灵活性,解决了工程实际问题。