table address

[ˈtebəl əˈdrɛs][ˈteibl əˈdres]

[计] 表地址

  • In the next procedure you will add a table to the databasein this case a table to store address information .

    在下一过程中,您将向该数据库中添加一个表本例中为一个存储 地址信息的

  • The gateway tactics route module establishes the route table according to the Ip source address and load balancing .

    网关策略路由模块根据IP源 地址和负载均衡两项策略制定 路由

  • A subsequent query specifying the ADDRESS column in the CLIENTS table retrieves the address information as a concatenated mailing address .

    随后的查询指定了CLIENTS 中的ADDRESS列,从中检索 地址信息,并将其作为连接的邮寄地址。

  • In Hash based applications choice of appropriate Hash function which maps the key to Hash table address uniformly will improve the Hash table lookup performance .

    在基于哈希的应用中,选择恰当的哈希函数,将KEY均匀映射到各个哈希 地址中,对于哈希查 性能的提高有着重要的意义。

  • Consider the table ADDRESS which contains addresses from my customers .

    考虑 ADDRESS,其中包含顾客的地址。

  • A table or diagram containing the name and address range of each peripheral addressable by the processor within the I / O space .

    一张包含每个外设的名字和 地址 表格或图表,可由处理器在I/O空间中设定地址。

  • Application of Hash Table to Design Address Table in Switch Controller

    列表方法在交换控制芯片 地址表设计中的应用

  • Being a key technology in memory management virtual hash page table is a mechanism for the virtual-to-physical address mapping in high performance microprocessor systems .

    虚拟哈希页 (VHPT)是高性能微处理器系统实现虚拟 地址到物理 地址的转换映像,是存储管理的关键技术之一。

  • The stage of signaling interaction is a multi-hop network based on blue-green laser . A three look-up mechanisms is performed to achieve laser signaling forwarding with the established of both adjacent node table and the MAC address forwarding table .

    在激光信令交互阶段,水声网络是多跳式的,通过建立相邻节点 位置 和MAC 地址转发表,利用三次查表的机制实现信令的中继转发。

  • A ( Adapter status ) Lists the remote machine 's name table given its IP address .

    使用远程计算机的IP 地址并列出茗称

  • An anycast routing table is divided into an address table and a weight table . These two tables complete the routing lookup and the weight update together .

    将选播路由 分为 地址表和权重表两部分,共同完成路由查找与权重更新。

  • Failed to obtain security function table dispatch address from sspi .

    未能从sspi取得安全函数 调度 地址

  • If you want to set a breakpoint at a particular line the table gives you the memory address to store the breakpoint instruction .

    如果希望在某个特定行设置一个断点,那么该 给出了用于存储断点指令的内存 地址

  • Maps employees in the employee table to their address in the address table .

    将employee 中的雇员映射到address表中他们的 地址

  • Using kdb we can get the svc table base address .

    我们可以使用kdb获得svc 地址

  • Internal error : unable to update the userinfo table with your email address and full name .

    内部错误:无法用您的邮件 地址和完整名称更新userinfo

  • The method involves traversing the table and getting the network address family interface and protocol .

    这个例程遍历这个 ,获取网络 地址系列、接口和协议。

  • He pushed a piece of paper across the table . here you are my address .

    他把一张纸递过 桌子。“给你,我的 地址。”

  • This paper introduces the basic knowledge of dynamically discovering network 's physical topology and introduces the algorithms for discovering physical topology based on STP table by analyzing the algorithms based on address forward table .

    介绍了网络拓扑关系动态发现的基本知识,通过对基于 地址转发表的拓扑发现算法的分析,提出了基于STP状态 的拓扑发现算法,实现动态发现网络拓扑关系。

  • The main idea of the abstract symbol table is the generation of an abstract address for every addressable object to handle various data types and memory operations uniformly .

    抽象符号 的基本思想是,通过为可寻址对象生成抽象 地址统一处理各种数据类型和建模内存操作。

  • The table below summarizes how these DB2 features address each customer need .

    下面的 总结了这些DB2特性如何 解决各种客户需求。

  • As shown in the table an energy policy must address various issues other than global warming .

    如上 所示,除全球暖化这一因素外,能源政策必须 考量 解决其他许多不同的问题。

  • It groups together data from similar attributes ( e.g. MEMADDR table would group address records ) .

    它将来自相同属性的数据集合在一起(比如MEMADDR 会集合 地址记录)。

  • Some switches generate a route table that includes the IP address of the host and the MAC address of the adapter that owns the IP address .

    有些交换机生成一个路由 ,其中包含了主机的IP 地址和IP地址所在配置器的MAC地址。

  • Often you may need to create database objects such as databases tables or table spaces to address incoming business requirements .

    为了 满足业务需求,常常需要创建数据库对象,比如数据库、表或 空间。

  • The operating system maintains a table of virtual address-to-physical address translations so that the computer hardware can respond properly to address requests .

    操作系统维持着一个虚拟地址到物理 地址的转换的 ,以便计算机硬件可以正确地响应地址请求。

  • The last two columns in the table are the IP address range and a button to revoke a permission .

    表格中的最后两列是IP 地址范围和一个用于撤销权限的按钮。

  • When specific implementing set an interrupting vector table and make its address immobilized which means all programs address are fixed so after the interruption the resolver can automatically find the vector table .

    在具体实现时,设置一个中断向量 并将其 地址固定化,即所有的程序地址是固定的,这样在中断发生后,解析程序能够自动找到向量表。

  • This linker option instructs the linker to include into the output image a table that contains the address of each exception handler .

    此链接器选项指示链接器要包含到输出映像(一个包含各个异常处理程序的 地址 )中。

  • The link layer of a TCP / IP network uses a device 's MAC address so the ARP table is used to translate a MAC address to an IP address and back .

    TCP/IP网络的链路层使用设备的MAC地址,所以要使用ARP 在MAC 地址和IP地址之间进行转换。