switch function

[swɪtʃ ˈfʌŋkʃən][switʃ ˈfʌŋkʃən]


  • Using the switch function in the harmonic analysis of rectifier circuits a general method of harmonic analysis aided by the computer is drawn and a computer program is designed correspondingly .

    本文把 开关 函数用于整流波形的谐波分析,推导出了整流波形适于计算机处理的谐波分解公式,并相应设计了计算机程序。

  • With the introduction of a new switch function the description of the state equation is simplied .

    通过引入一新的 开关 函数,使状态方程的描述得以简化。

  • Results Automatic mode switch function of a pacemaker was operated after detecting myopotentials in 2 cases .

    结果2例患者因误检测到肌电位启动了起搏方式 转换 功能

  • This paper deals with the spectrum estimation of power converter 's input current by drawing in different probability distribution laws in dual randomized modulation switch function . The study indicates that random distribution laws affect the characteristic of EMI little using dual randomized modulation technology .

    通过对随机调制 开关 函数中引入不同的随机分布规律,分析了功率变换器输入电流的谱估计,结果表明应用随机调制技术时,不同的随机分布规律对电力电子系统的EMI特性影响不大;

  • Based on the mathematic model of ideal switch function for a single-phase 4-quadrant converter five kinds of control strategy are studied and analysis is made for each strategy by computer simulation .

    在建立基于理想 开关 函数的单相四象限变流器数学模型的基础上,对四象限变流器常用的5种控制策略进行研究,并通过计算机仿真对各种控制策略的控制性能进行对比分析。

  • The equivalent circuit and mathematic model are set up by defining the ideal switch function .

    本文分析了单相电压型两电平整流器的工作原理和工作模式,通过定义 开关 函数,建立了其等效电路以及数学模型。

  • Based on switch function model of TCSC and MATLAB the digital simulation method in researching zero-crossing point characteristic of the capacitor voltage is put forward .

    该文基于TCSC的 开关 函数模型并借助MATLAB仿真工具,提出了研究电容电压过零点特性的数字仿真方法。

  • The steering controller designed by sliding mode control method is using equivalent control and switch control law . Ambrosino switch function method is adopted in order to eliminate or reduce the shaking of the controller .

    在滑模变结构控制方法中采用等效控制加切换控制的控制率,并利用Ambrosino 切换 函数的抖振控制方法,设计了跑偏控制器。

  • To study the matrix converter switchgear modulation strategy the realization of power device control signs principle was proposed which based on the direct switch function modulation strategy .

    对矩阵变换器开关器件调制策略的研究,提出了基于直接 开关 函数调制策略实现矩阵变换器功率器件控制信号的原理;

  • The maximal voltage transfer ratio is 1.0 . The switch function is analyzed with FFT in the equivalent circuit .

    同时利用傅立叶级数对输出 电压 波形进行频谱分析,矩阵 变换器最大的电压传输比可达到1.0。

  • Study of TCSC zero-crossing point characteristics of capacitor voltage based on switch function model

    基于 开关 函数模型的TCSC电容电压过零点特性研究

  • Objective To assess the auto capture and automatic mode switch function of dual-chamber pacemaker .

    目的评价具有自动阈值夺获和自动模式 转换 功能的双腔起搏器的有效性及随访情况。

  • This paper establishes a dynamic model of UPFC using switch function taking into consideration voltage fluctuate of capacitance .

    利用 开关 函数模型法,考虑直流电容上的电压波动,建立了UPFC的动态模型;

  • An approach to fault diagnosis of substation based on rough set and neuron net switch function is presented .

    给出了一种基于粗糙集(RoughSet)和具有 开关 作用 函数的感知器网络的分层递阶变电站故障诊断方法。

  • The operation principle of PWM rectifier is introduced in detail in the paper the mathematical model based on switch function is provided and introduces the rotatory coordinates system on this basis and then provides the mathematical model under the rotatory coordinates system of two phase .

    文中详细介绍了PWM整流器的工作原理,推导出基于 开关 函数的数学模型,并在此基础上引入两相旋转坐标系,进而给出两相旋转坐标系下的数学模型。

  • Under the precondition of the optimization of performance criterion the computation of the switch function was accomplished ; and the unit vector method was adopted to realize a completely new design method for gun control system .

    在性能指标优化的前提下完成 切换 函数的计算,并采用单位向量法,实现了全新的炮控系统设计。

  • In this paper two new concepts adaptive Huber function and generalized switch function are proposed .

    为此本文提出了自适应Huber函数和广义 开关 函数概念。

  • An approach to fault diagnosis of substation based on rough set and neuron net with switch function

    基于粗糙集和 感知器网络的分层递阶变电站故障诊断方法研究

  • Switch function for ordinary electrode and cellulose electrode .

    普通焊条,纤维素焊条 转换 功能

  • Switch function for long welding cable and shore welding cable .

    具有加长焊接电缆和短电缆 转换 功能

  • According to the characteristics of distribution network open-loop operation and the difference of the switch function of distribution network we convert the complicated distribution network structure into a group of numbers .

    根据配电网开环运行的特点和网络中 开关 功能的不同,将复杂的配电网网络结构转化为一组编号。

  • Furthermore the control system is simplified by using intelligent control method so that it is only related with the switch function .

    通过采用指数趋近律,解决了变结构控制中存在的抖动问题,结合智能控制方式,简化控制系统,使控制规律只与 切换 函数有关,故更易于实现。

  • Analysis for switch function of control center and stand-by control center in City Metro Communication System

    城市轨道交通通信系统主备用中心 切换 功能分析

  • According to the panel buttons light can achieve manually switch this function and traditional switch function quite ; Call again later switch power automatically closed .

    轻按面板上的按键可以实现手动开关,该功能与传统 开关 功能相当;停电以后再次来电,开关自动处于关闭状态。

  • The switch device can enable foreign matters such as water drops and dust not to enter the switch junction thereby maintaining good switch function .

    本实用新型可使水滴和灰尘等异物不能进入开关接点,从而维持良好的 开关 功能

  • Through researching of the PVC of FR channel connected with satellite network the paper realizes the meeting switch function of videoconference system .

    在对卫星网的帧中继接入信道的永久虚电路PVC的研究基础上,实现了会议电视系统的会场 切换 管理

  • Considering the nonlinear brought by armature reaction of the DC motor speed control system a state feedback linear method is used . The speed_loop slide model variable structure controller is designed by constructing the switch function of speed error .

    针对具有电枢反应非线性的直流电机速度控制系统,应用状态反馈线性化方法对其进行线性化处理,并利用速度误差构造 切换 函数,设计了速度环滑模变结构控制器。

  • Regardless of whether smartphone makers take a software hardware or combined approach to theft prevention one of the biggest challenges they have yet to figure out is where the manpower to monitor and regulate a kill switch function will come from .

    不管手机厂商使用的是软件方案、硬件方案还是软硬件相结合的防盗方案,目前他们仍有一个最大的挑战没有解决,那就是由谁来监管手机的 自杀 功能

  • After introducing switch function concepts the nonlinear mathematical model of in - duction motor variable frequency variable speed system fed by space vector pulse width modulated ( SVPWM ) inverter is set up allowing for the effect of main magnetic circuit saturation .

    引入 开关 函数概念,建立了空间矢量脉宽调制(SVPWM)逆变器供电下,异步电动机考虑主磁路饱和时的变频调速系统非线性数学模型、仿真系统的动态性能。

  • This paper stesses on the analysis about realization of hot switch function finally gives out the results .

    重点分析了系统热 切换 功能的实现,并给出线路测试结果。