


  • Hundreds of callers jammed the BBC switchboard for more than an hour

    在一个多小时内,成百上千的来电使得英国广播公司的 总机 应接不暇

  • The new switchboard shares much of the workload of the telephone exchange .

    新式 交换机大大的减少了交换台的工作量。

  • He asked to be connected to the central switchboard .

    他请求接到 总机

  • Maintain repair install and test switchgear transformers switchboard meters regulators and reactors .

    维修,安装,检测开关设备,变压器, 配电 ,调节器和电抗器。

  • Hello switchboard can I have a line please ?

    喂, 交换 ,请给我 电话,好吗?

  • He asks the switchboard operator to get him a number in germany .

    他请 电话 总机接线员给他接通德国的一个 电话号码。

  • A switchboard feature enabling an operator to transfer a call to other positions or to accept calls so transferred .

    一种 交换 功能部件,能够让操作员把一个呼叫传送到其它位置或接收如此传送来的呼叫。

  • The company 's switchboard was jammed with complaints .

    打来投诉的 电话 了,公司的 电话 总机 应接不暇

  • The main switchboard and the distribution boxes have been inspected and found in good working condition .


  • The girl on the switchboard told me there was a phone call for me .


  • I asked the switchboard operator to transfer any calls for me to your office .

    我让 接线员把我的电话都转到你的办公室去。

  • Can use cheap points ? Switchboard is appropriate ?

    能否用便宜点的? 交换机是否合适?

  • Main breakers provide overcurrent protection and a single disconnect point for all power in a switchboard or device .

    主开关能够提供过电流保护,是配电 或设备的电源断开点。

  • The emergency generator and switchboard can keep power supply in case of failure of main power supply .

    应急发电机和 应急 配电 能在主电源失灵的情况下维持电力供应。

  • The technicians are coming to fix the telephone switchboard .

    技师们马上就来修理电话 交换机

  • Company specialized production fiber optic transmission network series product : If optical fiber switchboard ;

    公司专业生产光纤传输网络系列产品:如光纤 交换机

  • The switchboard operator was the hotel owner 's wife .

    电话 接线员是旅馆老板的妻子。

  • The switchboard 's been jammed ever since the press conference .

    记者招待会后, 总机就被打爆了。

  • For many years I worked as a receptionist and switchboard operator at a busy company .

    很多年来,我一直在一家业务繁忙的公司担任接线员和 电话 转接 操作员。

  • I 'm a switchboard operator for the hotel .

    我是饭店的 接线生。

  • He instructed switchboard staff to divert all Laura 's calls to him .

    他让 总机 接线员将劳拉所有的电话都转给他。

  • Switchboard . Which extension would you like ?

    这儿 总机请问您要 哪个分机呢?

  • Do you remember to ask the switchboard to put my call through to the boardroom ?

    你记住请 总机把我的电话接到董事会的会议室?

  • He asked to be connected to the central switchboard at London University

    他要求转接到伦敦大学的 电话 总机

  • I 'll put you back to the switchboard and they 'll connect you .

    我将你转回给 总机,他们会给你连接。

  • Measuring insulation resistance and reliability test protection device for main switchboard ( emergency switchboard ) .


  • My job was to operate the telephone switchboard .

    我的工作是操作电话 交换

  • Will you cover for me at the telephone switchboard while I run out to post a letter ?

    你可否在电话 交换 那儿 暂且替我应付一下?我跑出去寄一封信。

  • On my job I had to work as a switchboard operator .

    我上班的时候也要当 总机 接线生的。