

n.教学大纲,课程提纲( syllabus的名词复数 )

  • A syllabus for each core subject is prepared by the curriculum development council ( cdc ) . syllabuses are regularly reviewed to meet changing educational and community needs .

    课程发展议会负责编订各核心科目的课程 纲要,并定期检讨,以配合教育和社会方面不断转变的需要。

  • On the other hand language test influences teaching and learning by way of setting standards or criteria for language courses or syllabuses .

    反过来,语言测试作为教学评估的一种形式,也可以通过建立语言课程或 大纲标准来影响语言 教学

  • Course syllabuses look similar .

    课程 提纲看上去也很相似。

  • Different syllabuses reflect different aspects of the nature of language and of language learning .

    不用种类的 大纲反应了语言本质和语言学习本质的不同方面。

  • The classifications of syllabuses are mainly into synthetic and analytic syllabuses .

    大纲主要分为综合式 大纲和分析式大纲。

  • The present teaching syllabuses of senior middle schools and those of colleges both lay their emphasis on training students'reading ability .

    我国目前使用的高中、大学英语 教学 大纲均强调“侧重培养阅读能力”。

  • Comparative Study on Biology Syllabuses for Senior High School between Shanghai and Singapore

    上海与新加坡高中生物 课程 标准比较研究

  • Designing Syllabuses and Execution based on Working Process : a Case Study of the Course Business Etiquette

    基于工作过程的 课程 方案设计及实施&以本 课程商务礼仪为例

  • Discussions on the Relationship between Capability Criteria in CBT and Syllabuses

    CBT中能力标准与 课程 大纲关系的探讨

  • The intension of communicative competence determines that communicative approach can be a meeting point for various schools of foreign language teaching and a kind of eclecticism between grammar-vocabulary syllabuses and functional-notional syllabuses .

    交际能力的内涵决定了交际途径可以成为不同外语教学流派的汇合点,可以成为语法词汇 大纲与功能意念大纲之间的一种折衷。

  • As a first step the faculty collated their syllabuses with the hopes of creating a teaching resource book .

    作为第一步,与会的教师比对了他们的 教学 大纲,希望能出一本教材。

  • Psychological Problems in Formulating PE Syllabuses for Primary and Secondary Schools in Nine-Year Compulsory Education

    论编订九年义务教育中小学体育 教学 大纲的心理学问题

  • History courses aside business schools need to change their tone more than their syllabuses .

    除历史课外,与改变 教学 大纲相比,商学院更应该改变的是它们的态度。

  • The basic conditions of innovation in teaching are innovatory syllabuses textbooks and teachers .

    创新型的 教学 大纲、教材和教师,是教学创新的前提条件。

  • To prepare students for future challenges relevant information technology competencies have been incorporated into various subject syllabuses .

    为使学生能应付未来的挑战,不同科目的 课程 纲要均已加入相关的资讯科技应用 技巧

  • As the basis for the compilation of teaching materials Chinese syllabuses promulgated and implemented by the Singapore Ministry of Education and constantly revise and adjust according to the socio-linguistic environment .

    作为教材编写的依据,华文 课程 标准由新加坡教育部颁布实施,并根据社会语言环境进行了不断地修订与调整。

  • Section 4 from the syllabuses the course content and teaching method courses establishing three aspects to factual situation of college preparatory Chinese language Teachings in Xinjiang carries on the analysis and studies .

    第四节 以上 部分的内容为基础主要从 大纲 教学 计划、教学内容和教学方法、课程设置三个方面对新疆高校大学汉语教学的现状进行了分析和探讨,并 附有调查数据。

  • The Comparison of Middle-school Chemistry Curriculum Standards ( Syllabuses ) in China

    我国中学化学课程标准( 教学 大纲)之比较

  • The aim of CA is to bring out points of similarities and differences and thus to predict and explain learner 's difficulties and errors in second language acquisition and to provide basis for the selection and grading of teaching material and for the organization and designing of syllabuses .

    对比分析的目的,是通过对比语言之间的异同以预测和解释学习者在第二语言习得中的困难和错误,并且为教材的选择和制定,以及 教学 大纲的设置提供理论依据。

  • Through a brief analysis of the features of the course syllabuses for social-psychology of clothing in American universities and colleges this paper attempts to help the readers to get a general understanding of the recent development in the education of social-psychology of clothing and learn from their experience .

    本文通过对美国五所大学服装社会心理学课程 大纲特点的分析,旨在了解美国服装社会心理学教育的最新动态,希望能从中汲取对我国服装教育和研究可借鉴的经验。

  • Since then language tasks evolved from a varied collection of instructional activities in second and foreign language classrooms to a foundation for instructional planning i.e. task-based syllabuses .

    自那以后,语言任务从各种二语和外语课堂的教学活动发展演变成了教学大纲(即任务型 教学 大纲)的基础。

  • Synthetic syllabuses emphasize particularly on the sequencing of teaching contents and the criteria of sequencing chiefly fall to frequency and complexity .

    大纲 制定过程中,综合 大纲对于教学内容的顺序 编排尤为重视,排序的主要标准是教学内容的 使用频率和难易程度。

  • The high school students ' basic skill in doing physics experiments required in the international examination syllabuses for the school certificate at ordinary level by the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate has been introduced .

    介绍了剑桥大学地方考试联合会制定的普通水平学校证书国际考试 大纲对高中学生物理实验技能的要求。

  • 90 % of courses provided the information of courses construction such as the teaching staff teaching reform and research teaching means and methods and instruction resources including syllabuses teaching plans courseware videos references and so on .

    90%的课程提供师资队伍建设、教学改革与研究、教学手段与方法等课程建设信息以及 教学 大纲、教案、教学课件、授课录像、参考文献等教学资源。

  • Chapter two deals with different types of syllabuses that are influential for textbook design . Then the national syllabus of 1999 is explored for it provides guidelines for the design of the textbooks .

    第二章介绍了对教材的设计具有影响的英语教学大纲和国家1999年修订的 大纲,因为它为课本的设计提供了依据和指导。

  • Comparedwith the previous syllabuses the Standards convey more comprehensible concepts offoreign language ability and curriculum .

    与原来的 教学 大纲相比,《标准》体现了更加全面的语言能力观和课程观。

  • Teaching and Textbook Writing Syllabuses for Primary School English points out Interest is a good teacher for pupils to learn a foreign language .

    《小学英语教学与教材编写 纲要》指出:兴趣是学好语言的老师。

  • As new generations of office workers leave university where their class notes and syllabuses are online these days they take their habits with them .

    随着新一代的办公室职员毕业,他们保留他们的习惯,即课堂的笔记和 教学 纲要都是在网络上的。

  • An Analysis of the Features of the Course Syllabuses for Social-Psychology of Clothing in American Universities and Colleges

    美国服装社会心理学课程 大纲特点分析