

[机] 对称,左右均衡,平衡

  • Potential Energy Function of the Molecule with C_ ( 2v ) Symmetery

    C(2V) 对称的分子势能函数

  • According to voltage reactive conditioning and burden power multiple connection the capacitor lift a hand to of the correlation of it carries out reactive flows reasonable symmetery .

    根据电压无功调节与负荷功率、并联电容器出力 之间 相互关系,实现无功潮流合理 平衡

  • We shall show that continuous symmetery transformation in quantum field theory which leave the equation of motion invariant will generate conservation laws without use Noether theorem of Lagrangian formalism .

    本文从 对称变换保持 系统的动力学方程 以及关系)不变出发,推导出量子场论中的连续 对称变换所产生的守恒律,而不借助于拉格朗日体制的Noether定理。