swivel chair

[ˈswɪvəl tʃɛr][ˈswɪvəl tʃɛə]


  • This paper described the PLC application in the pneumatic-electrical control of the test of swivel chair mechanical property .

    介绍了可编程控制器在 转椅力学性能试验机的气-电控制系统中的应用。

  • She returned to the swivel chair behind her desk .

    她回到桌子后面的 转椅

  • Flora restored the heavy swivel chair to its upright position .

    弗洛拉把 笨重的 转椅 起来。

  • But when you climbed on board mentally noting the lumpy cushions the rods trailing wires at the stern and the swivel fish-fighting chair bolted to the deck you knew you were in the same place .

    不过,当来到船上,看到那些高低不平的气垫,那些船尾的钓竿拖曳线,以及那些固定在甲板上的 旋转斗鱼 时,就会发现这和 Orca号一样。

  • Our first generation of leaders were broad-minded during their early period in office and on the whole the second generation has been so too . Tynan lay back in his swivel chair arms crossed on his barrel chest eyes set on the ceiling .

    我们的第一代领导人前期是胸襟宽阔的,我们第二代基本上也是胸襟宽阔的,泰纳恩仰靠着 转椅背,双臂交叉在宽阔的胸前,眼睛盯着天花板。

  • He lounged back in his swivel chair and the setting sun played on his face .

    他躺回到 转椅 ,夕阳荡漾在他的脸上。

  • Could you bring another swivel chair into the room ?

    你能再搬 旋转 到房间里来吗?

  • As he collapsed into the swivel chair facing my desk his momentum swung him halfway around before he could stop himself .

    当他重重地倒在我桌前的 上时,那股冲力使 椅子转了半个圈才停下来。

  • Chueh-min chose the chair nearest the window ; between him and the window stood Chueh-hsin 's swivel chair . No I 've bought two easy chairs and I 'm putting those by the windows .

    他坐的那把椅子离窗户最近,中间 隔着 觉新 活动 。不,我买了两把安乐椅,我要把它们放在窗户旁边。

  • The swivel chair of Ping An Lu brand has gradually become the most famous brand in China by right of the quality guarantee new style and the advanced producing power .

    本公司 出品的“平安路” 办公 转椅 凭着质量保证、款式新颖以及先进的生产水平,在国内已逐步成为名牌中的名牌。

  • The Pneumatic-electrical Control System of the Swivel Chair Test Machines Formed by PLC

    应用PLC构成 转椅试验机的电&气控制系统

  • Analysis of Quality Safe and Risk in Atmospheric Perssure Swivel Chair

    气压升降式 转椅产品质量安全风险分析

  • Tynan lay back in his swivel chair arms crossed on his barrel chest eyes set on the ceiling .

    泰纳恩仰靠着 转椅背,双臂交叉在宽阔的胸前,眼睛盯着天花板。

  • And where did that swivel chair come from ?

    还有这 转椅哪来的?

  • Pulling his black leather swivel chair to his desk he logged onto a hospital website and eagerly perused his therapist 's session notes .

    他把黑色皮 转椅 到自己的书桌前,随后登录到医院的网站,急切地看起了他的治疗师对那次会谈的记录。

  • As I found my desk and sat down a new colleague spun around in his swivel chair pointed at my bag ( now dumped on the floor ) and said Does that thing have Disney characters on the inside ?

    找到自己的办公桌坐定后,坐在 转椅中的一位新同事转过身来,指着我的背包(已搁放到地上)说,这玩意儿里面放了迪斯尼人物图片吗?

  • He leaned back in the swivel chair and locked his fingers behind his head

    他仰靠在 转椅 ,十指交叉枕在脑后。

  • Typical office furniture elements-a swivel chair and a desk are displayed as traces of human presence like anthropological artefacts .


  • Rich dad rocked back in his swivel chair hands up to his chin somewhat staring at me . It was like he was studying me .

    富爸爸在 摇椅里向后一 ,手摸着下巴盯着我,好像在研究我。