switching surface


  • A sliding mode control strategy with an integral switching surface is used to the Direct Torque Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine in order to solve some problems such as sensitivity of parameter disturbance and load variety feebleness of robust .

    本文将一种 新型积分 滑模 面的滑模变结构控制策略用于永磁同步电机直接转矩控制中。解决了传统PI调节器直接转矩控制中对电机参数扰动,负载变化敏感,鲁棒性差等缺点。

  • A novel proportional-integral ( PI ) switching surface was introduced for determining the synchronization performance of system in sliding mode motion .

    为了在滑动模态中保证系统的同步性能,采用一种新型的比例积分 切换

  • This paper calculates the expression between minority-carrier lifetime and switching time in short diode by analyzing the continuity equation when considering the surface recombination .

    使用连续性方程,在考虑 表面复合过程的情况下,提出了短二极管的少子寿命计算公式。

  • A method by integrating partition of threshold switching surfaces with interval computation was proposed to get the conservative approximation of a timer event 's irregular switching surface which can solve the trouble when there exist timers in continuous blocks of hybrid systems and is hard to discrete .

    针对混合系统的连续部分存在定时器时难于进行离散模型近似的问题,提出了一种结合阈值切换 划分和 步长区间计算的解决方案。

  • Experiments showed the critical energy absorption capacity of resistor at repeated switching surges was 432 kJ the approximate specific thermal capacity of DC resistor was 3 J / g ·℃ the maximum surface temperature of resistor at energy absorbing was 178 ℃ .

    试验表明,在多次过电压下,电阻片吸收 操作过电压临界能量吸收能力为 432kJ;直流电阻片的近似比热容为3J/(g.K);

  • The criterions of selecting switching surface coefficients and switching frequency for the practical implementation were considered and the corresponding design procedure was presented .

    着重讨论了在实际电路设计中选择 开关 系数和开关频率的原则,并且给出相应的设计程序。

  • Design of A Switching Die for Punching on the Cylinder Bottom Surface

    翻转式筒 冲孔模具设计

  • A time optimal control method switched by time is put forward in the paper based on the concept of subspace of the initial state space . It doesn ′ t need switching curve or switching surface .

    基于初始状态空间下的子空间概念,提出一种按时间进行切换的最速控制方法,不需要求取开关线或 开关

  • The Numerical Analysis Study of Anisotropic Tubes under Inversion Forming Process Design of A Switching Die for Punching on the Cylinder Bottom Surface

    各向异性管材翻转成形解析分析研究 翻转式筒 冲孔模具设计

  • In this paper to counter exact nonlinear systems and nonlinear systems with structural uncertainties the control laws which are designed by variable structure control can satisfy the reaching condition the constructed switching surface can guarantee the stable sliding mode .

    对于确定性的和受到结构扰动的非线性系统,用变结构控制设计的控制律能够满足到达条件,构造的 切换 能产生稳定的滑动模态。

  • Realizes the Dynamic Switching of the Tibetan and Chinese Two Kinds of Contact Surface Based on VC

    基于VC实现藏汉两种 界面的动态 切换

  • The stability of the new switching surface is analyzed and its properties are illustrated by comparing with some existing methods . Thirdly the on-off control design problem with nonsmooth Lipschitz surfaces is investigated for a class of linear controllable systems with on-off control input .

    然后,针对一类控制输入为开关量的线性系统,提出了一种基于非光滑Lipschitz 曲面 开关控制设计方法。

  • In addition this work could offer a new method for the research of functional surface such as the controllable reversible switching surface .

    同时,该工作也为功能化表面,如可控、可逆 开关 表面的研究提供了一种新的思路。

  • It is showed from experiment that under positive switching voltages with various crests the average potential gradient in surface arc cannel is almost indepent of any other parameters ;

    通过试验发现在不同波头的 正极操作波下, 闪火花通道内的平均电位梯度与其他因素几乎无关;

  • Secondly the design method of discrete variable structure control is discussed including selection of discrete switching surface and formation of discrete approach-law reaching condition .

    其次,简要地讨论了离散变结构控制器的设计方法,包括 切换 平面的选择及离散趋近率的构成。

  • If the slope of the switching surface is set 0 and the integral is added velocity control can be realize without changing the mathematic model when the control system slide on this switching surface .

    将控制器 切换 面的斜率设定为0,并且加入积分项,使控制系统状态在该切换面上滑动即可实现不改变数学模型条件下的速度控制。

  • A designing method of variable structure robust controller for a nonlinear system is introduced . The designing steps of switching surface and the process of control are described in detail . An example with the simulation result in a power system is also given .

    提出了一种非线性系统变结构鲁棒控制器设计方法,对 切换 平面的设计步骤和控制作用的求取作了详细论述,并给出了在电力系统中的应用实例及仿真结果。

  • It solves the problem of chattering by using fuzzy switching surface .

    运用模糊 切换的方法能解决 滑模控制的抖振问题。

  • A common feature to these schemes is the use of a switching surface to trigger change in control signal . Distinctively reset control employs a same control law on both sides of the switching surface .

    这些控制方法的一个共同点是都使用一个 切换 来触发控制信号的改变,而重置控制的不同点在于切换面的两侧使用了相同的控制规则。

  • The sign function of the switching surface function is replaced by a suitable saturated function to reduce the system chattering .

    同时用一个合适的饱和函数替代 切换 函数中的符号函数,有效地减弱了系统颤振。

  • The conditions for stability of the sliding mode and asymptotically stability of the closed-loop systems are all indicated directly by the original system coefficient matrices and switching surface gain matrices .

    本文所得到的滑动模态稳定性条件和闭环系统渐近稳定条件都是直接用原系统和 切换 面的系统矩阵表示,求解时可以避免系统分解时引入变换矩阵所导致的数值问题。

  • The switching surface was obtained by using the optimal method and the controller was designed by using the method of exponential approach law .

    切换 面的设计采用最优化方法而得出,控制律的设计采用指数趋近律方法。

  • Extraction of modal variables from actual measurements and transform of actual control forces from modal control forces are discussed . Determination methods of discrete-time switching surface and variable-structure modal control law are presented .

    给出了从实际测量中提取模态坐标和将模态控制力转换成实际控制力的方法,以及离散 切换 和离散变结构模态控制律的确定方法。

  • Based on the proper parameterization of switching surfaces and corresponding Lyapunov function an algebraic criterion of the exponential stabilizability is deduced from which the switching surface and Lyapunov function are explicitly formulated .

    通过切换面及相应Lyapunov函数的适当参数化,导出了关于可指数镇定性的代数判据,由此得到 切换 及Lyapunov函数的求解方法。

  • The Molecular Mechanism About Switching Surface Antigen of Trypanosome

    锥虫 表面抗原 转化的分子机制

  • The method of switching surface designing and the control law are given .

    给出了能使系统 鲁棒 镇定 切换 设计方法和相应的控制律的形式。

  • By this strategy the chattering on the switching surface is reduced and the system tracking precision and robust are raised .

    该方法减小了系统在 切换 上的抖动,提高了系统跟踪精度及鲁棒性。

  • With power reaching rule method the variable structure control makes the trajectory outside the switching surface reach the switching surface in limited time .

    用幂次趋近律确定变结构控制,使 切换 以外的相轨线于有限时间到达切换面。

  • When pole assignment mothod is used to design the switching surface or switching line the property of sliding mode variable structure system can be improved .

    运用极点配置法设计 开关 或开关线,可以使系统滑模时具有良好的性能。

  • Variable Structure Controller Design with Nonlinear Switching Surface

    具有非线性 切换 函数的变结构控制器设计