symbol rank

[ˈsɪmbəl ræŋk][ˈsimbəl ræŋk]


  • As labors totally different from those labors who have the household registration of city they are the labor shoulders of down-class of society and are becoming a symbol of hierarchical labor rank ;

    她们是劳动力,是社会底层的劳力承担者,与城市户口的劳动力相区别,成为劳动力等级 地位的一个 符号

  • In the feudal society the number of the steps as a symbol of social rank was regulated strictly .

    在封建社会步的数量作为社会 等级 标志严密地被调控了。

  • The age of civilization jade was put on auspicious symbol symbol of rank character moral carrier symbol treasure treasures object of artistic appreciation and other auras with broad and profound cultural connotation .

    到了文明时代,玉又被披戴上祥瑞符号、 等级 标志、道德载体、人品象征、宝藏奇珍、鉴赏对象等各种光环,具有博大精深的文化内涵。

  • The tripod a symbol of the rank system in the slave society of ancient China is a vessel of bronze art connected God with man which is used for some significant sacrifice in ancient China .

    中国奴隶社会 等级制度的 是人和神相通的器物,即青铜艺术礼器。