switched service

[计] 交换式业务,转换式业务

  • For its part Google had clearly been expecting retaliation since it switched its Chinese search service to Hong Kong eight days ago .

    自从8天前把中国搜索 服务 转到香港,谷歌显然就已料到会遭到报复。

  • Packet switched data transmission service

    分组 交换数据传输 业务

  • The competition in insurance has been switched from price and products to synthesis of management and service .

    保险公司的竞争也从直接的价格和产品的竞争 方位的管理、 服务等综合实力的竞争。

  • General Packet Radio Service ( GPRS ) provides GPRS users packet switched data service . However in existing GPRS applications GPRS specification does not support push access such as call termination ( incoming call ) .

    GPRS设备的被动访问通用无线分组业务(GPRS)在为用户提供无线 分组数据传输 服务中,GPRS网络不直接提供GPRS设备的被动访问服务。

  • Community broadband network system with integrated services which is based on switched ethernet technology provides Internet access service DTV VoIP and etc. for residential users in a single physical network .

    社区宽带综合业务网络系统使用 交换 以太网技术,在一个物理网络上为社区用户提供Internet接入、数字电视、IP电话等 服务,对三网融合进行了实践性探讨。

  • Introduced the characteristics of switched Ethernet and analyzed the composition of the network delay . Introduced congestion control problem which affected the network quality of service and network quality of control analyzed the causes of network congestion and common solutions .

    介绍了 交换 以太网的特点,分析网络时延组成;介绍影响网络 服务质量进而影响控制质量的网络拥塞问题,分析了网络拥塞产生的原因和常用解决办法。

  • It supplements today 's Circuit Switched Data and Short Message Service .

    它利用现有的 移动 电话网络发送和接收信息,是现有的电路 交换技术和短消息 服务的一个补充。

  • In data communication the connection through the public switched telephone network from a terminal to a service network or computer .

    数据通信中,通过公共电话 交换网,实现一个终端和一个 服务 部门、网络或计算机的连接。

  • On the basis of prior Study through test we confirm the hypotheses in study on customers who have switched service providers because of dissatisfaction seem to differ significantly from other customer groups in their Satisfaction and loyalty behaviors .

    本文在研究(一)的基础上,通过实验证实了研究(一)的假设,即由于不满意而 转换 顾客与其他顾客群在满意和忠诚行为上具有显著的差异。

  • Since the 1980s the global economy has switched to the service economy from the industry economy and the proportion of service industry to national economy has been getting bigger and bigger .

    20世纪80年代以来,全球经济从工业 经济向 服务型经济转型,服务业在国民经济中的比重越来越大。

  • The aim of the architecture is to serve all the telecommunication networks including not only Public Switched Telephone Network ( PSTN ) Narrowband Integrated Service Digital Network ( N-ISDN ) but also mobile telecommunication network and Broadband IP Network .

    这个体系结构的目标是为所有的通信网络服务,既可以为现有的 电话网、窄带综合 业务数字网(ISDN) 服务,也可以为移动通信网和宽带IP网 服务

  • This paper also studies and compares three different methods to measure the resources used by each circuit switched service which is to be determined in spectrum requirements analysis .

    并对频谱需求分析所需的电路 交换 业务资源占用度量方法进行了研究。

  • He downsized Neocha staff moved its office to a smaller space and switched to a less expensive Web-hosting service .

    他减少了“新茶”的工作人员,办公室也搬到了一个较小的地方,还 了一个较便宜的网站寄存 服务

  • Must be switched manually between one or the other service .

    一定用手被 转变在一之间或另一个 服务

  • In that case RCSs that cannot be switched over are taken out of service .

    在这种情况下,会使那些不能进行 切换的RCS退出 服务

  • Internet is a packet switched network which provided Best-effort service at the beginning . It supports the FTP protocol E-mail HTTP etc. These traditional data services do not ask for higher performance of the network delay .

    互联网发展的初期,是提供尽力而为 服务的分组 交换网网络,它主要支持FTP协议、E-mail、HTTP等相对传统的数据业务,这些业务对网络时延等性能要求不高。

  • At the same time Packet Switched Data Networks has grown significantly in Quality of Service ( QoS ) .

    而与此同时, 分组数据网络在网络经济中和 业务质量控制方面取得了巨大的进步和发展。