syntax summary

[ˈsɪnˌtæks ˈsʌməri][ˈsɪnˌtæks ˈsʌməri]


  • This article mainly from the vocabulary syntax the rhetoric in three aspects such as the language of English advertisement a comprehensive summary of the characteristics .

    本文主要从词汇、 句法、修辞等三个方面对英语广告的语言特点进行比较全面的 总结

  • This article attempts to contemporary linguistic theories of psychological adjectives in take care of the psychological adjectives in the Analects its definition of extract used to sort and summarize semantic features syntax summary function .

    本文尝试以当代语言学中心理形容词的相关理论,关照《论语》中的心理形容词,对其进行界定提取、分类整理、概括语义特征、 总结 语法功用。