syntax theory

[ˈsɪnˌtæks ˈθiəri][ˈsɪnˌtæks ˈθiəri]


  • Application of space syntax theory and in downtown Chongqing as an example to demonstrate the evolution of urban spatial dimension .

    应用了空间 句法 理论,并以重庆市中心城区为例,演示了城市层面的空间演化。

  • The paper promotes a evaluation system of network city construction by choosing four parameters including global integration locate integration intelligibility synergy which are highly related to urban form in space syntax theory .

    本文通过选取空间 句法 理论中跟城市形态相关度比较高的四个参数&全局整合度、局部整合度、可理解度、空间智能度,来构建网络城市结构的评价体系。

  • On space and social space syntax is a series of theory and technology its core idea is not the background of social economic activity space but a part of social economic activities .

    空间 句法是关于空间与社会的一系列 理论和技术,其核心观点是空间不是社会经济活动的背景,而是社会经济活动开展的一部分。

  • Space Syntax theory regards physical city as the object of initial concern discovering eco-nomic and social process by investigating city pattern .

    空间 句法 理论以物质城市作为首要关注的对象,通过考察城市形态本身来发现经济与社会过程。

  • Chapter Two firstly analyzes the characteristic of the serial-verb syntax and the telescopic syntax in Modern Chinese . Secondly explains the generation of the serial-verb compound words and telescopic compound words from the perspective of syntactic and semantic framework combined with the theory of Cognitive linguistics .

    第二章首先对现代汉语连动式兼语式 句法的特点进行了分析,其次从句法语义框架压模的角度结合认知语言学的 理论解释了连动型兼语型复合词的产生。

  • Focused on three aspects of syntax semeiotics and pragmatics theoretical background this article is to gain a proper understanding of the construction combined with cognitive linguistics construction grammar the title syntax theory and so on .

    文章以句法、语义、语用三个平面的语法理论为理论背景,结合认知语言学、构式语法、标题 语法相关 理论,以期对有一种A叫B构式有一个较为全面的认识。

  • However any scientific solutions to the configurational problems in complex system it argues could only be expressed in a reductionist way as the space syntax theory did and will do .

    然而,如同空间 句法 理论那样,任何关于复杂系统的组构性科学研究是无法避免简化的。

  • It indirectly discusses the poetry forms and rules in poetic sense by observing traditional linguistics syntax rhetorical structure theory and the morphology of reflection .

    二是在理论层面,通过传统语言学、 句法结构 理论和修辞形态学的观照,间接地讨论了诗格在诗学意义上的若干形式问题。

  • From the three perspectives of syntax semantics and pragmatics as well as the cognitive linguistic theory latent-patent theory and iconicity theory this paper analyses the semantic features and the reasons about the type of phrases like ch ī sh í t á ng as accepted forms .

    本文运用 句法、语义、语用三个平面的 理论,结合语言的潜显理论和语言象似性理论,着重分析了吃食堂类短语的句法语义特征及此类短语成活的原因。

  • The syntax system in Ma Shi Wen Tong consists of five parts Syntax Unit Theory Sentence Composition Theory Cases Theory Sentence Structure Pattern Theory and Sentence Mood Type Theory .

    《马氏文通》的句法理论由“ 句法单位 ”、“句读成分论”、“次论”、“句型论”、“句子语气和句类论”等五个部分构成。

  • RDF / RDF Schema is a sound and complete formal system which has BNF formal syntax and model theory based formal semantic .

    RDF/RDFS是一个完整的形式化系统,具备BNF形式 语法、基于模型 理论的形式语义,是一个完备、可靠的形式化系统,从而保证了RDF描述语义推理的形式正确性。

  • Traditional translation theories have generally advocated a bottom-up analysis of the translation process which is from diction to syntax and then to discourse analysis while the functionalist translation theory presents a top-down analysis of the translation process .

    功能翻译 理论同传统翻译理论是有差别的。传统的翻译 理论通常是进行自下而上的翻译流程分析,即从研究字词 开始,再到段落与语篇。

  • A new method of recognition and classification based on syntax pattern recognition theory was presented which towards images of metal fracture surface .

    针对金属断口图像,提出了一种基于 句法模式识别 理论的分类方法。

  • The flexibility of Chinese syntax and the theory of syntax

    汉语 句法的灵活性和句法 理论

  • Based on those theoretic statements the author respectively explores the C-E news translation on the levels of lexicon syntax and discourse from the perspective of relevance theory with authentic examples .

    在该理论陈述的基础上,笔者通过分析大量真实的汉英新闻翻译例子,分别从词汇, 句法和篇章三个层面对关联 理论 指导下的汉英新闻翻译进行了探索。

  • In order to possess a better understanding of lexical meaning and syntax interface in the perspective of generative grammar we also make a horizontal comparison between generative grammar theory and other relevant theories .

    为了更好地了解生成语法中词汇语义与 句法的界面研究,除了对生成 语法中词汇语义与句法的界面研究进行纵向梳理之外,我们还对生成语法与相关 理论做了横向比较。

  • Chapter IV space-based construction of urban space syntax a synthesis of space syntax theory and analysis techniques as well as the perspective of self-organization in the system how to construct urban space systems .

    第四章基于空间句法的城市空间建构,综述空间 句法 理论及分析技术,以及在系统自组织视角下,如何进行城市空间系统建构。

  • This article from the linguistics angle by syntax semantics and pragmatics three-plane theory combined with the title examples to discuss characteristics of verbs ' in title .

    本文从语言学的学科角度,运用 语法、语义、语用三个平面 理论,结合标题实例来探讨标题语境下动词所呈现出的特点。

  • In the syntax theory language is always in static state as well as in dynamic state .

    语言是 静态和动态的 结合

  • Firstly the author introduces the event structure and the event syntax theory in detail and this theory assumes that the predicate verb and the object should be quantized if a sentence denotes a delimited event .

    首先,作者详细地介绍了事件结构和事件 句法 理论。这种理论认为如果一个句子所表达的事件是有界事件,那么句中谓语动词和宾语都必须被量化。

  • Next three chapters conducts a contrastive study from the point of syntax semantics and pragmatics on the base of three stratum grammatical theory .

    从第三章到第五章,以语法 分析的三个平面的 理论指导,从 句法、语义、语用等三个方面入手进行对比分析。

  • It is a new idea that syntax and semantics analysis based on type grammar of formal semantic . It introduces western modern logic grammar theory but it is not limited to this . It is more suitable for operation on Chinese than rule-based limited syntactic analysis .

    基于形式语义学类型论语法的 法语义分析是一种新的思想,引进西方现代逻辑语法学 理论却又不拘泥于此,比基于规则的限于句法的分析更适合对汉语进行操作。

  • On the other hand this thesis uses some examples in morphology syntax and phonology to explore the application of prototype theory to the study of linguistic structure .

    另一方面,作者还从词法、 句法和音位等角度探讨类典型 理论对语言结构研究的影响。

  • Only partial interpretation can be achieved on the study on English locative inversion via the case theory in syntax verbal unaccusativity in the lexicon or focus theory in pragmatics separately ;

    单独地利用 句法范畴内的格理论,词汇层面的动词的非宾格性,语用层面的焦点 理论只能对英语方位倒装现象作出部分解释;

  • The present thesis studies the syntax of quantifiers in the framework of DP Analysis and the Phase Theory .

    本文在 生成 语法限定词词组假设理论和语段 理论框架下,对量词的 句法进行分析研究。

  • Chapter 2 reveals deeply the semantics the syntax and the language uses of the yilv and yigai from the angle of the same time throgh utilizing grammar three planes theory .

    第2章部分从共时角度,运用语法三个平面 理论,对一律和一概的语义、 句法、语用进行了较为深入的揭示。

  • There is no doubt that among Chomsky 's syntax theories Principles and Parameters Theory has been the most mature formal linguistics theory which has the largest explanatory power .

    在乔姆斯基的 句法理论中,管辖与约束 理论的原则与参数系统可以 是迄今为止解释力最强,最成熟的形式句法理论,其重要性不言而喻。