swerve from

[swɚv frʌm][swə:v frɔm]


  • It could be a swerve from a steep and quiet stretch of road .

    它可以是一段坡度陡峭但安静公路的 转弯

  • To cause to swerve from a straight line ; deflect .

    使 转弯转向 使 直线 弯曲;转向收藏。

  • Taking Confusions seriously and attempting to put into his own conduct the qualities of the Princely Man Tseng was never willing through danger of loss of face to swerve from the line of duty .

    作为儒家学说的认真实践者,曾国藩试图使自己的行为符合满清权贵的要求,他绝不会因为怕丢了面子而使自己 偏离为国 尽忠的轨迹。

  • In order to find his own voice he managed to swerve away from the influence of Keats .

    为了寻找自己的 特色,威廉斯 不得不竭力 济慈的影响之中挣扎出来。

  • Don 't swerve from your purpose .

    不要 改变你的目标。

  • That had been the fashion of his century and he would not swerve from it .


  • One ought not to swerve from the path of duty .

    一个人不应做出有 本分

  • Neither riches nor honours can corrupt him ; neither poverty nor humbleness can make him swerve from principle ; and neither threats nor forces can subdue him .

    富贵不能淫, 贫贱不能移,威武不能屈。

  • He did not swerve a hair 's breadth from the decision he had made .

    丝毫没有 改变自己已经作出的决定。

  • She is one of those rare politicians whom one can trust not to swerve from policy and principle .

    她是那种不会 违背政策和原则的少数政治家之一,这一点你可以相信。