



  • The swelling behavior of montmorillonite in water was studied .

    研究了钠型蒙脱石在水中的 溶胀行为。

  • After surgery there can be swelling of the gums and face and some pain .

    手术后,牙龈和脸部会 肿胀,并有一些疼痛。

  • Glossitis resulting from injury or infection and characterized by swelling and pain .

    受伤或感染引起的舌炎:有 肿胀和疼痛。

  • The swelling has gone down .


  • Arthritis produces pain swelling and limited movement in one or more joints .

    关节炎在一个或多个关节产生疼痛, 肿胀和功能障碍。

  • His eye was partly closed and there was a swelling over his lid

    他的眼睛半闭着,眼睑上有一个 肿块

  • A response of body tissues to injury or irritation ; characterized by pain and swelling and redness and heat .

    身体组织对损伤或刺激的反应;疼痛, 肿胀,发红和发热。

  • The mechanical properties dehydration ratio and swelling ratio are determined .

    测试了共混膜的力学性能、脱水率和 溶胀度。

  • The disease can present as a large area of induration or a diffuse swelling of the legs and arms .

    该病可呈现腿部和臂部大面积硬化或弥漫性 肿胀

  • This will help with bloating and swelling .

    这将有助于与膨胀和 肿胀

  • The proceeds from the lottery go towards sports and recreation as well as swelling the coffers of the government

    彩票收入用于发展体育和娱乐产业,同时还用来 充实国库。

  • The swelling affected the entire leg .

    整条腿都 起来了。

  • The influence of emulsification conditions on the average size and swelling capacity of prepared gelatin microspheres was fully studied .

    采用乳化-热交联法制备了明胶微球,研究了乳化条件对微球粒径大小和 溶胀性的影响。

  • There is some swelling and he is being detained for observation .

    他身上有些 浮肿,被留院观察。

  • Exports are dwindling and the trade deficit is swelling

    出口在缩减,贸易赤字在 增长

  • Bee has stung my hand and it is swelling up .

    一只蜜蜂叮了我的手,手 了起来。

  • Necrotic posthitis is characterized by evertive swelling edema and necrosis in the prepuce of feedlot steers and bulls .

    坏死性包皮炎以肥育牛场的阉牛和公牛呈现包皮外翻性 肿胀,水肿和坏死为特征。

  • The swelling had begun to go down and he was able with pain to hobble .


  • I think the trauma caused some swelling .

    我认为外伤导致了某种 积水

  • His legs are swelling out .

    他的腿 发肿

  • One form of this enzyme makes the prostaglandin that causes pain and swelling .

    这种酶的一种形式,使前列腺素引起疼痛和 肿胀

  • Billy 's arm was swelling up .

    比利的手臂 起来了。

  • Poison from the weaver fish causes paralysis swelling and nausea

    龙的毒素会引起瘫痪、 肿胀和恶心。

  • The swelling has gone down a little .


  • The cyst was causing swelling and exerting pressure on her brain .

    那个囊肿正在引起 肿胀,压迫着她的大脑。

  • Notice the swelling of infarcted tissue and the distortion of surrounding tissue .

    注意梗塞组织的 肿胀和周围组织的变形。

  • Do you have a sensation of swelling on the lips and the tongue ?

    嘴唇和舌头有没有 肿胀的感觉?

  • A large swelling had come up on my ankle .

    我的脚踝处起了一个很大的 肿块

  • The bee sting has left a swelling on my hand .

    我手上蜜蜂叮咬处留下了一个 肿块