sweet crude oil

[swit krud ɔɪl][swi:t kru:d ɔil]


  • New York Mercantile Exchange ( NYMEX ) prices for February delivery of light sweet crude oil stood at51.88 U.S.dollars per barrel on Thursday he lowest since May2005 .

    上星期二纽约商业交易所二月份交货的轻质 低硫 原油价格维持在每桶51.88美元,这是自2005年5月份以来的最低价格。

  • Although there is no real shortage of energy resources with the the shortage caused by production structural imbalance in sweet and sulfur crude oil the global oil market has been to some extent a seller 's market .

    尽管供应方面不存在资源性短缺,但 结构性短缺仍将持续,世界 石油市场在一定程度上由买方市场向卖方市场过渡。

  • The premium that the market gave light sweet crude oil which is well-suited for making diesel has dwindled as diesel demand has shrunk .

    适于生产柴油的轻质 低硫 原油的溢价也随着柴油需求的萎缩而降低。