
v.诈骗,骗取钱财( swindle的现在分词 )

  • The crime of loan swindling is one of the most controversial crime in the crime of financial fraud .

    贷款 诈骗 是金融诈骗罪的诸多问题中争议较大的犯罪之一。

  • Confidence trick ( act of swindling sb by first gaining his trust )

    骗局(从赢得信任 入手使某人 受骗)。

  • Generally speaking there is little opportunity for the swindlers to take advantage in the trading of complete sets of equipment or transfer of technology while commodity transactions are most vulnerable to swindling .

    一般来说,在成套设备买卖和技术转让过程中不太容易出现 诈骗 行为,而最容易发生诈骗 行为的是在商品买卖活动中。

  • Generally existed in the domestic market the price swindling is a kind of improper price behavior .

    价格 欺诈问题是我国目前国内市场较为普遍存在的一种不正当的价格现象。

  • Mr de Maistre is under investigation over allegations including abuse of confidence abuse of funds and swindling all of which he denies .

    德迈斯特也在接受调查,他受到的指控包括:滥用信任,滥用资金和 诈骗

  • This paper using economic and positivist analysis studies the swindling act about information disclosure in China 's securities markets .

    本文用经济学分析及实证的方法研究了中国证券市场关于信息披露的 欺诈行为。

  • You must have been caught for swindling .

    这种一定是 骗钱被抓。

  • The rats and blacklegs in your factory may fight among themselves but they 're still united when it comes to oppressing you and swindling you !

    你们厂里的工贼走狗自己打架,可是他们压迫你们是一致的! 欺骗你们是一致的!

  • Moreover since the death of Xue pan 's father all the managers and assistants in the purveyor 's offices of different provinces had taken advantage of his youth and inexperience to start swindling

    “自薛蟠父亲死后,各省中所有的买卖承局,总管,伙计人等,见 薛蟠年轻不谙世事,便趁时拐骗起来”

  • About the individual amount of crime of swindling the author agree with the theory of Double Standards .

    因此,是否达到一定数额,是 区别 诈骗 与非罪的 重要标准;

  • According to the statistics of the organization of trade and development of the United nations there are several swindling acts each month and swindling causes a loss of up to billions of US dollars annually .

    根据联合国贸易和发展组织的数据,每月都有多起 诈骗 发生,而每年因诈骗造成的损失达数十亿美元。

  • Among them were the gelerts who had lived in a dozen different states and who apparently had left each one hastily upon detection of their swindling schemes ;


  • Confusion about the Determination of Crime of Swindling a Contract ; futures individual clearing dealer

    合同 诈骗罪认定的困惑&兼谈 商法独立期货独立结算交易商

  • What 's your line of work swindling old ladies ?

    你们是来做什么的, 欺骗老太太吗?

  • He made $ 50000 by swindling small shopkeepers .

    他用 欺骗小店主的方法 骗取了50000美元。

  • The eighth chapter is the legislation perfect of crime of swindling .

    第八章 诈骗罪的立法完善。

  • Da Jia Wang cooperates with Bank of China provides a third party certification service to crack down the crime of swindling on net .

    大家旺和中国银行强强联手,为您提供第三方认证 担保服务,坚决打击网络 诈骗

  • Wu Ying who turned a nail salon into a regional conglomerate was sentenced to death in 2009 after being convicted of swindling 11 investors out of 380 million yuan ( $ 60.3 million ) .

    吴英曾经将她经营的一家美甲店发展成她所在地区的一家大型企业,她于2009年被判死刑,此前法庭认定她 诈骗了11名投资者人民币3.8亿元的资金。

  • That price Swindling is illegitimate competition behavior .

    价格 欺诈是不正当的竞争行为。

  • The Legal Interest Trespassed Against and Target of Crime in Crime of Swindling ;

    我国刑法规定的 诈骗 是取得型侵犯财产犯罪中犯罪率较高的一种。

  • The amount and plot of crime of swindling is the basic factor for conviction crime of swindling or not .

    骗取 公私 财物财产利益 必须 达到数额 较大或者情节 严重的,才能构成 诈骗罪。

  • In the second place we should prescribe the action of crime of swindling in details .

    诈骗 的犯罪 对象规定为“财物及 财产利益”。

  • He is unprincipled swindling the widow and her fatherless son .

    他这个人很卑鄙, 负人家孤儿寡母。

  • Stealing swindling or seizing a small amount of public or private property ;

    (一)偷窃、 骗取、抢夺少量公私财物的;

  • The crime of swindling loan is a greater incidence in practice highly destructive the financial fraud crimes with serious results which seriously damages our country 's financial order .

    贷款 诈骗罪是一种在实践中发案较多、破坏性极强、危害后果特别严重的一种金融诈骗犯罪,严重破坏了我国的金融秩序。

  • They were accused fo swindling millions for dollars out of several international companies .

    他们被指控 诈骗了几家跨国公司数百万美元的钱财。

  • But China Central Television the official state broadcaster has accused it of swindling consumers by charging about a third more than it does in the US .

    但是,官方的中国中央电视台(CCTV)指控星巴克在 暴利 坑人咖啡价格比美国高出大约三分之一。

  • Disturbing public order or swindling money by way of feudal superstition when circumstances are not serious enough for criminal punishment ;

    )利用会道门、封建迷信活动,扰乱社会秩序、 危害公共 利益损害 他人 身体健康或者 骗取 财物,尚不够刑事处罚的;