



  • Study on the Biological Properties in the Fermentation of Sweeten Glutinous Rice Wine ;

    系统研究了发酵法生产 糯米饮料的生产工艺以及影响糯米饮料品质的因素。

  • The Australians fry their bananas and sweeten them with honey .

    澳大利亚人把香蕉炸了,然后 上蜂蜜吃。

  • Kalon Group has sweetened its takeover offer for Manders

    卡龙集团已经向 曼德斯公司开出更为优厚的收购条件。

  • So long as you can sweeten another 's pain life is not in vain .

    只要你能 抚平他人的伤痛,你的人生就不会毫无意义。

  • And can add red pool in tea honey used to sweeten food mm is easy to accept .

    而且可以在茶内加 红塘和蜂蜜,习惯甜食的mm也很容易接受。

  • I 'm not authorized to go any higher but during the evening I 'll check with my people and see if we can sweeten our offer a bit .

    我没有权限可以再提高 价格,但晚上我会和 内部的人 谈谈,看看能不能 提出更好的 价格

  • That suggests bankers felt pressure to sweeten the deal for investors in the euro notes .

    这似乎表明银行家感受到压力,不得不 欧元债券的投资者得到 更多 甜头

  • Let her go and I 'll sweeten the deal .

    让她走,我将 使交易

  • Sweeten one 's child with the promise of a toy .

    以答应买玩具 小孩。

  • We are learning to sweeten and expand our music to create a cycle of homecoming ahead .

    我们正在学会 甜美 并扩展我们的音乐,来创造一个前方回家的周期。

  • You can add fruit purees to the yogurt to create a range of flavours but DO NOT SWEETEN YOGURT WITH HONEY ( see baby foods to avoid for more information ) .

    你可以在酸奶中加入水果浓汤来创造某种口味的酸奶,但千万不要 酸奶中加入蜂蜜来提高 甜度

  • Apples sweeten in the dark .

    苹果 在黑暗中。

  • And sweeten the romance of love .

    爱情有了 变得 更加 甜蜜、浪漫。

  • Although a natural alternative such as honey can be used to sweeten food if it is necessary we can in fact do without it .

    如果必要的话,我们可以用像蜜糖之类的天然替代品来 增加食物的 甜度,然而事实上不用也行。

  • I think you should try to sweeten him before you ask him for the loan .

    我想你在向他借钱之前应先 开心

  • Remove the tea bags and add the lemon juice and sweeten if you like .

    把茶袋拿走,加上柠檬汁和 甜味 (如果你喜欢)。

  • Speaking of salad ingredients alfalfa sprouts also help cleanse your system and sweeten your breath .

    提到可以作为色拉配料的苜蓿芽,它也能帮助净化体内各系统、 清新口气。

  • The pears will sweeten as they ripen .


  • Many Americans choose to add sugar to sweeten the drink or lemon to add to the flavor .

    许多美国人会加些糖来 增加 甜甜的口感或者增加柠檬来加味。

  • Sweeten dishes sparingly with honey or concentrated apple or pear juice .

    一点蜂蜜或浓缩苹果汁或梨汁, 菜带点 甜味

  • It may also increase pressure on BHP to sweeten its current offer .

    搅局,还可能会 必和必拓 面临提高目前报价的压力。

  • To sweeten up this disastrous night .

    给这个悲伤的夜晚一 甜蜜

  • If you sweeten it you are no longer tasting the tea you are merely tasting the sugar ; you could make similar drink by dissolving sugar in plain hot water .

    如果你在茶里加糖,使茶 ,你就再也尝不到真正的茶之味,你喝到的也许只有甜味了,这 在热水里加糖又有多大的区别呢?

  • Sweeten to taste with a drizzle of raw honey or pure maple syrup .

    另外 可加入少量生蜂蜜或纯枫糖浆 增加 甜度

  • I always sweeten my tea with honey .

    我总是 茶里加点蜂蜜, 让茶

  • To sweeten the deal for China Russia has offered Chinese oil companies the chance to invest directly in its upstream .

    为了 增加协议对中国的 吸引力,俄罗斯向中国石油企业提供了直接投资于上游业务的机会。

  • He liberally sweetened his coffee


  • She had been careful to sweeten the deal with a rather generous cash payment .

    她一直 为审慎,想要通过支付大量现金 促成 这笔交易。

  • They were to cleanse and sweeten the world in which they lived to keep it from decay to give a new and more wholesome flavor to human existence .

    他们要净化和 美化这个他们生存的世界,避免它 陷入堕落的深渊,并给予人类的存在一个新的和更加完整的意义。

  • Children sweeten labors ; but they make misfortune more bitter .

    子女 使辛劳 为甜蜜,使不幸更加苦涩。