swimming bladder

[ˈswɪmɪŋ ˈblædɚ][ˈswɪmɪŋ ˈblædə]


  • An interesting example swimming bladder curve is supplied which shows out the banding properties of the closed curves in space forms of minor curvature .

    给出了一个负曲率空间型中体现曲线弯曲性质的具体的例子: 鱼鳔线。

  • It is luxurious and traditionally uses its eight main ingredients : fin sea cucumber abalone asparagus prawns and ham . The stock is flavored with fish 's swimming bladder and fish bones .

    这道菜十分豪华,它传统上使用八种主要配料:鱼翅、海参、鲍鱼、芦笋、对虾以及火腿食料要用鱼 和鱼骨来调味。