You give your love so sweetly .
你给我的爱是那么的 甜美。
Praying working trusting sweetly all the way .
一路的 甘甜祷告,相信,作为。
He looked at Daisy who was smiling sweetly at him .
他看着正朝他 甜蜜微笑着的黛西。
Prince William kissed his bride twice sweetly on the balcony .
威廉王子和他的新娘在阳台上 接了两个 甜蜜的吻。
Linda sang the most sweetly in the contest and became the champion .
在比赛中,琳达唱得最 悦耳 动听,结果获得了冠军。
We sleep peacefully dream sweetly and speak freely .
我们安详地睡觉, 甜甜 地做梦,自由地谈话。
The bicycle runs sweetly .
这辆车骑 起来 很 轻快。
The baby smiled at me so sweetly .
这婴儿朝我 咪咪笑。
He heard the car engine running sweetly beyond the open door .
他听到敞开的门口外的汽车引擎运转 正常。
For part I remarked sweetly that we seemed to be between the devil and the deep sea .
我 自己 则 直言不讳 地说,我们已置身于魔鬼和深渊之间。
And now my heart and I are sweetly singing
如今我和我心都在 欢唱
I do worry though about Hawking 's sweetly divine faith in humanity .
霍金对于人类的神圣又 美好的信仰,着实让我担忧。
She held the cake in one hand and smiled sweetly .
她一手拿 著 心型蛋糕, 面上 展露出 甜美的笑容。
I 'm not really @ I smiled sweetly .
“我并不讨厌,”我 甜甜的笑了。
He could strike the ball as sweetly as when he was 28 years younger .
他击球可以和28年前一样 准。
How can the bird sing so sweetly ?
这只鸟怎么可以唱得如此 甜呢?
It was possible that the sweetly sonorous hymns stimulated me .
这洪亮 悦耳的圣歌是能够刺激我的。
I 'm in the pink fruit-kep sweetly by your kiss .
你的吻,将我 甜在粉红色果蓝里。
They explore the unknown world together sweetly it is a fortune which money can not offer .
年轻的两个人一同 甜蜜 地 去探索和 经历未知的世界,那是金钱不能拥有的财富。
No angel no archangel can sing it so sweetly as I can .
没有一个天使能唱得象我们这么 好听。
On some level though it 's just the sweetly simple tale of a boy and his dog .
然而在某种程度上,它只是一 则男孩与 狗的普通故事。
It 's nice to have variety she would answer sweetly .
变换花样总是好的嘛,她会 温柔 地回答。
He says sweetly motioning his fork .
他用餐叉指了指他的碟子, 亲切 地问道。
She sings as sweetly as an angel .
她歌唱得像天使一样 甜。
Your own ? she said sweetly . You betrayed me .
“你自己的?”她 甜甜的说。“你背叛了我。”
The nightingale sings sweetly at night .
这只夜莺夜里唱得 很 好听。
Daily lessons teach the girls how to sing and dance and how to smile sweetly .
每天课程内容包括教会这些女孩怎么样唱歌和跳舞,还包括怎么样笑 得 更 甜。
Just tell her I love you ! and it would make her smile so sweetly .
告诉她,“我爱你!”她 听了一定会 喜笑颜开。
' Thank you ' said the Marquis & very sweetly indeed .
谢谢你,侯爵说&口气十分 甜蜜。