


  • Later it took a $ 200 million write-down on a business just one year after buying it .

    之后,该公司在收购了一项业务仅一年后就 冲销了2亿美元的 相关 资产

  • Meanwhile the tax department should carry out the preferential policy to lessen the loss caused by fixed assets write-down .

    同时建议税务部门对固定资产 减值损失酌情给予 部分税收优惠政策。

  • The amount of any write-down of inventories to net realisable value and all losses of inventories are recognised as an expense in the period the write-down or loss occurs .

    将存货 至可变现净值之任何数额及所有存货亏损于撇减或亏损产生之期间确认为开支。

  • The introduction of environmental laws and regulations may involve an obligation to recognize impairment of assets and consequently a need to write-down the carrying value .

    环境法规的绪论可以包含认可资产受损及由此而 记录的损失价值的职责。

  • On November 20 2012 Whitman announced an 85 % $ 8.8 billion write-down of the 2011 acquisition .

    2012年11月20日,惠特曼宣布对这 2011年的收购 交易 88亿美元, 幅度高达85%。

  • We need a process that is known in advance includes the efficient and orderly write-down of assets and restructuring of debt and draws on public funds only as a last resort .

    我们需要一个人们知道正处于进步 之中的程序,包括有效和有序的资产 和债务重组,并把公共资金仅仅作为最后的稻草。

  • One reason financial institutions are in trouble is because they keep having to write-down the value of the assets as they fall in price .

    导致金融机构陷入 当前困境的一个原因是资产价格的下跌令这些机构不得不对 资产进行 减值 处理

  • Write-down reducing the book value of an asset because it is overvalued compared to market values .


  • The purpose of these is to make up the defect of the standard and to promote the feasibility of the standard so that the enterprise will conduct the write-down reserve of assets willingly and the authenticity of accounting information can be assured .

    旨在弥补准则缺陷,提高准则的 实务操作性,促进企业开展资产 减值 核算的积极性,保证会计信息的真实可靠。

  • And this is actually a slight improvement from around a 90 % write-down back in 2010 .

    比起2010年, 情况 经略有好转。

  • The purchase will result in a $ 1.1 billion write-down .

    此次交易将导致11亿美元的 冲销

  • Some suggestions on the Write-down Reserve Account of Fixed Assets and Intangible Assets

    关于固定资产、无形资产 减值准备核算的几点建议

  • Building it back up to second-quarter levels would cause another big hit to earnings already set to be hammered by a big Merrill Lynch write-down .

    要将这个 比例恢复到第二财季水平的话,美国银行的业绩在遭受美林公司(MerrillLynch)大笔 冲销 带来的冲击 之外,可能还要再次 承受沉重 压力

  • Debt write-down schemes temporarily elevated inflation and meaningful structural reform can still substantially shorten the normally long window of slow post-financial crisis growth .

    债务 方案、暂时抬高通胀和有切实意义的结构性调整,仍能显著缩短金融危机后一般会很漫长的缓慢增长期。