wrongful acts

[法] 不当行为,不法行为,非法行为

  • This paper advanced the concept of wrongful enterprise acts in an attempt to place emphasis on the organizational status of enterprise after an ethic analysis of the type and causes of wrongful acts by enterprises .

    针对这一现状,本文提出不当企业组织行为这一概念,运用契约理论对 不当企业组织 行为的类型、成因进行伦理分析,凸现企业的组织身份。

  • He always does wrongful acts .

    他经常 为非作歹

  • I am opposed to people justifying their wrongful acts with the fact that they had a broken family or their parents were always too busy to give them time .

    我反对有些人以家庭不幸或父母太忙没有时间照顾他们为理由为自己 错误 行为找托辞。

  • For example in the area of private law there are three basicprinciples : 1 . the inviolability of ownership 2 . mandatory force of contract ; 3.compensation for all the damage caused by wrongful acts must be the principle .

    例如,在私法领域,有三个基本原则:1.所有权不可侵犯;2.契约的强制性力量;3.所有 不法 行为造成的损害都必须得到赔偿的原则。

  • Draft Articles on the Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts adopted by the International Law Commission of the United Nations in November of 2001 was a milestone of this domain .

    2001年11月联合国国际法委员会第53 会议通过了《国家对国际 不法 行为的责任条款草案》,取得了具有某种突破性质的进展。

  • An Ethical Analysis of Wrongful Enterprise Acts

    企业组织 不当 行为的伦理分析

  • International organizations as subjects of international law should take the legal responsibility for its internationally wrongful acts .

    国际组织作为国际法主体,与国家一样也应当为其国际 不法 行为承担法律责任。

  • Constituents of Responsibility for International Wrongful Acts New Discussion on Constitutive Requirements of Liability for Damages in Divorce

    论国际 不当 行为责任的构成要件离婚损害赔偿责任构成要件新论