writing scan

[ˈraɪtɪŋ skæn][ˈraitiŋ skæn]


  • Perhaps it 's because the act of writing primes your brain to scan the environment looking for opportunities that will take you toward your objectives .

    也许那是因为 的动作为你的大脑准备好了,让它来 扫描环境来寻求将你朝着目标迈进的机会。

  • The software can fulfill the function of reading and writing the data of NEUR SCAN ' files such as CNT and AVG and translating between the CNT 、 AVG and DAT . These are the basis of further research in EEG signal processing system software .

    NEUROSCAN的CNT、AVG等格式数据的读 ,及其与DAT等格式之间的转换,为脑电处理系统软件的研究奠定了一定的基础。