xanthan gum

[ˈzænθən gʌm][ˈzænθæn gʌm]


  • The results showed that xanthan gum solution behaved like pseudoplastic fluid and the relationship between its viscosity and shear rate could be described by the power-law model .

    结果表明: 胶水溶液为假塑性流体,幂律模型能很好地关联其流变方程;

  • The stability was the best with the proportion of2:3:1 of CMC xanthan gum and guar gum .

    复合配比中,CMC、 、瓜尔豆胶的配比为2:3:1时,乳的稳定性最好。

  • Progress of spreading xanthan gum in petroleum engineering technology and its direction of re-innovation

    石油工程技术推广 应用 的新进展及再创新选向

  • Studies on the Synthesis and Characterization of Graft Acrylamide onto Xanthan Gum


  • There was a synergistic interaction maximum when the ratio of xanthan gum and amophophallus gum was70 / 30 the total polysaccharide concentration was1 .


  • The experiment of Rhodia MY900 multiple lactics cultures and the CMC Xanthan gum Modified starch and mixed stabilizers in the stirred yogurt were studied .

    使用罗地亚MY900复合乳酸菌剂和CMC、 、变性淀粉、复合稳定剂,对搅拌型酸奶进行应用试验。

  • However gel strength would decrease when adding xanthan gum and konjac flour to surimi in natural pH.

    而在鱼糜自然pH下,添加 和魔芋胶会影响鲢鱼糜凝胶形成,降低其凝胶强度。

  • The fermentation conditions of Xanthomonas Campestris and separation technique of xanthan gum was introduced .

    探讨了用野生油菜黄单孢菌发酵生产 的发酵条件及其提纯分离的技术。

  • Cassia bean gum showed highly synergic with Xanthan gum and Carrageenan but not synergic with Guar gum .

    决明子胶与 、卡拉胶具有明显的协效性,与瓜尔豆胶无协效性。

  • The progress in the biochemistry fermentation technology product reprocess and application of Xanthan gum is reviewed with 35 references .

    综述了 的生物化学、发酵工艺、产品后处理及其应用等方面的进展。

  • Rheological properties of xanthan gum and its applications in food and chemical industries were summarized .

    综述了 溶液的流变特性,以及 溶液的流变特性在食品工业及化学工业中的应用;

  • Effect of oxygen vector ( n-hexane ) on Xanthan gum fermentation

    氧载体(正己烷)对 发酵的影响

  • Mobility of starch chains were reduced due to the addition of xanthan gum which could be explained by the declined leakage of amylose .

    的加入使得体系中链段运动性降低,表现为直链淀粉渗漏量随着 配比增加而减少。

  • Effect of xanthan gum ( XG ) on properties of tapioca starch ( TS ) was studied .

    本文研究了 对木薯淀粉糊性质的影响。

  • Studies on the grafting of acrylamide onto xanthan gum by co-irradiation and its application performance


  • Results showed : for special flour xanthan gum ( 0.3 % ) guar gum ( 0.8 % ) carrageenan ( 0.6 % ) sodium polyacrylate ( 0.05 % ) added extension area and wet gluten content is highest levels ;

    结果表明:对于特一粉, (0.3%)、瓜尔豆胶(0.8%)、卡拉胶(0.6%)、聚丙烯酸钠(0.05%)添加时,拉伸面积和湿面筋含量最高;

  • The graft copolymerization of acrylamide onto xanthan gum initiated by ammonium persulfate in aqueous medium was studied under a nitrogen atmosphere .

    以过硫酸铵为引发剂,在氮气保护下,研究了 与丙烯酰胺的接枝共聚反应。

  • Viscosity Behaviors of Aqueous Solution of Xanthan Gum Graft Copolymers

    丙烯酰胺 接枝共聚物水溶液粘性行为研究

  • The xanthan gum is important because it has higher temperature stability than guar gum .


  • Preparation and application of sepiolite / xanthan gum compound flocculant

    海泡石/ 复合絮凝剂的制备及应用研究

  • Increasing effect of microwave mutation on properties of xanthan gum

    微波诱变提高 的主要理化性能

  • Study on Processing and Formula of Jelly Using the Xanthan Gum and Carrageenan


  • The rheology of a compound system of Gleditsia sinensis gum with xanthan gum was studied .

    对皂荚胶与 的最佳配比及其复配 流变性进行了研究。

  • Study on Influencing Factors of in Vitro Release of Aspirin κ - Carrageenan / Xanthan Gum Matrix Tablet

    影响κ-卡拉胶/ 骨架片体外释药因素的研究

  • This use of xanthan gum produced by Xanthomonas campestris represents a large potential market for this microbial product .

    野油菜黄单胞杆菌产生的 ,经使用表明这种微生物产品拥有巨大的潜在市场。

  • Results show that sodium alginate imparted a superior stability characteristic on juice than carrageenan and xanthan gum .

    结果表明,海藻酸钠对百合汁的稳定作用比卡拉胶和 更好。

  • This tumor has gelatinous material within it . Gelation and rheology of degraded xanthan gum with degraded guar gum

    肿瘤内含胶冻样物质。降解 与降解瓜胶凝胶体系的流变性研究

  • Printing behaviours of xanthan gum are compared with those of alginate and acrylic acid .

    比较了 与海藻酸钠和丙烯酸类合成 的各项 流变 指数和印花性能。

  • In this article fermentation condition of Xanthan Gum in airlift fermentor was studied .

    本文利用气升式发酵罐研究了 的发酵工艺。

  • Glycerin Water Purified Xylitol Sorbitol Propylene Glycol Pectin Xanthan Gum Silica Apple Flavor ( Natural ) Banana Flavor ( Natural ) Calcium Lactate Aloe Vera .

    甘油,过滤水,木糖醇,山梨醇,丙二醇,果胶, ,二氧化硅,苹果口味(天然),香蕉口味(天然),乳酸钙,芦荟。