written statement

[ˈrɪtn ˈstetmənt][ˈrɪtn ˈsteitmənt]


  • The first step for those wishing to participate is to submit a written statement .

    希望参加会议的人员的第一步是提交一份 书面 陈述

  • On Wednesday his office said in a written statement that it was reviewing the ruling and will make final determination of whether or not to appeal one or more of the issues in the decision within the coming weeks .

    周三,雷耶斯办公室发表的一份 书面 声明中称判决正在复审当中,并在接下来的几周中会最终决定是否对该案的判决提起上诉。

  • A formal written statement of relinquishment .

    正式的 书面放弃证明。他 声明放弃会长一职。

  • Words of mouth being no guarantee a written statement is hereby given .

    空口无凭, 立字为证。

  • In a written statement issued as they met in London they announced the first substantive round of arms talks between their two countries in more than a decade .

    两位领导人在伦敦会见之后发表的 书面 声明宣布了10年多来两国首次实质性的武器问题会谈。

  • Submitting a written statement concerning the entry of his or its international application into the Chinese national phase .

    (一)提交其国际申请进入中国国家阶段的 书面 声明

  • We 're remastering the whole Beatles catalog just to make it sound brighter and better he said in a written statement submitted to the High Court in London earlier this month .

    本月初,他在提交给伦敦高级法院的一份 书面 申明中说:“目前我们正在重新灌制乐队的所有专辑,目的是要让这些歌曲听起来更清晰,效果更好”。

  • The death of President Omar Bongo was announced in a written statement from Gabon 's Prime Minister Jean Eyeghe Ndong released by the Quiron hospital in Barcelona .

    加蓬总理恩东在由巴塞罗那一家医院发表的 书面 声明中宣布了总统奥马尔·邦戈的死讯。

  • Where no written statement of requirement is available for an order received by verbal means the manufacturer shall ensure that the order requirements are agreed before their acceptance ;

    如系口头订货,没有 书面的要求依据时,制造业者应确保在接受之前,订单之要求事项均已获同意;

  • They will provide you with a written statement to this effect .

    他们将给你一份 书面 声明 表明这个意思。

  • The office of Prime Minister David Cameron said a written statement would be made to parliament later Tuesday .

    首相大卫卡梅伦的办公室在说,一份 书面 声明将在星期二晚些时候向国会发表。

  • In a written statement McCain said Obama is utterly confused by the progress in the war in Iraq .

    麦凯恩在一份 书面 声明中说,奥巴马对伊拉克战争的进展“完全不了解”。

  • The typically media-shy Mr. Ng who lives in Macau and Hong Kong but also has Portuguese citizenship responded to the criticism with a written statement .

    吴志诚生活在澳门和香港,但也有葡萄牙国籍。通常不愿见媒体的吴志诚发表了一份 书面 声明来回应批评。

  • Her views wee fully set forth in a written statement .

    她的观点在一篇 书面 声明中得到了充分的阐述。

  • For these reasons we do not make a written statement the test of faith .

    因为这些理由,我们不使一份 书面 陈述成为信心的测试。

  • The user should review and correct this written statement .

    用户应该反复地阅读和修改这份 书面 报告

  • In a written statement he said the President caved into political correctness .

    他在一份 书面 声明中说,“总统是屈服于政治正确的压力。”

  • A written statement of acceptance will not be sent .

    他们不会单独出局 书面的接收函。

  • On your appointment you will be issued with a written statement of particulars of employment

    正式任命时,你会拿到一份关于雇用细则的 书面 声明

  • Mr Geithner then submitted a written statement to Congress that said : President Obama - backed by the conclusions of a broad range of economists believes that China is manipulating its currency .

    盖特纳当时向美国国会递交的一份 书面 声明称:奥巴马相信,中国在操纵自己的货币。大量经济学家的结论都支持这一观点。

  • Among those who offered condolences were President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle who said in a written statement that Jobs was among the greatest of American innovators .

    在成千上万的哀悼者当中,包括了美国总统奥巴马和第一夫人米歇尔。他们在一份 书面 声明中说,乔布斯是美国历来最伟大的创新者之一。

  • A short written statement outlining the terms of an agreement a transaction or a contract .

    交易备忘录一简要的 书面 申明记载有一协议交易或合同的各项条件摘要。

  • According to a written statement Maj.

    根据一份 书面 声明上说,托马斯。

  • A written statement of the grounds of complaint made to court law asking for the grievance to be redressed .

    给法庭出据的请求 伸冤 书面控告。

  • A written representation is a written statement by management provided to the auditor to confirm certain matters or to support other audit evidence .

    书面 声明,是 管理层向注册会计师提供的书面陈述,用以确认某些事项或支持其他审计证据。

  • The disappearance came to light in the course of surveys of monuments and it is not feasible to fix individual responsibility he said in a written statement to Parliament .

    “我们是在对历史古迹进行调查的过程中发现古迹消失的,把责任归咎于个人是不可行的,”他在向议会提交的 书面 声明中写道。