
[计] X.25标准

  • Using the X.25 packet layer to supply OSI network services for the higher level networks

    利用 X.25分组层向高层提供OSI网络层服务

  • Through describing the form and topological structure of the national earthquake communication network system this paper briefly introduces some key technological issues in project construction mainly including application of Packet Switching Network ( X.25 ) and Router in network connections ;

    系统描述了全国地震通信网络系统构成和拓扑结构,简要介绍了在项目建设中遇到的一些关键技术问题,主要包括:分组交换网( X.25)和路由器在联网中的应用;

  • 25 Frame Relay and ATM


  • The Application and Maintenance of Meteorological Information Network of X.25


  • Frame relay and X.25

    帧中继与 X.25

  • Design and implementation of streams based ip / x.25 software

    基于STREAMS机制的 IP/X.25软件的设计与实现

  • Application of X.25 in Office Automation

    25 技术在办公自动化中的应用

  • Technology of X.25 Data Access in ATM Networks

    ATM网络的 X.25数据接入技术

  • Long-distance network way through WAN by DDN X.25 ISDN and the communication by 2M the El line in the meantime are supported . Under this way pronunciation and image may be transmitted simultaneously .

    系统的组网方式 非常 灵活系统 支持通过DDN、 X.25、ISDN等广域网进行的远距离组网方式、同时也支持2M的E1线路进行通讯,在这种方式下,可同时传递语音和图像。

  • Please enter an X.25 address on the next screen .

    请在下一个屏幕上输入一个 x.25地址。

  • L2TP VPN as a second layer of VPN technology because of simple can support multi-protocol ( which can carry IP X.25 frame relay or ATM ATM point-to-point protocol frames ) and many other advantages in the VPN market occupy an important role .

    L2TPVPN作为第二层的VPN技术,由于简单易行,可支持多协议(可承载IP、 X.25、帧中继或异步传输模式ATM的点对点协议帧)等诸多优点在VPN市场上占有重要角色。