wrought aluminum alloy

[rɔt əˈlumənəm ˈælˌɔɪ][rɔ:t əˈlu:mənəm ˈælɔi]

[机] 锻铝合金

  • Ultrasonic testing method for products of wrought aluminum alloy

    GB/T6519-1986 变形 合金产品超声波检验方法

  • New Designation and Temper for Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy The Expression Method of Electronic Countermeasure Situation Based on Mission State Space

    变形 及铝 合金新的牌号与状态表示方法基于任务状态空间的 战场电子对抗态势表示方法研究

  • Influence of Ce on microstructure and fatigue properties of wrought aluminum alloy

    Ce的加入对 变形 合金组织与疲劳性能的影响

  • Test pieces for tensile test for wrought aluminum and magnesium and their alloy products

    GB/T16865-1997 变形 、镁及其 合金加工制品拉伸试验用试样

  • Properties of Coatings by Micro-arc Oxidation in Different Electrolytes of Wrought Aluminum Alloy

    变形 合金在不同电解液中微弧氧化涂层的性能

  • Comparative Study on the Semisolid Forming Process between Cast Aluminum Alloy and Wrought Aluminum Alloy

    铸造铝合金与 变形 合金半固态触变成形的比较研究

  • In recent years the market demand for wrought aluminum alloy wire is getting greater and greater but the traditional production process has low efficiency poor quality a bit of product type difficult to meet the market demand .

    近年来, 变形 合金线材在市场上的需求量越来越大,但是 合金线材的传统生产工艺效率低,质量差、产品种类少,难以满足市场需求。

  • Effect of Ce on the structure of Al-Mg-Si wrought aluminum alloy

    稀土元素Ce对 Al-Mg-Si 变形 合金组织的影响

  • Methods of sampling for analysing the chemical composition of wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy

    GB/T17432-1998 变形 及铝 合金化学成分分析取样方法

  • Analysis and Evaluation on Extrudability of Wrought Aluminum Alloy

    变形 合金可挤压性的分析与评价

  • One-piece Wrought Aluminum Alloy Wheel and Its Development

    整体式 锻造 合金车轮及其发展