abbr.Washington Star <美><华盛顿明星报>

  • Using the provided WS response template-aware WSDL the client invokes the service .

    客户机将通过使用提供的可识别 WS响应模板的WSDL调用服务。

  • He ws on remand when he committed suicide .

    他在 候审期间自杀了。

  • The SOAP message shows the WS-AT headers which demonstrate the propagation of transaction to the WS interface .

    SOAP消息显示了WS-ATheader信息,该信息演示了事务到 WS接口的传播内容。

  • The output is a services model that is WS response template-aware .

    输出是一个可识别 WS响应模板的服务模型。

  • There are also several tables in this list with names beginning with WS_or WC_ .

    在表格中还有一些表格, 它们的名字 WS orWC开始。

  • As an added benefit the MOMs work well with the legacy non-WS applications you have in your organization .

    另一个好处是,MOM可以与组织中遗留的 WS应用程序 配合

  • The WS response template pattern makes the service interface more flexible .


  • WS-Atomic Transaction and WS-Coordination are web services based but they have poor performance .

    WS 原子事务和WS协作都是web服务的基础,但是它们的性能都很差。

  • We begin with a simple scenario for which the existing WS technology stack ( WSDL UDDI SOAP ) is sufficient .

    我们先从简单的情景开始说起,在这个情景中,现有的 WS技术协议栈(WSDL、UDDI和SOAP)是够用的。

  • Also inclusion of data modeling and alignment with WS Standards .

    此外,还包含了数据建模和向 WS标准的靠拢。

  • The metadata can provide information like WS - * compliance business criticality and so on .

    元数据可以提供诸如是否遵循 Web 服务 规范、业务关键性等信息。

  • To satisfy these non-functional requirements we use the WS response template pattern .

    为了满足这些非功能需求,我们将使用 WS响应模板模式。

  • Add a WS_FAULT parameter as the last parameter of your method ( it must be the last parameter ) .

    添加一个 WS FAULT参数,作为方法的最后一个参数(它必须是最后一个参数)。

  • WS Broker guarantees the migration consistency and improves the migration performance .


  • Extra Overhead : The WS response template solutions does have some extra overhead .

    额外系统开销: WS响应模板解决方案不会带来额外的系统开销。

  • The ServiceSpecification Parameter : The Service Specification where the WS response template pattern will be applied .

    ServiceSpecification参数:将应用 WS响应模板模式的服务规范。

  • The WS response template pattern specification details the context the problem and the repeatable solution that the pattern provides .


  • The figure shows the different connections scenarios in both the WebSocket ( ws : / / ) and WebSocket Secure ( wss : / / ) cases with explicit and transparent proxy servers .

    这张图展示了在WebSocket( ws://)与WebSocket安全(wss://)两种情况中使用显式的和透明的代理服务器建立连接的不同场景。

  • The ws_log.log file can be checked for debug messages .

    可以 查看 ws log.log文件调试消息。

  • Please refer the job named WS_ArrayOutv1 in the attachment for this scenario .

    请参考这个场景的附件 WS ArrayOutv1的作业。

  • Lotus Domino V8 handles custom errors that are extensions of the WS_Fault class .

    LotusDominoV8处理的自定义错误是 WS Fault类的扩展。

  • This overhead is not excessive but WS response template is obviously not as effective in all cases .

    此系统开销并不太大,但 WS响应模板显然并不是在所有情况下都有效。

  • The requester then invokes the WS response template implementation with a key and a request template .

    然后,请求者将使用密钥和请求模板来调用 WS响应模板实现。

  • ADB was tested heavily during recent WS interoperability workshops ( see Resources ) .

    最近的 WS互操作性研讨会中对ADB进行了大量的测试(请参见参考资料)。

  • In addition extra code is executed on the server to process a WS response Template request .

    此外,将在服务器上执行额外的代码,以处理 WS响应模板请求。

  • The WS response template-aware WSDL and XSD can be generated from this new service model .

    可以从这个新服务模型生成能识别 WS响应模板的WSDL和XSD。

  • Level of granularity for services : The WS response templates patterns will reduce the granularity of Web services .

    服务的粒度级别: WS响应模板模式将降低Web服务的粒度级别。

  • This example added a Web service named ws_visa_valid with three input parameters and one output parameter .

    这个示例添加一个名为 ws visa valid的Web服务, 服务有三个输入参数和一个输出参数。

  • Can you supply us with WS and declared related substances on receiving of material ?

    你们能向我们提供 WS并且在收到相关的材料时显示相关的物质吗?