writing head

[ˈraɪtɪŋ hɛd][ˈraitiŋ hed]


  • Schamus Lee 's writing and producing partner is a Hollywood rarity a writer who wields power as head of his own production and distribution outfit .


  • In writing Mike is head and shoulders above the rest of the class .

    写作方面,麦克 远远超出班里的其他人。

  • So you can think of a new line as being rolling the paper up so you 're on a new line but a carriage return moves the cursor or moves that writing head all the way back to the left .

    你们可以把换行想象成翻纸,把 回车当做是将光标,移动到最左边。

  • In the case of beer clients specify in writing exactly how much head they want on top .

    在啤酒的情况下,客户以 书面指明他们到底有多少 顶部想要的。

  • Design of Laser Direct Writing System with Changeable Double or Single Beam Optical Head

    双、单光束互换光学 方光斑激光直 系统设计

  • The techniques of writing a head nurse competitive speech

    撰写 护士长竞聘演讲稿的技巧

  • He was writing and without raising his head coolly replied Just as you please .

    父亲正在 写信也没抬起来,只是冷冷地对她们说:随你们的便。

  • The act of writing helps to close the circle of ideas from your head to your hand and back to your head .

    写作这一过程能够让想法从 脑袋 的碎片变成文字上的完整,然后再度回到你的思考里面去。

  • There 'll be plenty of time for starting businesses writing books creating art and solving the world 's problems in your head .

    对于你而言,还有大把的时间去创业、 写书、创作, 解决那些你考虑的世界问题。

  • This paper introduces the structure and operating principle of high density double unit reading writing films magnetic head .

    简单介绍了双元件薄膜读 磁头的结构和工作原理。

  • I am writing you again because I am alone and because it troubles me always to have a dialogue with you in my head without your knowing anything about it or hearing it or being able to answer .

    我又给你 写信了,因为我现在独自一人,而且我总是感到很难过,经常在 心里和你交谈,但你一点也不知道,既听不到也不能回答我。

  • All plans should be in writing and someone should be responsible for central coordination . When an especially difficult interdepartmental problem arose an ad hoc task force with a responsible head was created .

    所有的计划都应写成 书面 文字,并有专人负责中心协调工作。部会之间遇有特殊困难问题,就成立一个特别小组,由专人 负责

  • Her novels to the attention of the people toward the survival of state struggling to escape get lost to save the existing situations in the writing of performance to be a melon head .

    她的小说把关注的目光投向民众的生存状态,挣扎、逃离、迷失、拯救的生存境况在 须一瓜 下表现得 淋漓尽致

  • The backside acts as a magnetic shield to prevent writing through the layer of tape nearest the head to the layer of tape underneath the layer of tape being written to .

    背面作为磁屏蔽,以防止透过最靠近 磁头的一层磁带而 写入在正在写入的那层磁带下面的一层磁带上。

  • A daily writing habit gives you regular time to sweep your mind for forgotten tasks and ideas that have been fermenting in the back of your head without your knowledge .

    每天 写作给予你固定的时间去进行大脑的清理,去让位给一些已经被你忘在 脑后的任务或者想法。

  • In recording the rate of movement of the re-cording material past the reading or writing head .

    在记载技术中,记载资料经过读 的活动速度。

  • Nothing prevents you from writing some perfectly hideous code and then scratching your head over how you are going to test it .

    您可以很轻松地 编写一些非常恶劣的代码,然后费劲 脑筋地想办法测试。

  • I always had some writing assignment hanging over my head .

    总是有很多 写作任务摊在我 面前